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Everything posted by carpedium

  1. I am interested in the rod holders and planer masts, could you please send/post pics? Thanks
  2. Thanks for the support, Les! It's shocking to me how indifferent we are as a culture to this stuff.
  3. In July I started a facebook page with the intent of bringing the stories of fallen warriors onto peoples news feeds on facebook. My reasoning behind this is based on the fact that even though a soldier dies almost every day or two, you never hear about them. If you do it's only because they are local or it is a two second blurb. My feeling is that these men and women are heros, deserve to have their story told and be remembered for their sacrifice. The modern news media thinks you would rather hear about the personal life of an athlete, celebrity or politician. If you do, that's fine - carry on. If you don't, and you want to spend a second every couple days to reflect on the cost of freedom, then feel free to "Like" my page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/honoringtodaysfallen *Sorry if this thread breeches any forum rules. I am posting this in order to raise awareness. I don't make any money or promote anything commercially*
  4. Congratulations on the new addition, Chad! Love the threads...
  5. A great time as always, Thanks to everyone that put in the time to make it happen!
  6. My weekend just free'd up, and it's too last minute for all of my normal fishing buddies. Split all costs and winnings. Is there any interest? I have an 18' Aluminum boat with all the gear needed.
  7. There is a post on the facebook page in reply to this topic. I think people assume that a reply to the facebook post is an actual reply to the topic but it isn't. "would LOVE to get as many salmon as poss to maintain fish diet and feed many whom cant make it or afford the lake ontario experience !"
  8. the pour-in foams will eventually break down and absorb water like a sponge, this takes time, however true closed cell foam like the stuff that you buy as board insulation at home improvement stores will retain their flotation ability for much longer as long as they are not subjected to UV light. Check out my boat rebuild, and feel free to ask questions http://www.lakeontariounited.com/fishing-hunting/topic/28592-decking-replacement-boat-rebuild/
  9. Well, after owning the boat since I was a teenager - It finally has a name.... SNAFU! You know, Situation Normal All F%#$@# Up! Everyone knows that when you own a boat it is always something... especially when you are fishing. Always some kind of tangle... some kind of screw that needs to be tightened... You hear that the motor sounds a little different - what the heck could that be? Well - I have decided to embrace the fact that there will always be something about to go wrong, and there is no reason not to just work through it because hey... all this great Lake O. fishing is well worth it. *This may not be an original boat name - Sorry if you are also SNAFU! You can find the story of how she became what she is here: http://www.lakeontariounited.com/fishing-hunting/index.php/topic/28592-decking-replacement-boat-rebuild/page-8
  10. Thanks for the tip - may have to get my planer reels fixed...
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