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lost a lure

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Everything posted by lost a lure

  1. Why two clips? I have used one before. You can still trip the dipsy to reel it in.
  2. I have the dual dipsy holders. Nice craftsmanship. If you're concerned about the bolt against the tube you can always drill through it.
  3. http://www.seastarsolutions.com/products/hydraulic-new/fittings-new/ GRAINGER MCMASTER CARR Seastar lists the fittings as 3/8 compression 9/16"-24 extra fine thread. Stainless or brass. Do you have any pipe fitter friends in Corning? Loctite PST on pipe threads 1/4" NPT on the helm
  4. Cabela's specials? http://www.cabelas.com/product/Daiwa-Sealinereg-LC5-Linecounter-Reel/1750475.uts?Ntk=AllProducts&searchPath=%2Fcatalog%2Fsearch%2F%3FN%3D%26Ns%3DMIN_SALE_PRICE%26Ntk%3DAllProducts%26Ntt%3Ddaiwa%2Breel%26Ntx%3Dmode%252Bmatchallpartial%26WTz_l%3DHeader%253BSearch-All%2BProducts%26WTz_stype%3DSN%26form_state%3DsearchForm%26search%3Ddaiwa%2Breel%26searchTypeByFilter%3DAllProducts&Ntt=daiwa+reel&WTz_l=Header%3BSearch-All+Products
  5. It's called a rich man's dipsy, because you need a dipsy and a downrigger.
  6. I can't seem to catch any butterfly trout around here.
  7. Better yet, note the Lat and Lon.
  8. I bought my 277 GLE at Arney's. The docks looked fine for that boat.
  9. I think they are mine. Can you send them back to me?
  10. Arney's has floating docks. Fowler's are fixed piers. Staff at Arney's are all nice. I have never dealt with Fowlers personally. A friend of mine moved from Fowler's to Arney's for personal reasons.
  11. Think about this, do you remove the electronics from your vehicle?
  12. No, it is the same unit for both. You can use the NMEA connection to network with any device.
  13. What are you using to link them together?
  14. Try these http://www.mepps.com/press-releases/mepps-spinflex-perfect-for-walleye-smallmouth-fishermen.php
  15. What happened to the video. Put it back on and tell these "professionals" to go piss up a rope. Maybe Jimski2 will fillet your perch for you. I must have watched a different video than the "professional"
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