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Everything posted by Chas0218

  1. I don't set the hook but get the tip up fast and reel as fast as possible to take out slack. If there is no slack in the line I just lift the tip and reel sometimes I just hold on because they are running drag.
  2. Chas0218

    Long weekend

    Might be my father in law took 2 on Sat. early A.M. but I couldn't agree more with the amount of sun and calm water it isn't going to help. I am thinking that I might do another late night trip this coming weekend if I can get up to camp early enough in the afternoon.
  3. Chas0218

    Long weekend

    My screen looked just like this in BRB I couldn't get a bit. I was fishing next to Gene out there for a little bit he also didn't move a rod the whole time I was out there so I didn't feel as bad. I fished in front of cherry, across in front of Reeds and Sherwin Bays into BRB where I made a couple passes one down in and back out with nothing to show except a perch.
  4. Chas0218

    Long weekend

    It was high sunny skies with little to no wind so it wasn't the best of conditions anyway. Not to mention the boat traffic, this was the first memorial day I have seen people out tubing and skiing. Surface temp was 68 on Sunday then the SW winds came in and flipped the bay, surface temp yesterday was 60. The fishing is going to suck for the next few days until that water stabilizes.
  5. Chas0218

    Long weekend

    Well it was a less than stellar long weekend I managed a few perch but that was it. I didn't see many people moving rods and other boats I talked with had similar results. I know of 3 other boats that over the 4 day span only managed 5 fish total between them all.
  6. Chas0218

    Long weekend

    Haha You can't miss the old Sea Mist! I'll get a hold of you when I hit the water, I'll be throwing an array of lures at them thats for sure. I'm going to get everything ready tonight so I just have to splash her down and go. I am hoping to be setup by 5am but like you I will be getting in around 11pm so it will be a late night. But hey, Whats walleye fishing without a little sleep deprivation?
  7. Chas0218

    Long weekend

    I'll be heading up to our cottage tonight and hopefully out on the water around 5am. I will keep everyone posted on how i do the next 4 days. I'm hoping this weather forecast stays good they were calling for T-storms and that would surely put a crimp on things.
  8. Might have fried the battery and if any sensitive electronics were connected to it they might have suffered ill effects. Only way to find out is to install new alternator and battery and power everything up.
  9. May want to add a strip of decoy lead to the bottom of the keel and I doubt you will have a problem in big chop. Right now they look a little light but might just be from the photo. Are they molded fiberglass?
  10. No problem guys, I haven't used it before but one of my mechanic buddies swears by it to find leaks.
  11. I'll be up this friday thru monday I'll update if I get any. This past weekend was a work weekend and ended up putting on our new metal roof so I didn't get out after those marble eyes.
  12. They are starting to get a little more active, My buddy caught 3 in Chaumont, all between 4 and 6lbs.
  13. That would mean an end to regulating our waters and probably an end to all fish stocking. What would be the point of stocking fish that will eventually be extinct due to invasive species eating the forage our natural fish need. It is not good news if that is the case.
  14. I would consider making a move to a smaller kicker and maybe a different mechanic. That is way overkill for a 17' boat, I am betting that boat's dry weight isn't over 2,000lbs. I have a 23' proline and run a 2 stroke 8hp kicker and that is enough for my boat. There are guys on here with 30' boats that run a 15hp kicker, I would say way too much motor for your boat.
  15. You might get a little more noise but add a vent to the front so that engine can breathe a little. I know most will say you don't need it but it will help circulate the heat in the smaller dog house.
  16. I don't run them with my kicker because I kicker wouldn't be able to push the boat fast enough with my bags out.
  17. Do not pull the hose without the tubing on it the pumps are not water tight meaning they rely on the head pressure from being above the water line to keep your boat from filling with water. Once you pull the tube your pump will become a 2nd drain plug. Get one of the plugs in the link below and put one in the lake side of the pump and one on the bilge side of pump. I would then recommend replacing the hose/tubing. http://www.westmarine.com/search?Ntt=livewell+plug
  18. Looks like you found them! About time someone got into them. I was starting to get a little worried. Was that one in the middle still carrying eggs? A little late for her if she was.
  19. If you are running 2 batteries I would run the kicker on the battery with the accessories attached to it to keep it charged and leave the big motor on its own battery. I don't like the idea of running everything off 1 battery just extra insurance having 2. IF something happened to the starting battery on your big motor you would be able to swap the big motor to the 2nd battery and still fire her up to get back to shore otherwise you would need to use your little motor. Anyone that has been stranded on Lake O. and only having their kicker to get back in will tell you it is a creepy feeling knowing that little motor is your only chance back to shore.
  20. Get some of that UV dye and throw it in both tanks and run her thru the systems to see where it is coming from. This is the dye for gasoline. http://www.amazon.com/Tracer-Products-TP34000601-Fluorescent-Detection/dp/B000JFHNTM Here is a light with glasses. http://www.amazon.com/Mastercool-53517-UV-True-Detection-Flashlight/dp/B00AZJTE2G/ref=pd_rhf_dp_s_cp_4?ie=UTF8&dpID=51FnA72bubL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_SL500_SR135%2C135_&refRID=0D9H0X3PY85W26R5KFEB
  21. Just hook the front webbing to a rope then hook that onto a cleat on the side of the boat with enough slack for the bag to get into the water then hook another rope to the back of the bag and hook that to a rear cleat. Throw the bag over and she will fill up, when you're done pull the rope attached to the rear of the bag and she will come in easily and empty out all the water.
  22. Alright, I will be up all summer starting June 25th. What kind of beer do you like I'm a Bud fan but not many people like that stuff anymore. I'll PM you with details or we can meet up over at Snug harbor or Shangri-la. Your pick!
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