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Everything posted by Nautitroller

  1. Looks like fun! We need a warm spell!! Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  2. Walter, think his name was TOAD! Beauty! Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  3. Wouldn't it make more sense that the lead from flasher to fly would be more important than leader length to the dipsy or ball? I mean that's what they are hitting and a shorter lead means more fly action, taking the fishes temp on what they like is more important imo . Personally I like hand lining fish in from a 14' lead with snubber off my dipsy, and the same lead off my riggers. but I am not adverse to trying new things. Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  4. I'm out fyi , thanks. Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  5. agreed but there are hunter harassment laws that could be turned on those people if you have your ducks in a row. Tough to make waves for neighbors though..Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  6. Maybe 1 out of ten, once the call goes out dispatch calls for the pickup too... Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  7. Copy that, I liked your sense of humor. Just driving around yesterday there were three dead deer on the roads surrounding Ithaca, costs the county $75 per deer to dispose. That adds up for the tax payer, let alone the insurance companies raising our rates... Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  8. Rol,Not sure what you're rolling bud, your thoughts on the deer problem in Ithaca are entertaining. You say seriously to leave them alone well its the same problem in most every small expanding city. Over population, now I would agree that it may be people over populating, but the sad fact is that there are too many car/ deer accidents and we should find a balance with local willing bow hunters to try to reduce the deer population to a balanced level. I have a client that lives in Cayuga heights that has a $40,000 deer fence. One day I witnessed a doe crawl under this fence in a small drainage, she squeezed under less than 4", amazing! Point being these deer are hungry, the little browse they have is gone by this time of year. It is out of a natural balance and it needs to be restored. I hate to see the deer suffer and I hate to see how many deer are killed by vehicles. The insurance companies should be sponsoring the hunters and trying to build a link to the home owners in this area. Just a thought, and yotes yea wait til they get brave enough or hungry enough to grab a tottler. Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  9. would you be willing to donate these to the Spencer Vanetten youth sportsman club? They have an outdoor show Saturday at the SVE highschool , I could drive half way to meet you. Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  10. "She wants a pearl necklace!" ZZ TOP! would be a cool name for a fly... Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  11. Sounds like an awesome ride! Pics would be cool! Didn't win the mega the other night or you would be getting a call! Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  12. Welcome! Ohio is an awesome outdoor activity State! Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  13. True Les, many of my friends are in law enforcement, they are not the ones that would take our guns.... Signed, I wouldn't hesitate to put my address on something like this, we need to band together to take back our rights! Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  14. Are you looking for an offer on the spoons? Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  15. Pap, I always enjoyed reading your posts, simply put you will be missed.. one bad apple, don't let the naysayer ruin it for you. Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  16. Punxsutawney Phill said some obscenities and bit Eds ear. Really surprised some of you Pennsy boys haven't taken out that stupid chuck!! Winter is too long! Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  17. Thanks les, posted same time you did. Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  18. Dec is reporting safe ice out in 5-7' of water, I know it stays shallow for quite a way out of south end, should I just try North end? Longer drive for me.. Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  19. Gonna try Owasco in am any advice? Depth, location? I'm not much of an ice guy. Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  20. Well done! where do you get the clear shrink tube and rattles? Bass- pro? Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  21. Very nice resume. Welcome to the site! Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  22. Makes sense, I sometimes add a few beads too, guess I will look online to get an idea how to Snell backwards , "in my mind".. gonna have to practice that. Thanks Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  23. Just saying that tying the Palomar after the snelled beak makes it tough to get the distance correct. Any advice?? Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
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