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  1. Meyers Launch Cayuga? Looking to see if Meyers Launch is ice free to launch this weekend? Thank you
  2. Treman State Park Boat Launch Has anyone launched at Treman this spring yet? Wondering if the water level is high enough to get a 16 foot deep V in. Also any advice on how to get into some lake trout/brown trout/salmon in early April would be appreciated. Planning on putting the boat in this Sunday, and haven't had too much luck in past years. Thanks!
  3. Cayuga 2/28/17 Launched out of Treman this morning with my Fishmaster 196. No problems with the lake being a little low. Once I got away from the docks the water never got less than 4.5 feet all the way out to the lake. set up and trolled the east side to Myers pt. , turned around and trolled back. Picked up 10 small (9-11 inch) LL, 3 nice LL (20+ inches) and 1 Laker (in 8 feet of water!). Wind picked up at 1:00 and we headed in.
  4. Cayuga Treman Launch Took a ride up rt 89 yesterday. Stopped at Treman launch. My guess would be the lake was down 3 to 4 ft. I would not try to launch my 21ft boat there. There was good color on the south end seemed to break about at the dropoff. Rode up to Deans Cove there was a couple trailers in the parking lot. Its been awhile since I launched out of Deans.So I dont recall how deep the channel is. I would not try to launch my 21ftr. there either. This is just a launch depth report from someone who has tore up props and knocked transducers off the back of the boat in past years. Use your own judgement.This break in the weather has me itchin.
  5. Grand Slam in January! Hit Taughannock this morning at 8am and I was suprised to see more than a few boats out. The lake was as calm as Trump firing Obama. The salmon were out over deep water with scattered bait up high which suprised me for this time of year. Lots of bait was deep and I was marking fish down 110 to 250. The first part of the morning I slowed way down (for me) 1.5 to 1.9. I started out 1 for 6 and couldn't seem to get a fish to stick but the slow speed seemed to be what they wanted. Rigger parked at 55 and 3 color lead core were the salmon takers. Got a few new warrior UV extreme flutter spoons and they were hot. Ran a rigger down 140 to 175 trying to pick a laker or two, their bite was slow but thankfully the big paddle and ironduke uv wild child trolling fly was the ticket for a few lakers. Picked up a buddy at 10 and we fished south. Picked up a small bow and a keeper brown. Overall ended the day with two keeper salmon, two lakers and a brown. I do love Cayuga. Can't beat it for a winter break! The launch is super low and going out into the lake stay as far south as possible. Good luck if ya'll get out!
  6. Fished out of Taughannock about 8:00 am (only boat) tried south with one small Laker. Ended up finding some active fish North of boy scout camp, ended day with nine small Lakers one under sized bow and two salmon that just didn't make 18" hot lure was paddle with Iron duke uv extravaganza and purple alpha alewife They called for wind but it turned out calm, lucky I didn't have my wife with me, sorry babe !!
  7. I was hoping to get some insights on where to go at this time of the year and what to try as a setup. I have ff that we try in October . Was great north of boy-scout camp. I was told trouera are returning to the south end and shalllower water. Any advice would be great. Thanks alll Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  8. Gonna head to cayuga tomorrow any tips from you pros. Appreciate it in advance if your willing to share some secrets. Love to get into any salmon Trout or whatever really. Just fishing Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
  9. Fished today from 0830 to 1630 and had 2 fish to show for it. Fished. All water depths and used all colors and just could not get anything to work for us. Most bait was marked in 60 to 80 foot of water but marked very few fish with the bait. Alot of boat traffic today Wich was expected maybe had something to do with the dismal results. Had a hand full of short strikes but like said before only got 2 in the boat. Hey a tough day on the lake is better than a easy day at work. Best baits to day were black and white spoons with purple tape. Good luck out there. Boat ran rough this morning but smoothed out later in the day.
  10. Hit Deans this morning with my boys and caught 6, 1 laker, 1 brown, 1 rainbow, and 3 landlocked. However, all of the fish were small. Biggest were 2 landlocks, probably 3 pounders. Are most of the fish small, or are there larger ones out there as well?
  11. Heading to Cayuga tomorrow heading out of Myers. Havent been in about a week just curious if anything has changed. Thanks in advance for any info. Will report results tomorrow. Thanks in advance for any info.
  12. Started out of deans cove about 7am. Dad, my buddy Jay and myself. Very busy at the ramp as well as dense fog. Set up right on the waypoints from last trip , just south in 160 fow. Had pretty steady action most the morning. Riggers 50 to 90 down did the work. 8/9 on the morning. All landlocks except one small rainbow . 3-4 lbs biggest , nbk stingers and blue dolphin spin doc ,atomik tournament fly took two biggest fish being the biggest Off the water by 1030. 2.8 to 3.1 gps speed. Beautiful morning after the fog lifted. Had a good time and lots of laughs. All went back except two for the grill. Sent from my SM-G900V using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  13. Fished out of Myers again today. Took 3 of my 5 kids with me on the boat. Ages ranging from 9 to 14. Anyway got on the water about 0730 and set up south of T falls on a North troll. Fished the 60 to 70 foot range with both riggers and divers. Ended the day going 5 for 11 ×iChat isn't to bad for the kids. Best colors were green glow spoons and flies. Fished from Myers to a little south of kidders then crossed over and came back to the launch. Best screens and most active fish were in the 60 to 70 range over 80 to 100 ft of water. Had a good day and was glad to spend it with the kids. Kept some fish for the grill today. Good luck out there. Be safe.
  14. I'm headed over to Cayuga for the first time this weekend any tips would be great. You guys seem to be having great luck over there and I don't want to be missing out. I plan to launch from Deans and troll around there. How have the fleas and weeds been? Thanks in advance for the help.
  15. Launched at T- falls because of time constraints. Took my son and his wife out for her first trolling experience. Looked for browns early only found a few 15-18" guys, not sure where the bigger browns went. Headed out to deep water and found some really nice Lakers on paddle n fly down 90-110' Gave Bob Barker (flt spoon) a try on deep rigger he produced a nice 7lber. The big fish of the short morning came on the mag dipsy, just under ten lbs. Iron Duke uv extravaganza was the big boy producer!
  16. Launched from Myers around 6:30am and quickly realized that the battery used to start the main motor was dead. I ended up jumping it off of one of the trolling motor batteries with some cables I borrowed from a nice guy at Myers launch and headed to the power plant. We had great screens of bait (maybe too much) - pics below. Not sure what to do when the screen is full of bait/fish but none of them are on the bottom or biting. The answer may be trolling and we did throw a dispy out for a bit around 50FOW, no luck there after making 3 passes through the below screens. I even hooked up the old black and white FF to the transducer on the trolling motor to confirm my main FF wasn't acting up again. Around 9:00am or so we headed for the west side (using the trolling motor as the battery was still too dead to start the main) with the hope the fish were biting over there. First fish came around 10:00am and by 12:00PM the pleasure boaters were out in force and chewing up the lake pretty bad. I hooked up with a brown around 2:00PM and we continued jigging till 4ish when we packed up. We ended up with a total of 5 fish in the boat, 4 lakers and the brown (biggest laker pic below). Lakers were all clean (no recent lamprey wounds) and all were released unharmed. The brown is largest brown I have caught out of Cayuga, ended up weighing in at 8.8lbs on the digital scale. Was happy to catch a brown Jigging, my buddy hooked up with a salmon as well after that but one jump and it was gone. I discovered during the day that the main motor battery was not charging while the motor was running but had enough juice to keep it running after it was going. After we were done and ready to head back to Myers I tried jumping the motor again off the trolling motor battery (borrowing cables from a nice guy at Taughannock) but having used the electric all day, it also did not have enough juice to start the motor. Ended up having to take one of the trolling motor batteries out and start the motor with it directly to get back to Myers. I showed my two year old the brown when I got home, I'm happy she was willing to pet it despite my wife's strong objection . Hopefully she'll want to come out with me and catch one herself in the coming years. Hard day of fishing for the ratio of hours to fish in the boat and it was not a calm day at any point really. Was happy all the fish we landed were good sized though. Waves were rough and wind was gusting pretty hard from the south as soon as we got out there. Good day overall even with battery/motor problems. No idea why the FF pics turn sideways when I upload them, I have tried everything to get them straight but the site keeps turning them. PS. If any of the people I borrowed cables from happen to read this, PM me and I'd be happy to take you out sometime. -Pete
  17. I am trying something different this year and trying to learn trolling. I've been out two or three times on Cayuga lake but no luck. So far I'm running two rods and two downriggers. Usually launch out of myers and troll north towards AES. One rigger set around 60 to 70 feet and the other set to 80 to 90 feet over 140 ft of water. Ive used dodgers as well as a set of cowbells. Mainly used spoons of all colors. Trolling around 2 MpH. I'm just wondering if I'm missing something, or just keep pressing on with this setup. Any advice is appreciated
  18. Just saw on the news a man is missing on cayuga lake. Been searching for him since yesterday Crews are assembling out of Myers park and they have divers in the water. Unsure where they are searching for the person. The news was pretty vague as to what happened. Be safe out there today. Big weather coming today also Wich will impede the search efforts.
  19. Launched T falls 6:30, headed south a bit to set up shop on a North troll, started out with two ten color lead cores, two five color and riggers set at 44 and 55 with cheaters. Pretty much non stop action in 50-70 for most of the morning four browns, many salmon, one keeper, half dozen Lakers mostly small. Made our way to Omalleys with a cooler full of fish by 11:30. Too much fun! Our best spoon and color was chartruse and orange speed was 2.88-3.22 that speed didn't keep the Lakers off. Depth was either50-70 or out deep wherever there was a bait pod.
  20. Hit water today about 830 am started day off alot like last Thursday got to open water and motor craped out ring to climb up on a plane. Anyway started fishing right out of the shut. Set riggers and divers in 60 to 80 foot range and had 1st fish in the boat before all 6 rigs were set. Best rig today was a dipsy set at 1 out 240 with just a plane silver spoon with a yellow stripe on it. But all spoons moved today. Mostly colors in blue and silver. Screens were.best in front of T. Falls and out at the plant. Had alot for short strikes and dropped 5 fish behind the boat. Took 2 new people to the trolling scene and they had a blast. Fished north to kidders and then back to myers. My brothers wife caught the biggest fish of her life had only caught sun fish before today. Kept 5 fish today and hooked well in to the teens. Good luck out there. Fish seemed scattered to day. Marked fish at depths from 30 ft to 140 ft.
  21. We left long point around 5 am stuck tight in to 50 ft of water early a good steady pic of silver's mix of browns salmon and bows and a few stray lakers slid out deep looking for lakers just could not get them dialed in back to the dock around 11:30
  22. Solo trip. Everyone busy. Caught 4 over 28" and 1 -23". All went back except this 31". This one inhaled a hermit 1.25oz sharp jig. Hooked though back mouth twice and had to remove from back of gill. Tough to do by myself. Was hoping to save it. Big female. All off ledges around rocky dock area. Lost couple north of myers when I was more concerned about being run over and not paying attention. It was time to get off the lake. Sent from my SM-S920L using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  23. Overall not bad day. 9/16 with couple lakers in mid 20". Landlocks all short an a 9 1/2" brown that some how tripped the release 50' down over 350'. Spin doctor an Iron Duke flys took lakers. Pink/ orange honeybee took most landlocks with black an silver to follow. Releases in 30'-65' over 170-350 fow. Fish were out of temp with fish getting caught in 62*-66* water. Had 51* down 65'. Weed mats bad on east shore. Sent from my SCH-I435 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  24. Holly and I launched at Meyers 7 a.m. and ran South to set-up two downriggers 65 and 75 feet with cheaters/sliders and two wire dipseys to troll North. Cheaters were the first to go off at 30 to 40 feet, green was the only color getting hits. Switched to all green or blue/green, consistent action from cheaters only initially. Started marking fish around 100 ft, dropped to 85 and 95 ft. Dipseys were not producing, pulled them. Around 9 a.m. or so fish were hitting off the balls and no more cheater action. Several times could see the fish rise up to the spoons on the sonar. Down speed 2.2 - 2.9 on the Fishhawk was the sweet spot. Wasn't expecting the action, probably released a dozen more fish today with a handful on knock-offs also. Today was my first time running Chamberlain magnetic releases, throwing the others away, they work great. Oh, and many thanks to Holly for spending a whole day and a half getting the boat cleaner than its ever been.
  25. Launched late out of long point 8:30 a.m. Friday and man did we find some Lakers, trolled the 50-65 fow with cowbells and spin n glo on rigger, copper , a high dipsy with alewive spoon, and a bottem dipsy with spin doctor and spin n glo . High dipsy in 20-30 took 2 rainbows and 1 LL. Copper kept us busy with the Lakers all within the 4-7 lb range. Cowbell brought a giant to the boat which was unfortunately lost at the net, and another hard hit on dipsy that snapped a 12 lb leader !!! Great time spent with some old friends on Friday. Sunday I took the girlfriend out for her first lake trout excursion and she had a blast . Same set up but most on copper.
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