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I love the Porcupine posing for the picture. Was that the woodchuck from Caddyshack?.....looks familiar. When I come up to hunt Jerry you are not going to put me in the stand with the black cat hanging around? :P

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OK Full of CRAP list...

1. A fox takin a dump

2. a woodchuck steppin in S#it

3. a bird takin a dump

4. a constipated turkey

5. a Jersey sewer rat

6. a burglar

7. a skunk takin a dump

8. the owl is definately takin a crap

9. the hawk is lookin for a mouse takin a crap

10 Your neighbors cat that just took a dump in your tomato garden

11. the woodpecker took a crap, the phoenix is rising from the earth (center right) and

bigfoot is in the background more than likly takin a crap.

12. the landowner who is so bord being between fishing season and deer season he

doesn't know weather to s#it or get off the pot :lol:

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OK....I'll play. :P

Red Fox (doubt the peeing part---camera caught it in mid stride)

Wood chuck


Ugly jake turkey



Skunk (rear view--lookin down the barrels)

Screech owl

Red tailed hawk

House cat (no doubt set out as bait for the above)

Flicker and friend

Gracious landowner fertilizing his food plot for the individual lucky enough to win this contest to hunt over. I'll be free before Nov 2nd and after Nov. 15th when I get back from kansas and Ohio.... :inlove:

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Yes I see the glow eye down low now....that is a skunk with a very bushy tail. I thought it was a porcupine sitting on it's haunches with it's hands up near it's mouth...tough to see.

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Chad (gill-t)

I thought you meant ME when mentioning the Porcupine posing picture or a "BIG PRICK" sighting. Instead you just have bad eyesight.

PETE (on the LAMB)

Your full of CRAP list is SPOT ON !!!!!

1.Yes fox is relieving itself (60 second video BACKS it up)

2. Yes woodchuck pic is EXACT SAME LOCATION as previous fox dump. Day/nite but same camera location.

3. Bigfoot in back ground BLIND CHAD did not even see.

4. You did miss out on points with neighbors cat & garden.

But----BOOM BONUS POINTS on the Phoenix rising sighting (again Chad go back & look it up)

All this animal knowledge you have explains the "ON THE LAMB" name. Hey what ever floats your GOAT.

I will finish updates tomm. (in bed next to wife laffing too much at you CLOWNS now)

vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvTHANK YOU PETE vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv For your imagination !!!

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Pete is from New Jersey where "ON THE LAM" is a cop term. It means to basically go away to a hide out in a secret spot till things settle down. Perfect boat name for a crooked cop like Pete! :lol: Now, if he were from say Auburn like Frank from HOME OFFICE, then it would be spelled differently "ON THE LAMB"(the man can't spell) and have a different meaning. It would require a sheep, a pair of rubber boots (AKA sheep screwers) and a couple of small Jack Russels and a wife watching. :rofl::rofl:

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Andy (Broad horizons)

I set up most my pictures on trails that go threw funnels/ orchard corners/bedding area/food sources=apple trees-acorns-clover/sanctuary etc.


Check out MOMMA DOE under trees WATCHING!!!


NOTICE the amount of BUTTON BUCKS you see. I AM RELIGIOUS on them being "OFF LIMITS"


ALOT of these trails are found in winter snow!



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Great pics. I need to get some new cameras. I had a 35mm that I used a lot but it just died in storage. My g/f's dad keeps his 3 cameras out all year long and gets some great pics too. He also sits in his stands every weekend and videos too. The fawns can really put on a show with the video running.

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Adorandac : mice recipies

:woodchuck stew

I didnt know it was legal to hunt mice over bait,ya better check the regs. i hear it takes a 300 win mag or bigger to drop on of those beast ,gonna make a great rug mount.

Ive developed a new respect for your hunting big game abilitys..If you were lucky enuf to drop 2 of them this year you could connect them for a bra for the wife...

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