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Billy V Wilson Report - May 7, 2011

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Today we were joined by Larry, Lenny, Kevin and Kody for a full day out of Wilson. The Kings hadn't shown up in any numbers prior to today so we decided to give the inshore brown trout fishing a try first thing in the morning. We set up just west of port in 8 FOW and trolled for about an hour without so much as a touch. We quickly decided to give up on that and I pointed the boat north. Once we got into 40 FOW the screen just lit up with fish, much like we saw last weekend. We put down a mixed Laker/King/Coho program and hammered that water pretty hard and only had one Laker to show for our efforts. Oddly enough, that Laker took a stick bait flatlined off the surface - go figure. Since the 40-70 FOW range just wasn't producing for us either, I kept pushing the boat out into deeper water. Once we got to abut 140 FOW we began taking cohos and a few small kings pretty regularly. They loved our Firetiger and Silver/Black KABOOM stick baits. In anywhere from 140-180 FOW we had plenty of action to keep everyone busy even though they weren't the big boys that we were all hoping for.


When we got out to 140 FOW the surface temperature was 45 degrees, but as the wind backed down the temp began to rise, and it peaked at just under 48 degrees by the time we had to pack it in for the day. The fish seemed to want our offerings at a faster speed today - 2.8 mph on our IntelliTroll was the magic spot. We didn't have a single bite on a downrigger or a diver today. It was all stickbaits all the time for us.

While the fishing was good today, the bugs were awful. The boat was just covered with them and it took Jay and I quite a while back at the dock to clean them off. They were literally everywhere.


We never did find the Kings we were after today, but we did manage to come home with a cooler full of cohos and lots of great memories.

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