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FF Jim

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Been seeing some nice bucks out there but they all seem to be just out of reach with my bow and I cant seem to get them any closer. Have been using a grunt and a can with some esterous gel and no one seems to be reacting to them. Anyone else seem to have this issue? I grunted and can called at a nice 6pt this morning and he seemed to move away from me rather than at least check it out. Kind of annoying, hung the bow up for the season and will be gunning tomorrow, but there is just something about an archery buck that is so much nicer. Any input is welcome, ready to throw all that crap away and stick to food sources. Trying to catch them on the way to the food though. Thoughts?

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Calls and calling ant what ya see on TV almost every hunt is editad for the sole pourpose of selling sponcership for the hunting items so carslessly tossed around with a smasher buck 20 yds away. Everything you see will work at the right time place and spicies yer after. The best lure before sunrise might never catch 1 fish for the next 24 hours till the next morning. Well deer have their same patterns,habbits,and time to react to different calling situations. So dont tossem just yet but learn when and how to use yer calls. I could learn ya a lot in one hunt but i'd be spinnin yer head trying to answer such a variable situation question.

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I used to never have much luck with calls. But that was long ago in big woods with everyone in gear to shoot bucks only and never take a doe. Needless to say that kind of thinking lead to a big doe population and few big bucks and mostly little bucks with no incentives to fight for a doe. Does were everywhere for the taking and no competition.

Now that I hunt with landowners practice of QDM, the grunt is the best attraction there is in that PARTICULAR area. Does are less plentiful, bucks are bigger and more aggresive, which leads to competing for the few mature does that are there. Scents work better too, especially when buck urine is used upwind of an active scrape along a travelled lane.

It all comes down to competing mature bucks to react aggressively to these sounds and smells. So if the area is loaded with does the chances are you can't get a buck to pay any mind to another buck sound or smell. I have had bucks that were totally undectable within a few hundred yards of me come running in all puffed up for a fight with a good grunt. It does have to do with timing though and that's why I reserve the best bow hunting spot I have to the full rut peak.


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I could probably write 1000 word response to this one......First, I don't use scents, however, I have hunting buddies that swear by buckbomb spray. Bottle stuff is too strong IMO. If you go to a deer farm and get estrous urine fresh it is yellow and not NEARLY as stinky. The Buckbomb concept is more intriguing because you can mist just a little scent as you walk to your stand. Word of caution as the tops of buckbomb is poorly designed and often will pop off and the whole can unloads....be prepared to run! Bucks will place twigs and leaves of seedlings ankle-high in their mouth to "taste" the scents left by tarsal gland/urinating. If you have never seen this behavior in the wild, esentially a buck or doe will put their tarsal glands together and urinate down their rear legs while rubbing the glands together. By tasting/smelling the plants deer legs touch, the herd can communicate with each other ( don't brush up against anything on way to stand). With this evidence of deer behavior in hand, one could assume that scents used properly would work.....I just prefer to remain as invisible as possible. If a doe gets a whiff of doe-n-heat and starts those nasal openings o'flarin' then she is more likely to smell you.....and drag that buck following her along and out of range. Learn the proper usage of the grunt tube.......and proper brand. I have heard some of my buddies grunt calls, and they sound nothing like a deer grunt. I will use the grunt call before and after a rattling sequence, when trying to turn a deer that is moving away from my position, when I spook a deer that hasn't smelled me or seen me as it will calm a snorting protective doe. I use a grunt call at frequent intervals when walking into stand in the dark esp. when the leaves or snow is really loud and crunchy. This sometimes backfires as often deer will approach you before shooting light. Use the snort/weez after a rattling sequence and to calm a bumped deer. In the deer vernacular the snort/wheez means F'ck you! Usually two fighting bucks make this vocalization, but it will shut up a snorting mamma doe that does not know what you are. To do the snort/wheez cover one nostril and blow hard and as long as possible. Hopefully, you have some good buggies up there to accent the wheez. Sometimes, this is done in a three burst sequence, but that is hard to pull off with the nose. I don't think the products on the market sound very realistic for the snort/wheez. The deer bawl is great for attracting does as it mimics a yearling calling for mom. The deer bawl can is pretty close to sounding realistic, but you can make the sound with your mouth by curling the sides of your tongue up to touch your upper teeth and make a sound not unlike a sheep (might attract Ray be careful). The bawl is good for stopping deer before a shot also. Then there is the doe snort. This one is used only when you want to clear deer from under your stand at dark.....and you are hungry and cold. They will all take off but won't know who blew the alarm and why. Was that too wordy???? :lol:

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