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 Picked up my boss and his nephew from the dock at seabreeze at 530am.  we pretty much set up right out of the chute for browns.  ran dreamweaver seasick waddler on 12' rigger then stacked orange and yellow crush at 7'    ran dipsey on 3 setting out 45' pulling black and glow 10" sd and green glow atomic fly.   ran 3 color leadcore down the middle pulling pink and chartruse deep junior thunderstick.  we had good screens from 16' out.  we had no action for the about the first hour despite changing baits depths and speeds constantly.  my bosses nephew was getting bored so i had him reel in the leadcore to change the lure again and wham a 9# brown hit it while he was reeling it in.  we then set it back trolling north no action out to 110' so we decided to give the lakers a try.  we dropped the cowbells pulling green spin and glow to the bottom and a flasher pulling chrome spin and glow on other side.  i dont know if it was the current near the bottom or what but i just couldnt get the lines to run right.  we trolled for about 30mins before we hooked up.  we lost the fish 30' behind the boat at this point it was 9:30 and my boss and his nephew had to be back by 10 so we packed it in.

  I dropped them off and went back out for a solo mission. I heard that the bite was descent in 200+ ft of water so i pointed the boat north.  I stopped in 190' set out rigger at 45 pulling blue yellow dolphin mag spoon with a lemon ice stinger as a slider.  ran 300 copper pulling green and chrome e-chip flasher/ mirage atomic fly, 10 color leadcore pulling orange crush stinger spoon off planner boards.  I no sooner got the slidder in the water turned around to grab copper to put out and the rigger fired was 5lb steely on slidder.  put rigger back down and went back to putting out 300 copper and leadcore. I managed to get both out and sit down before rigger fired again with another 5# steely.  I picked up 6 steelies and 2 small kings nothing bigger than 6 #s in the next hour all on lemon ice slidder all between 210' and 300' of water. The last fish of the day was a nice atlantic but he broke my line as i was trying to net him,damn that was the only lemon ice i had with me.  At this time i realized that there were alot of bees around my boat motor.  withing 10mins my motor was covered with them.  i have a 90 horse motor and you couldnt see it at all it was just all bees.  i bravely and quickly picked up my lines and kicker motor and hauled ass for awhile to get rid of them.  i have never experienced bees like that before as i was in 300+ ft of water and way off shore.  this pretty much ended my day. 

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Holy cow or should I say bees! Have never heard of anything like that. Occasionally a bee or two, but it sounds like a queen and its hive got maybe swept/blown out to sea and you were the first "life raft" they found!

Anyways, nice report. Stinks when u take out people and can't find fish, only to go back out and get some!


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