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Everything posted by GAMBLER

  1. Go with the Diawa Sealines or the Shimano Tekotas. Don't waste your time with the Okuma Magdas. They are cheap reels and notorious for drag problems (and other problems). The Convectors are ok reels. 1000' of stainless 7 strand wire will fit on a Diawa SG47LC with room to spare. I have run the Sealines for 12+ years and have no complaints.
  2. Malin 7 strand 30 lb ss wire in a 1000' spool. Wires take a lot of fish. Make sure you buy high quality swivels for your wires. I learned the hard way when I first purchased my wires. Good luck!
  3. W.W.IV., You have it all wrong. The windier (rougher) the better for those boneheads.
  4. Try claiming it on your homeowners insurance. You will be amazed what they will cover.
  5. Now that the flees are around, you won't be using power pro without headaches. Do yourself a favor and get a wire set up. You can run divers out 350 to get to those kings around 100-110.
  6. I talked with Jax a while ago and they took 3rd in this weekends Pro-Am. Good job guys.
  7. Here is one of the first kings my buddies son caught on Lake Ontario last Thursday on my boat.
  8. Fished from Watoma to the Nose and ended the day 15 for 25+ with 12 kings and 3 lakers. We had lots of short rips on the wire with no one home. White Spin Doctor with the Mirage Atommik fly and Stinger NBK's were the top producers. The best depths seemed to be 55-70 over 110. Most of our our fish came on a Westerly troll.
  9. Tom, I will be out there in the AM. Call me on 72. My boat name is Escape.
  10. I had one come up behind me really close last week. We were fighting a king at the time. He turned when he saw the king jump 30 yds in front of his boat. You should have launched a Thumper meat ball onto his deck!
  11. FISHINMAN, I left all of the lakers out there for you! I know how much you love catching them. That one laker came high in the water column on a school of bait. How did you do today?
  12. Fishin again?, My buddy was fishing out of Braddocks this morning and did good in 110 - 130 between Braddocks Point and Lighthouse point. Good luck. Let us know how you make out.
  13. Do your self a favor and book a local charter captain. That area (along with the rest of the lake) is smoking hot for trout and salmon.
  14. I have noticed it with certain colors. They hold up better than all the other brands. Stingers are the worst. I had 2 NBK's today right out of the package and they look like crap now.
  15. Fished from the Nose to Watoma and ended the day 20 for 31 by 10:30am. 15 of the 20 were kings, 3 steelies, one brown and one laker. 11 of the 15 kings were over 18 lbs. One fish was 22lbs. 15 oz. The wires were firing like crazy today. White spin doctor with the mirage atommik and the stinger NBK took 90% of our fish. We took fish from 75 - 120, 35 - 55 down.
  16. I wonder what it is with all of these slob browns this year. They all look really healthy. You wonder if it is all the gobies they are eating in the spring?
  17. I currently have 2 fish on the board from my boat. 1- 13lb. 13 oz. brown in 10th place and a 13lb. 6 oz. laker in 16th place. Hopefully I will get another this week end. Good luck to all of you guys. Jerry, Slip a king carcas under Pats canvas. He will not do that to you again!
  18. Chinook, I think they cut off the summer tourney July 15th to give the weigh stations a break. These guys work really hard for us and the derby. I do like the 9 pm thing but I don't think it will fly. Some of the weigh stations are already open past their normal working hours.
  19. It is very simple. If the boat name is off color, don't put it on there. Us rec. fisherman should not have to suffer due other peoples boat names.
  20. Janz, I did that for the 2 fish on the board from my boat and the guy at the weigh station said that they will not post it anymore. I do see some other rec. boats on there but not all of them.
  21. Anyone that needs a new printer that has only been used a dozen times let me know. Come and pick it up and it is yours.
  22. Tank, If you want good colors to start off with, go with the Hammer, Packer, and the mirage. The Attomik flies are more durable than any other brand. They also make more color patterns.
  23. I was just wondering why the LOC will not put private boat names on the LOC Leader board? I understand that it is a little more work for the derby people, but us little guys (Rec fishermen) support this derby big time. I myself have had 8 people that fish with me register for the derby. I love fishing the LOC and this will not keep me from fishing it but I just don't think it is fair for us to support this derby and not get recognition on the leaderboard. If anyone agrees, feel free to comment.
  24. Fished Sandy on Wednesday and rocked the kings with 2 lakers and 2 browns in the mix. For the first time ever, I had 7 of an eight rod spread go at once. We ended up boating 6 of the 7 with 3 kings all over 17 lbs. 2 lakers and 2 browns. I was running 4 riggers and 4 wire dipsys, and the only rod left in the water was the high wire. Spin Doctors and Echips with Attomik Flies were hot. The White glow spin doctor with Green spots w/ a mirage fly, Chartruese echip with the Packer fly, Glow frog NK mag, and Stinger NBK mag were the lure that took the fish. All fish came 50-85 down. We ended the day with the 8th place brown weighing 13 lbs. 13 oz. Get the Net, I moved out to Sandy this spring because the Newport house was going to be under new ownership. I'm really getting to like Sandy. I do miss the guys from I-bay but Sandy has been good to me so far this year. And For all of you Laker haters, Lakers = money in the LOC. I really enjoy spending the time when Kings have lock jaw catching lakers. I still run spoons on high riggers for kings. I enjoy getting the most out of my gas money. I also take people fishing that want to catch fish and don't care what they catch. Browns fight like Lakers but I don't see anyone complaining about them in April! Next time the fishing is tough and you come in with very few fish, just remember, the lakers are sitting there waiting to be caught. Your buddies might feel a little better about pitching in gas money next time they are offered a seat in the boat! Good luck to all and see you out there!
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