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Everything posted by GAMBLER

  1. Was not me. I was stuck working today. Hopefully things improve in the next couple of days.
  2. Lake trout are smarter than that!
  3. Stix, I don't know about this particular unit but, I have owned Garmin products in the past and loved them. The quality of the product is great. My next GPS will be a Garmin. Good luck.
  4. It would be a little tough with the currents. Give it a try and let us know how it works.
  5. Usually upwelling spreads the fish out because there prefered water temp is screwed up. Upwelling also usually means bad currents. The temp off (50degrees) of Sandy creek 3 days ago was down 105'. Today it is 43 degrees on the surface. At this time of the year, find bait and the fish should still be there.
  6. Upgrady, Don't let that ocean boy try to fight a king the way those boys fight those ocean fish. I have seen that one too many times. They like to reel fast and set the hook hard enough to rip lips off.
  7. I would put backing on it before I spliced 2 spools of wire together. I don't know how the knot would hold up.
  8. I'm going to try in the AM. Thanks Foster. Good luck!
  9. Nice going Pat, you just ruined that. She probally will lose the next king she hooks into. Great job guys. You guys just made FISHINMAN cringe with those laker pictures.
  10. I like fishing the Northern end of the lake on the West side (from Long Point to the North end). Fish outside the weed lines with large silver spoons or daredevils. I found spoons out fish body baits, spinners and spinnerbaits. Good luck.
  11. Read todays attheoak.com report. 43 degrees on the surface in 100 fow. thats not good.
  12. One of the guys from my marina was out yesterday morning and the 39 degree water was 45' down. I hope it is wrong.
  13. This should screw things up for a couple of days! Check out the link below. http://www.coastwatch.msu.edu/ontario/o2.html
  14. Congrats Jeremy and also to you Foster. Way to represent Sandy Creek! Is he sharing some of the winning with you?


    Nice boat Jeremy.
  16. CDS, Purchase Penn 345 GTI or Penn 340 GTI, a good rod (I purchased a 8' leadcore rod), one 300 yd spool of 50 lb. power pro and 30 lb. seagar florocarbon for the leader. You can go with a 200' copper for 40 - 45' down, 300' copper for 60 - 65' down, 400' copper for 80 -85' down, 500 copper for 100 - 105' down or a 600' copper for 110 - 115 down. A Penn 340 will hold 200' and 300' of copper,backing and leader. A Penn 345GTI will handle the rest of the combos. Attach the backing to the copper and the copper to the leader with the albright knot. Go to the At-tom-mik webiste and they have already spooled Penn reels (copper, backing, and leader) for a great price. Don't be shocked when you see the price of the set up. Copper is expensive to run. Run the copper off of plainer boards or tail gunning right off the back of the boat.
  17. FISHINMAN, If you did not lose your probe in the first place, you would not have these problems :shock: :shock: :shock:
  18. Don't be afraid to go back further than that. I run some of flies longer when the kings seem shy. I have had good luck with leads as long as 32".
  19. I don't know about a minimum weight for eye's but they are not part of the Fall LOC. In the spring and the summer, all the eyes were over 8. I would think 8 would be the minimum for eyes.
  20. The scale I have is different every time. I just measure them and figure out approx. weight and weight then in any ways. I always have people that eat them so they do not go to waste. Over the years you should be able to guess pretty close.
  21. akitaone, I would go with 50 lb. on the power pro for backing with copper. A large king and all that weight in copper will put a lot of stretch on the 30 lb. backing.
  22. Gander in Henrietta had them the other day when I was there. They had two sizes of Heartland dipsey rods. I think they were 9' and 10'.
  23. landingzone, I'm not sure how much but it will not be worth it. You need a big reel like a Penn 340GTI or a Penn 345GTI or a Large Tekota.
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