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Everything posted by GAMBLER

  1. That is a juvenile king. That fish would spawn next season.
  2. Next years juvinile kings and steelhead will be out there all the time at this time of the year. You will still find some spawners lingering out there too. Most tribs. get late runs of kings. Usually the Genny sees a second good run around Halloween. The steelies don't hit most tribs until Halloween also. Go out there and fish in the section of water above the thermalcline. The steelies can be anywhere in that slug of water but for the most part, the kings are down near the thermalcline. Good luck.
  3. Is this the boat that is missing the gas tank?
  4. You can get a lot of ladder backs at the NK sale in the spring. Captains Cove in Oak Orchard has a very large selection.
  5. Nice Brownie. What a way to end the season!
  6. Tom, I hit with the lower unit in the middle of the marina not the channel. Good luck Tom.
  7. Yes. They are starting to come in from off shore. Most of the summer, they are off shore with the steelies.
  8. They will get dark but they will hit the streams before getting dark. Nice Coho's Andy.
  9. Took the wife out for a couple of hours yesterday afternoon before getting the boat ready to be pulled for winter. Started fishing in 100 and the screen was blank. Trolled in to 75 fow and fished that for 2 hours. In that 2 hours we were 5 for 7 with 4 kings and one laker. The one king was a 30+ female that took a NKB mag 70 down over 75. All the fish but one came on the NBK mag. The other came on a green Spin Doctor with an Atommik Green Hammer fly. All the kings were 22+. The laker was dragged around for a while before I noticed this fish kept following on the fish finder. The creek is really low. I hit bottom with the trim up 1/2 way in the middle of the marina.
  10. Usually Dave does respond to a post about his derby. I don't know if someone has told him about these posts in the past?
  11. Jimski2, I'm just looking to get numbers not a slob. If we pick up a wall hanger, it will be an added bonus.
  12. VC-17. The blisters need to be fixed first. You might want to have a coat of some kind of Vapor lock put on your boat also.
  13. Sponge, The charter captains pay the same price as us rec fisherman to enter this derby. I see 7000 people entered the LOC Fall derby. I would love to find out how many of that 7000 were rec fisherman. If rec fisherman did not enter the LOC, the LOC would not be what it is today. Dave Chilson needs to rethink this. If he cares about his derby, he better listen us rec fisherman. Every person that voted for Rec names needs to voice there opinion also. Maybe Dave will read this and reply.
  14. That's what the call up Sh*t Creek without a paddle!
  15. Thanks for the advice kingfisher06. I don't really want to go over the boarder to Quinte. Too many hoops to jump through.
  16. Does anyone know of a good Lake Erie Icefishing Guide (for walleyes)? I would like to take my father out and get him some Eyes this winter. If anyone has info on a good guide, please pass it along.
  17. Know your equipment. I go out and let the rigger ball out until it hit the bottom and let it settle and do it again. This will tell you how accurate your counters are. Having 400' of cable spooled up on your riggers will screw up your counters. You can also tilt your transducer back slightly and turn the gain up on your fish finder and see your weights on the screen.
  18. Thank You Mark! This has been my B*tch for the last couple derbies.
  19. For plainer board line, trash the line that comes on them and go with 250lb. Power Pro. Put 150 yards on each reel. Your releases will slide down the line a lot easier. For you boat, I would go with the single tower with dual reels. The Otter boat boards are awesome too. Just make sure they are adjusted correctly or they will dive like my one does.
  20. I run my peanuts anywhere from 24 - 32" behind my cowbells. I find 28 - 32" leaders are better when the lakers are in an off mood. Good luck.
  21. The temp is going to be way down after the wind we had yesterday.
  22. My rookie season out of Sandy Creek was a good one. Only one trip with less than 10 fish in the boat. A day in June featured a seven of eight rod going off at once fire drill. July brought great fishing and a very weird August. It is hard to believe that the season is winding down fast. Time to get ready for hunting and icefishing. Good luck everyone.
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