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woody 184

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Everything posted by woody 184

  1. Abe, Nice report on the fishes.... Another nice lure that I have done good with is the Black NK with glow green stripe and the 42nd spoon.... Woody
  2. How did the fishfinder screen look.... Bait and fish any particularly good depths where you had a good screen.....
  3. Nice day on the water.... Nice report... Woody
  4. Paprman how did that picture look out there off I bay..
  5. Anybody got a newer pre-enjoyed bow mounted trolling motor.. Let me know Thanks.. Dale
  6. Kev nice report.. I was going to hit the water today after work but the Sunburn is peeling from last tuesdays 92 degree adventure..... Plus I have to chill the beer for tonight..... Dale
  7. Zebs we have had a great picture off of Hughes Marina from 95 to 125fow.... Fish from the surface to 40 down... Inside or outside of that blank..... Woody
  8. Andy let me know the new boat is working great, just going to add a bow mount trolling motor to it for the jigging.. I picked a couple baitcaster combos for jigging with braid just ned a few 1 ounces with flukes and I am in... I'm working today at the Firehouse.. Next week I'm working Tuesday and Saturday......I'm in.... Woody
  9. Tom will do.. I was out fishing yesterday and when I finished up I took the boat for a little run from the launch I am so impressed at how smooth that Force is... I am going to baby that outboard.. I had it up to 25 sog yesterday.... I have to put a tach on the boat to keep tabs on that..... Woody
  10. Steel I know the Springfield area prety good, whats the population there in Gardner....
  11. Dane, I did not think you wanted me to mention your Super Incredible Triple Secret Tips from the Infamous Captain on Lake O.....I was actually heading towards deeper water when i talked with you but I know I have to listen to my ELDERS....... LOL Chris, I am loving that GPS..... Easy to use and large screen compared to that Tiny Little Garmin Etrex I have been using for years... Thanks Chris let me know when you want to get out.. Nick, You are right about that, my eyes and ears were working like crazy trying to listen to the engine watching the bilge, checking all the electronics and listening to the wife complain about the flys biteing, Oh wait a second thats not boat related.... I was just tickled the boat ran smooth....
  12. I work for the Brighton Fire District an eastern suburb of Rochester........ What about you.....
  13. Damn Kevin you did'nt tell me about all that..... You guys deserve a medal for just hanging in there all weekend........ I have to work friday at the Firehouse, let me know if you want to get out on my boat for a few hours...... Dale
  14. My 2 girls would go into the cuddy and color and play barbie dolls until we had a fish on then they would come flying out to fight the fish or watch........ The good ole days... Know they don't even want to see the boat.....Woody
  15. Fishing Report Your Name / Boat Name: MUD CHICKEN ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s):5/31/11 Time on Water:65 to 67 Weather/Temp:HOT AND SUNNY Wind Speed/Direction: Waves: Nope Surface Temp: Location: LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits: 2 Total Boated:1 Species Breakdown: Steelhead Hot Lure: Yellow Killer Trolling Speed: 2.8 Down Speed: Boat Depth: 75-205 Lure Depth: 20-30 ==================== Got out at 10:30am this morning Solo after working yesterday at the Firehouse.... Started on a NE Troll in 75fow first release cam around 85 fow down 30 on a NBK Spin doctor with a green and gold fly... Nobody home... Got rerigged and I had a release in 90 fow down 26 with a Yellow Killer Mag.. Boated a nice 7lb Steelie.. Released him to fight another day.. I worked all the way to 205fow very barren out that deep... Best screen was 95 to 125 fow... I tried different speeds and kept changing lures could not get anything else to hit today.... I tried running boards with spoon and sticks nothing..... Great late morning on the water... I even got a little color out there today.... Woody ====================
  16. Matt there is a nice Thermocline setup out there for the flys......
  17. Orange bombers and cindy bombers off the boards for those fish would work well.... Dale.
  18. Nick when we were fishing Saturday morning the bugs were not bad till we got out to 100fow then you could not keep them off you... I worked out to 125fow and they disappeared really strange....... Dale
  19. Pat nice report..... We did 3 off the riggers yesterday deepest was 30 down..... Woody
  20. Tom I can't tell you how great that Force ran... It actually is the smoothest 2 Stroke I have ever run... It purrs like a kitten trolling and purrs at 22 mph.... I am super impressed... Thanks for the help.. Woody
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