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Everything posted by Gator

  1. Ditto. I have a large manly sled and a smaller girly man sled for does and little bucks. I haven't had to break out the former yet this year lol. Nice buck and great stalk Andy!
  2. Ditto. We use this setup for spring kings in 30' of water, albeit with slightly more mono (50-60'). Once we get to the summer, we simply clip the mono down to 10' for the rest of the season so that all of the wire sits on the reel. This avoids kinks. Works mint.
  3. Yeah, that would get a hard pass from me.
  4. Man, she's been chowing well. Good find. I wish my food plot looked like Ken's! The stupid deer ate everything is sight before late October. One of the three still has some marble sized beets and radishes, but that's it. I'd put up a fence, but I'm not into the $$ and having to put it up and take it down every year. I'm still mulling possibilities. I may seek some professional guidance next year on food, cover and access improvements.
  5. Nice job! I wish my wife had kicked my a$$ out of the house yesterday, too...
  6. I'm not disagreeing about geographical politics, but that has less than nothing to do with this article. It was published in "Science", which is certainly not geopolitically constrained, and it was peer-reviewed by the best minds in the field, almost certainly including academics from overseas. "Science" is one of the big three (Science, Nature, Cell) and is nearly impossible to get into without jumping through ridiculous hoops to ensure rigor and reproducibility.
  7. I just got back from dropping off venison at Swan Market, and i had a chance to try their new "Smoked Cajun Cranberry" sausage. Wow. I had half of the order made into that after tasting it.
  8. This article came out last week in Science. The story is solid. And disturbing.
  9. I wish they were more so!! So many of the woodlots on the L. Ontario shoreline and Niagara frontier are comprised primarily of ash, including much of one of mine, and when the canopy opens, the invasive species take over. It used to be that a chainsaw was a woodlands manager's best friend. Now, it's just an invitation for bush honeysuckle, multiflora rose, buckthorn... Okay, I'll stop with the doom and gloom. It's tough to watch though. We've planted over 3000 stems on our 43 acre piece, massive diversity, all in tubes or cages - but I'm fairly sure that the deer and mice have taken out >80% of what we put in. 3' tubes for native shrubs were a joke. May as well have put neon signs saying, "Here's dinner".
  10. I guess we know where that golden horseshoe went when it fell out of Brian's a$$ lol!! Congratulations.
  11. My brother and I used to be like that. Now, I'm more like Manimal from the Muppets.
  12. So he talks deer as well as turkey? I choose him for MY team. How is he at hanging stands?
  13. I unfortunately had an owl come down and smash the grill on my truck on the way to my deer stand. I'm still picking feathers out of it. Oddly enough, thirty odd years ago I also hit an owl, that one being the first snowy owl to have shown up in the Hudson River Valley in many, many years. As I found out after making some calls, the Audubon Society had been following the owl, and they were understandably devastated when I told them I'd killed it. I did, however, donate the carcass to them. Lots of stink eye from the folks that came to pick it up, but what can you do when an owl decides to land in the road in front of your vehicle when you're doing 35 mph?
  14. Heck of a deer - and great to have a history with him!
  15. 30 years ago, I in fact did hunt off the ice shelf at Russel Station during the late season. Lots of guys did, but of course the cops didn't like it one bit. One time, they sat on shore and refused me access to return to my vehicle, on behalf of RG&E. Luckily, one of the neighbors took pity on the stupid kid and told me I could access shore through his property. He even told me, right in front of the Greece Police, that I was welcome to hunt there whenever I wanted. But even young and stupid (and new to the area) as I was, I recognized a lost cause and never went back to that sh!t show.
  16. I went to school in Binghamton back in the late '80s, and while we caught walleye in the Squashed Banana, it wasn't somewhere I'd put on my bucket list. It sounds like you were blessed to get on some great fishing soon after you arrived to the area. I was not. I had a few honeyholes where I could pull out two or three fish in an average evening. If I had to compare my personal experiences then with now, I'd deem the river comparable. Just saying that two people's experience of a fishery and its evolution can be dramatically different...and it's possible that your experience is more representative of the whole than mine. I don't know. But it is something to keep in mind. Glory days, right?
  17. We have the same problem, and so far as I’ve been able to tell, there is no replacement since Wellcraft went bankrupt. Custom maybe, or new seats. Please let me know if you find anything!! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  18. Old swamp donkey like that, you don't need to cure the meat to get jerky! Isn't it interesting that the best movement from big bucks often coincides with crappy weather? I hate sitting in the blowing snow, but the cameras don't lie.
  19. I heard the primer pop from my stand 150 yards away. I though it was somebody with a .22 in the field next to us and texted Brian. I think he was struggling to find the right emoji to convey his frustration. The good news is that I finally saw a deer during gun season. Small four point and later a mature doe that got very, very lucky. I had to choose whether to lift my barrel over a branch or under. My choice was...poor. I wasn't able to point the gun down enough at the doe when she finally stopped, she was so close. Oh, well.
  20. I too went out to make meat. Ended up pounding rocks. As usual this year.
  21. Where'd you get that? I know that NYS's budget is going to suffer from COVID across the board, and I see that they've proposed cutting the NYC subway budget by 40% if there's no federal funds to offset the deficit, but I couldn't find DEC specific guidance. Thanks!
  22. True 'dat. I researched and knew exactly what I wanted out of an aluminum boat. With Nothing but Net docked at Tommy's, my goal was strictly walleye, bass, and panfish, and I wasn't worried about big water trolling. I ended up purchasing a seven-year old Lund Mr. Pike 17 with a Yamaha F115, and I upgraded electronics and added a Terrova 80 with iPilot (Best. Investment. Ever.). Tommy installed a new floor two winters ago, but other than that, she has been an outstanding fishing machine with nary a hitch. Ten years and I'm not looking back. The devil is definitely in the details, so you better know exactly what the details are. Buy it to do what you love doing, not what you hope to do.
  23. I saw nothing this morning. On the off chance that I do see something tomorrow, I've decided to throw rocks at it. With any luck, I will spook it to a neighbor and they will shoot it. Why mess with a proven tactic?
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