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Everything posted by rdebadts

  1. Pretty sure those are coho. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  2. We started in close for browns, but just did one on a 5' rigger with a spoon. Crystal clear in there! At about 7, we trolled out deep, and took a few laker shots on bottom in 90-120 on the way out. I heard there was a decent steelhead/coho bite out deeper, so we deployed red stuff on top, riggers 20-50 with sliders and small spoons and dipseys 90-110 on setting 3 with flasher flies. Pretty good bite out there. Equal mix of coho and steel, and evenly spaced between the top rods and downrigger/dipsey. The coho are beautiful size this year! They wanted it fast, and we got short hit a bunch. 140-170 was the best water for us. East and west didn't seem to matter. Still can't post pics? Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  3. That is 4 Browns and a coho Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  4. A lot of guys will do a bottom zoom. The fish and bait will be within 10' of bottom Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  5. Oh yeah. Literally as soon as I marked a fish we had a triple, lol Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  6. We fished Sodus 4/9 am. The plan was to go west, but there was already the makings of an armada at 6:15, so I changed up and went east. Water was super (read over) stained out 1/4 mile, and the fishing was tough. We had a half dozen hits on browns by 10, but it was much slower than expected. They wanted natural stuff on the outer edge of the mudline. It sounds like it was a zoo to the west, but the fishing was also better there.... We explored our deep to test out our new gambler rigs at about 10:15. We did a double and a triple on lakers in 120 fow in about 30 minutes of fishing. Trolled all the way out, and didn't mark a thing between 30 and 110 fow. The water was just too muddy. Netting fish was certainly interesting in there, as you couldn't see them at all until they were right on the surface. Should get better again soon. Can't post any pics for some reason?? Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  7. [emoji106] Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  8. Very few docks anywhere yet Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  9. Did our shakedown today. Good brown trout fishing from maxwell and west. Ended up about 15 for 20, a mix of cookie cutters with a few nice ones mixed in. They wanted jointed chartreuse rapalas and black/gold bay rats in the green water just outside of the midline. Late bite today- all fish caught between 8 and 10:30. Had 2 triples and 2 doubles. Didn't move a single rod between 7 and 8?? No ice at all in the bay or lake, and relatively little debris, surprisingly... And probably the most important part: the boat ran great!! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  10. Yep. I'll post in a minute Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  11. The entire lake shore still covered in ice. Be patient The Fishin' Physician Assistant Fishsodusbay.com
  12. I've had plenty of Lakers go down with plenty of vigor, if caught in 100 fow or less, or if properly burped and put in head first like gambler says, even in much deeper water. Hold them next to the boat to revive and let go when they are strong if you aren't sure The Fishin' Physician Assistant Fishsodusbay.com
  13. I get 1-2 per year. Represents about 1% of my catch... The Fishin' Physician Assistant Fishsodusbay.com
  14. I used to target steelies cause I love fishing top water and I love their acrobatics, but last year the fishing was just awful for them in May/June... The Fishin' Physician Assistant Fishsodusbay.com
  15. I only mentioned the emphasis on kings to display that they don't seem to have the angle that many accuse them of having- that they favor lakers cause they are paid for by the Feds. They seem to recognize the financial importance of kings, and made a concerted effort this year to tell us that. In many other states (Michigan specifically) this does not appear to be the case. It was refreshing. I came out of the meeting pretty optimistic honestly. Those guys are doing good work and are very transparent it seems The Fishin' Physician Assistant Fishsodusbay.com
  16. There is some really awesome collaboration. I also liked to hear both omrnf and our dec stress the importance of kings specifically. I am optimistic about this year's class of alewife, given the warm summer and mild winter The Fishin' Physician Assistant Fishsodusbay.com
  17. Really informative meeting. A lot of interesting stuff being done by the Canadians in particular The Fishin' Physician Assistant Fishsodusbay.com
  18. Do you suppose they knew about this, even before the king cuts were finalized???? I sure hope not The Fishin' Physician Assistant Fishsodusbay.com
  19. Looking forward to it! The Fishin' Physician Assistant Fishsodusbay.com
  20. I aim for first of April. But if any hint of temp below 28-29 in the forecast, I will think twice. I have pure inboards and cracking the block just plain isn't worth it. The Fishin' Physician Assistant Fishsodusbay.com
  21. I would love this info as well. Love hi tech spoons, can never find them! The Fishin' Physician Assistant Fishsodusbay.com
  22. May near the salmon river, you can expect to catch Browns, lakers and steel. May CAN be a good time for salmon, but it's a bit hit and miss. A good time of year to fish lake wide honestly. If you desire salmon, you gotta consider the west end though The Fishin' Physician Assistant Fishsodusbay.com
  23. In April in Sodus, we will usually find lakers 30-100 fow. I just slowly troll out till I find them. They can be suspended or tight to bottom The Fishin' Physician Assistant Fishsodusbay.com
  24. I once caught an 80 lb amberjack in the keys off a wreck... I got that big bastard in, and the captain asked if I wanted to catch another... I said "hell no, I need a nap!" The Fishin' Physician Assistant Fishsodusbay.com
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