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Kevin J Legg

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Everything posted by Kevin J Legg

  1. Hit it again this morning and went 4 for 6 with one short. 2 on the bottom and one on longline.
  2. Capt. Rich, I really appreciate your post as they keep me up on what's happening in the area without having to make the hour drive.
  3. Fished the early shift this morning and got skunked. I put in 2 1/2 hours and had no hits but a rock bass. This is only the second time I've been shut out this summer fishing walleyes on the river. Current, weeds and wind were all tough but I was still able to cover my normal spots but today I came up empty. It happens.
  4. Took my brother and sister-in-law for an early morning on the river. First pass we hit one on the bottom and then doubled up with one on the long line. Ended up going 4 for 5. The one we lost felt like a pig. Others were 4.5, 5.6, 6.8 lbs. Check out the small gobies that were in the stomachs of two of the fish.
  5. Chris, Next time you get up this way give a shout and perhaps we can get out together. I've had my most consistent summer ever but am mostly fishing at night.
  6. Seeing the abundant small bait in the stomachs of the ones I'm catching at night, perhaps they aren't feeding during the day. They are absolutely stuffed with bait. Kind of unusual as they often have nothing in the stomachs. Also, the 10# plus one we caught yesterday changes my opinion on the big ones leaving the area.
  7. If it's like up my way theirs lots of competition for access and a lot of leased property especially in the early season. The only way to find spots is to put in the miles to scout and ask. It is somewhat easier during the regular season when many are deer hunting and the limits are lower.
  8. I agree I saw more people fishing today than any morning. The bait in their stomachs are very small.
  9. After getting skunked fishing salmon on the lake yesterday we were up early hitting the river. We got 4 keepers with a extremely fat 29 in her that weighed 10.9 . Fish are stuffed with tiny 1 -2,5" bait. I'll post a photo latter.
  10. I'm sure it has a great deal to do with forage and possibly migration patterns. I'm actually not sure if these river fish are residents or if they migrate . At times I've seen them spitting up alewives or large gobies and yesterday one was absolutely stuffed with small gobies. Must have had a dozen about 2.5-3" in it's stomach. Makes me think I should run a small stick and see what happens. The big fish on the lake definately migrate and are fairly predictable although a little less so this year.
  11. I believe the Cape and the lake shoals have been slow the last week or so.
  12. Sorry to here about your mishap Les.I hate it when even one box flips and the lures fall out. Not a bad idea to take a photo of all your gear just in case it is ever stolen. It would be very habdy if you ever needed to make an insurance claim.
  13. Went to bed at 8:15 pm and was fishing by 2:30 am. Fishing solo I caught 5 and dropped two more, Most of the fish seem to be in the 18-20" range although I did drop a bigger one. Not sure with the bigger ones have gone but haven't caught any over 23" in the last two outings.
  14. Nice. I put out a deer roadkill for coyote bait a few winters ago and had an eagle sitting in a pine tree near it the next morning. Seems like I'm seeing them more frequently lately,
  15. We got a little bit of a late start this morning. Managed to get 3 walleyes and 3 bass and lost a few others. Bass were in 55-65 fow walleyes in 32 fow.
  16. Nice going Trapper. I'm home from NJ and will hit them in the morning.
  17. I hear the walleye bite on the lake is a little slow right now. I'm hitting the river in the morning.
  18. I talked to Steve and he said the day after we fished they boated 28 smallies!
  19. This time of year they are often really on the crabs and the gobies can give worms fits but real soft shells are not easy to get.
  20. Chas, We have also often found a 10:00 -2:00 bite fishing big fish on the lakes deep water shoals (30-50 fow) while I do much better at night when fishing the river. Strange but true.
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