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Everything posted by Rippin'Line

  1. With all this low water even if the fish do get enough to go in the smaller tribs alot are going to yanked right out.
  2. You already stated my recommendation.
  3. Naming the ditches has already started. It will never stop. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  4. I prefer a dipsy hit over a downrigger. Its another way to get more baits in the water. Spreading them off to the side increases amount of water covered. Someday's its just what they want. Been days only riggers have fired, some days only dipsy's, other days coppers.
  5. great story! been there with the hook but mine was in my hand. Popped it through and cut it off while my buddy was white as a ghost trying not too puke.
  6. When spring time gets close a lot of people start selling used gear on here. You can find some good deals and save some cash as well. In January I think is the Lake Ontario Trout and Salmon Association (LOTSA) has a used tackle flea market in Niagara falls at the Greater Niagara event center that brings in new and used items at discount prices. lotsa1.org is their webpage.
  7. Hank L&M Marine at Port Bay in Wolcott NY. Exactly what Hawkeye50 said.
  8. Watermelon top. NBK bottom. Inner ones not sure exactly.
  9. A mixed veggies warrior uv mag was my best last year. Right on the bottom.
  10. 21' penn yans are heavier but not double. Still easily trailer able and more roomie in my opinion. I've fished both. Any trolling boat is going to be wind drifty since they sit higher out of the water. Heavier boat less drift I would assume. I am bias though and fish a 21' yann.
  11. Is it possible to move the dipsy rod holder into the track? I would locate them in the track and back towards the bow 2 feet then move the downriggers to the corners to seperate them some.
  12. 2 brand new Beckmans. (Salmon/Musky) 6' handle. Bought them 2 years ago and never used them. The size of the bag is just a little too much for the size of my boat. $80 a piece of $150 for both. Dimensions are in the 3rd picture down. Prefer local pickup. I'm from Macedon and docked at port bay in wolcott. Can meet at a reasonable distance.
  13. I only use snubbers if I'm running spoons for steelhead or brown trout with light leader off dipsys.
  14. Right now wave cast for sodus is 1 foot or less. Use this link for current up to 1 hour. Always double what it says. http://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/station_page.php?station=45012
  15. So sorry for you loss Matt.... Hopefull you find a replacement that's just as good . lol
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