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Everything posted by Nautitroller

  1. We won't see you Sunday Jason? Good luck on the big pond! Go get em!
  2. Make the trip to Cayuga, fishing is fantastic right now. North end to middle if lake, shallow start then find the suspended Lakers they are active and big!
  3. We had an alewife in the boat the other day and the side of it looked exactly like the UV fly. The fly certainly explodes with a vibrant light when it hits the water. It would be great to see it on a high def camera..
  4. These flys worked great this weekend on Cayuga. UV extravaganza really boated the Lakers this weekend. The one thing that helped this weekend was a little longer lead with the stained water. These flies pop with vibrancy when placed in the water, thanks Mike!
  5. The fish were still there today, lots of doubles n one triple. Caught two descent salmon on 11" paddle n fly. Our digital scale lied to us many times saying 8 lbs three times and many in the 7 lb range (Lakers), all fish went back today. Yesterday we had a huge fish taco party that all the neighbors loved. Our quote of the day was " dry conditions will continue" HA!! rained n rained and wind blew well over 20mph today we bobbed it out.. BTW I dislike my weather channel app, the senior prognosticator must have been off this weekend:lol: Congratulations to all that placed!!
  6. We weighed in at one pm today at the time the only ones to weigh in yet, had an 8.0 laker, 7-5 Laker and a 4-9 bow. I'm Sure they will get bumped! Great day of fishing for us boating 20+ before 10am. Be back out in am good luck to all! Lake is a bit blown up or has an algae bloom going on, visibility is definitely lessened.
  7. Where is the boat located? I am interested.
  8. Give her a getaway at a day spa and a hotel room close by for that weekend, or just tell her you're bringing home fillets!
  9. My wife and I will be there to support the worthwhile cause, see ya out there!! Good luck! If anyone gets a chance take a picture of the leader board so that the 8 lbers that may not make the board can be released to become 12's lol!
  10. With all the slow fishing talk on Seneca it looks like you did a great job Nick! Pro as always! How were the weeds ? We started to run into them south of Sampson that same day, I get frustrated running a few rods can't imagine 9 plus going into those pods, I think I'd blow a fuse! Side note, my opinion on the lack of fish or that these fish are not biting as much is because there is SO much bait it's no problem for them to be full in minutes. Lots of marked fish and the screen is full of bait everywhere!
  11. Great report! Sounds like a perfect day!
  12. I'm surprised this is still available...
  13. Crazy how much bait was in shallow, these fish are full, the bow had two huge alewife in him also his meat was very white compared to the fish we caught on Cayuga the week earlier.( Diet o alewife) There weren't as many suspended Lakers as I would like to see but they were there. Mike your flies seem to always produce, ( as i knock on wood)
  14. Had a little work this am so the wife n I hit Seneca at about 11am. Launched out of Severne headed north up the chute great screens and we popped a nice bow on a cheater, orange/ gold nk28. SOG 3.4 to 3.6 quite a bit of current headed north so I'm sure the speed at the ball wasn't quite that much. Ran a basic 5 rod spread two riggers one 40' down with the cheater one 90' down with a SD and green iron duke fly, sorry forgot the name. Hit a laker shortly after with that setup. Changing speed seemed too get him to go. The weeds were terrible about two miles up from launch. Stopped on the east side to try some jigging, had a few followers but no hookups. Fought the weeds coming back south, dropped two other fish and landed another smaller bow. Fun day for Seneca. The ten color lost the two other fish and landed the other bow with a small Kevorkian( purple gold) spoon.
  15. Sometimes the spoon program is off but FF will produce ( faster), sometimes it's a super slow troll speed 1.8 or less, with Suttons n flat fish. Sometimes the fish are up in the water and they spook really easy, then the dipsy bite way back (300'+) is good, or with lead cores off boards way out away from the boat. These FL fish can be finicky and if you are marking them and they look active near a bait cloud they will bite. This time of year ya gotta make em think they better act fast before they lose the chance, Ive had luck with more speed early then slow down for the deep troll later in am. A couple of the fish we caught this weekend at 5:15am already had bait already sticking out of their mouths so they are eating early with all the bait up in the column and shutting down early cause their stomachs are full. Owasco and Seneca have tons of fish but the bite gets tough, find em and get on em early and try different approaches! We all get skunked once in a while but there is a reason the charter guys produce. They do a lot of field work and adapt. I'm sure not all my answers are correct but I'm always trying to learn. Good luck out there catch em up!
  16. Speed? Sometimes Owasco has active fish right down the middle, my experience has been fast troll there, 2.7-3.2
  17. Get a prescription for your OCD , all reels read different after the amount on the spool decreases, you could measure points out to different distances outside and put a cheat sheet on your pole handle..
  18. Doing well, my wife n I fished the FLTA tourney Sunday got lucky n found some big fish, ended up second with 31lbs for five fish. It was a great day for us!
  19. A few years back my son and his buddy were swimming off the boat in Cayuga, I threw the same style Dodger out for them to dive for, well they lost it. The next year we were back swimming in the same spot and they found it a year later! Looked just like yours, lol!
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