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Everything posted by HB2

  1. I made a gaff for ice fishing a long time ago I cut the head off a steel shaft golf club to about 3 ft . Then I took a 6/0 treble and pushedit up the shaft. Carefully drilled a hole thru the shaft and eye. Put a small screw and nut to secure. Reach down and hook him just under the bone in his jaw . No harm to the fish . Saw a u tube video of a tourney bass guy with live scope . Basically playing a video game . Pretty sad .
  2. I think he means magazines . Periodicals
  3. When there was debate about going to 3 rods I predicted at some point it will not be enough and it would be proposed to be 4 or now more . I saw a decked out bass boat in the creek with 10 rods killer trolling motor , power poles and 4 12" screens , 2 bow and 2 helm . As I was rowing my 12 ft row boat with an anchor from my kids weight set on a 15 ft rope and a few rods , I asked myself , shaking my head smiling ,is this what you need to catch a 18 " bass ? One of you guys will get electric reels for your 600 ft copper and a lot of you will just have to get them . When the rod goes off , leave it in the holder and push a button to bring it in . All while holding your phone on Facebook My age is a detriment. I saw what it started and where it is now . And fear where it's going .
  4. There is no " evidence " but it sure is happening . Forward Facing Sonar has been a game changer . And live screen also . The fish now really have nowhere to hide . When the salmon enter the tribs by me I see guys with side scan Cruise the creek looking for fish . It takes the mystic out of the sport to me . . The state has set a trib one rod limit. So without any limits a guy can have 10 rods out? What about other guys that want to fish with limited shore space. ? Age brings wisdom . I use to scoff at that . My real reason comes down to ethics . We are sport fisherman , not commercial fisherman . What's next for hunting , Camara drones to scan the woods to find game ? So now we don't have to do the legwork ? All these electronics take the expertise out of the sport ,and it is a sport . Some forget that . And yes I have electronics and will soon come and buy one from you . Only because mine stopped working. It antiquated but it did the job . The electronics of today are expedientially better than when I started . And amazingly before , I caught a lot of fish . And to me it's not about money .
  5. Sandy might be a better first time . If you have boards great . If just long lines then lay your rod holders flat as you can . Run those back 150 ft or so . Try to stay in or on the edge of the stained creek water and closer to shore . Shallow stick baits .
  6. It use to be political difference between party were about policy . High taxes , lower taxes and the like . But both parties put America first . It's not like that now . The Supreme court rules and Maxine says the hell with the Supreme court . The court says no student loan forgiveness and Biden does it anyway . His job is to protect us from foreign invasion and look at the border . The constitution means nothing to them . They want it gone . Sorry , but those the condone and side with that , I don't want to fish with or be around .
  7. The guy is kicking butt in the polls . They can't get him on an IRS audit or something like that ( God knows they tried ) so they will ruin him financially with a bogus charge . Very American of the left . And the best , or worst part is there are people ,some on here , who are good with it because they hate him .
  8. I've gone 15 rounds before about this. To me it comes down to why are you fishing ? For most it's mostly C+R . It supposed to be sport fishing . Some days you get them ,some you don't . I see pier guys with 3 rods stretch out for perch or whatever . So now 4 , or 10 . It's one in the LO tribs past the first bridge . I can't imagine it being more . Southern bass lake are getting ruined with the electronic and boat and bait advancement . I don't want that here. There should be some honor in the way we pursue the fish .
  9. It's up to the loan appraiser to decide what the fair market value is of the property .Not the bowerer or the Gov. When they issue the loan THEY become the primary lien holder so in case of default , they can for close ,sell and get their money back. That has nothing to do with tax assessment . And where did the loan money go? It got used to put up another building the gov can tax the crap out of . What missing money ? There is no victim here .Only winners and as NYS residents we are some of those . And a portion of that money probably goes to our fishing program . Straight Shooters ? Are you kidding me? That's a joke right ? If you voted Joe , all the woes we are experiencing as a country are your fault . NATO isn't going anywhere. But Trump made the county's sitting on their wallet pay up . That's a good thing and will make NATO stronger .
  10. Many NYC business leaders are concerned they are next because what he got convicted of is common business practice . Kathy said not to worry , it's just Trump . So she just admitted it is a vendetta against only him. Election interference . That should concern any American . I don't know how anyone can honestly say its better now than when he was president . Polls show Americans are waking up . The problem is your political choices can affect you fishing or hunting . Your freedoms allow you to be able to go . There are proposed laws to ban hunting tournaments . Fishing could be next . And please don't tell me it couldn't happen . I would never have thought I would see what I'm seeing now .
  11. NYC hotels are booked solid with illegal aliens that Abott is sending up. Who do you think is paying the bill? Where will the money come from? Be prepared for cuts . I have been saying for years political decisions affect everything and that includes fishing
  12. I have to admit , I'm a little surprised and disappointed . When I started this I figured I'd get some pushback . I mean 3 years ago we heard a lot about what a crazy bastard the guy was . How he was crazy about spying on his campaign , Russia , and on and on . Turns out he was right on this stuff . And the more I see , he's probably right about the most important thing . I mean , why would the opposition stop short of that ? Come on you guys , tell me something witty . Tell me how good things are compared to 4 years ago.Tell me how the choice you made was right. And your happy with it .
  13. Well as the song says " The parting on the left is now parting on the right " or so I hope come Nov , if we get there . And the left is going to be OK with the same thing happing to them , RIGHT? What's that saying about paybacks ? There are so many people and companies that did the same exact thing he was convicted of . There are many of our brave warriors that sacrificed so much in past wars fighting against what is now going on in this country . I hope you guys that were so outspoken about the right are happy with your choice and the consequences we are now dealing with .
  14. If you are spring fishing browns shallow , I would definitely put up the planer mast . Sounds like you have a good selection of equipment , more than you need . Spring , temp and water color are critical to find browns . Look for stained colored warmer water , and it doesn't have to be much . Speed is also a huge factor. They make a paddle speed and temp add on for most depth finders . Sticks baits and spoons off riggers and boards work well for me . We all have our favorites you can research on here . Or run 2 of each planer . Fish are sometimes in 6 ft of water . Shallow running stick baits work for that . Spring shallow I would leave the dipseys and coppers home as they are not needed IMO . Keep it simple . The first part and most important piece of the fishing puzzle is location. Can't catch fish that are not under you . I would get 2 more lighter rigger Rods for stick baits off the big boards . Look on here for used deals . Use a 20 ft tippet of 10 # flouro on your rigger and planer rods .
  15. What a great new revenue stream . The money could be endless .
  16. State just got an influx of 355 Millon with an M dollars . What's the chance some of that gets put towards the fishery ?
  17. When it's a good time I will come out to see you personally . It'll be fun to meet you . Looking forward to it .
  18. Will someone from your place be at the show ? I need a new depth finder and you seem to be the guy . Or should I wait and come to your shop ?
  19. HB2

    Sandy perch

    Went down today to float/jig for trout. No trout but got about 15 perch . Some real nice ones
  20. It is extremely important to know the dive rate of the lures you are fishing of each lure . Unless of course you like snags . That is if you are fishing 15 ft or less I find that my jointed Rebels dive the most least followed by straight original Rapalas . 3 to 5 ft . Smithwicks seem to dive 5 to 7 ft Jointed raps dive the most 9 s. 7 ft 11s 10 ft 13 s 12 ft . The bigger the bait in the deeper it dives generally. Also tuning is critical IMO .
  21. I still love my jointed Rebels . 3 1/2 mostly and 4 1/2 . The 5 1/2 are good in dirty water and catch kings Sometimes .
  22. So I stopped down at my cottage at Sandy to fish for a while as I hadn't in a while ( got one brown in 1/2 hr ) and looked down and saw a starboard double board on the rocks at my neighbor's. Olive drab and orange . Can only surmise it came from upstream .
  23. HB2


    They should figure out a way to pipe some of those semi treated sewage nutrients into the lake to feed the bottom of the food chain . Maybe over by The Niagara to Rochester so it dispersed through the Lake system. Have the outlet in say 150 ft of water . It probably wouldn't be that hard a thing to do . The envromentalists would most likely have a fit but it sure would help the fishing .
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