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Everything posted by FishingFool34

  1. You would be surprised how many days you can get out in a smaller boat. I fished out of a 17.5 ft aluminum boat for the last 5 years. Since I upgraded to a 24ft glass boat, I basically still only fish in the same weather I would have fished in my aluminum boat. Sure this new boat could handle more but miserable conditions take the fun out of it real quick. I would say even in my smaller boat I was able to fish 75% of the weekends I wanted to, sometimes I'd have to go Sun instead of the Sat that I wanted to or vice versa but I still got out. Watch the weather and be careful out there.
  2. Pairing with your FF isn't 100% necessary to do what you want to do. I would look into a Minnkota Terrova with iPilot, preferably a 24v with a 60" shaft. Those are minimum requirements for a 18ft boat but you can go bigger/better if you want to spend the money (Ulterra 36v/72"). Talk to Yankee he will get you setup right.
  3. What type of steering? Mechanical, Power assist, or hydraulic?
  4. When ppl don't listen to sound advice and continue to act like everything is still the same. Sometimes you need to resort to drastic measures to show ppl things are serious. Local to me they were forced to chain street signs ontop of all the basketball hoops to keep people from playing. Did you see the pics of NYC when the hospital ship arrived? 100s of ppl showed up to watch it. People still aren't taking this seriously.
  5. I run Ziggy's inline planers, I have the copper version. Pulls a 300 copper no problem, I haven't tried them with a 400 yet but I'd bet it would pull that as well. I use a sams pro release on the front and a red OR-16 clip on the back.
  6. Got this newsletter from the DEC regarding fishing today.
  7. If you can run a solo charter, have multiple customers on your boat and you never once come within 6ft of any of them all while actively fishing... you may have a 2nd career opportunity as a choreographer! and that’s assuming every group you get all live in the same household together. Cuz if they don’t and you have two Separate groups (plus you would make 3 groups). 0% chance you can accommodate that unless you’re chartering out of some crazy super yacht.
  8. It's a tough situation to be in for sure, I certainly feel for you and hate to be a naysayer on the subject. I enjoy fishing as much as the next guy, it's pretty much my only hobby and I do it year round. However the new mandate states "no individual gatherings of any size for any reason" also 100% of the non-essential workforce must stay home. Again no offense, but a fishing charter would seemingly violate both parts of that mandate. I've read the possibility of civil fines is on the table for violating the mandate. It's your call at the end of the day I suppose. Some people may view it differently than me, but those are my thoughts on it. Goodluck and stay safe.
  9. Fees were waived because there is NO TRAVEL RESTRICTION. You can go to a state park anytime you want. Go for a hike, go fish from shore, go launch your boat... whatever you wanna do. State parks are vast open spaces without a lot of ppl which is where they recommend you go if you want to get out of the house. Idk where ppl are getting this idea that you’re confined to your house until further notice?
  10. Yup I knew that too, I was more addressing the spread of mis-information by the OP than your comment. You just happen to say exactly what I was thinking when I first saw this thread.
  11. That's because there is no "travel restriction". This is the OP's interpretation of the NY PAUSE plan, which is incorrect. The restrictions laid out where aimed at limiting gatherings of people NOT on travel. You are still free to go where ever you want to go, it is recommended that you stay home though (again this is aimed at avoiding gatherings of ppl). But you can go to a state park, go for a walk, ride your bike, work on your boat, go get groceries, etc. They just recommend you do solitary activities and practice "social distancing" when you are out in public.
  12. Technically anything more than just you fishing by yourself is against the mandate... "no gatherings of individuals of ANY SIZE". I just got the NYS Parks email newsletter and they reference visiting parks for a "solitary nature break". They even go so far to say if you see crowds forming to choose a different park or trail. Most likely nobody will stop and give you a ticket for fishing with your family or friends, but it is pretty clearly against what they are trying to accomplish with the mandate imo.
  13. If the marinas are closed and I have to tow up and back every time I want to fish, it is going to get very expensive. Also I'm not a fan of fishing solo, so it likely will have a dramatic effect on how much fishing I do this year. I read somewhere Cuomo saying these rules aren't going to be just for a week, possibility of them staying in effect for anywhere between 4-9 months is very real.
  14. Unlucky and lucky at the same time. Where I work was deemed an essential providing business and we continue to operate at 100%. While I still get paid, I also have daily contact with 100s of people that could potentially get me sick and in turn the rest of my family as well. Don't know if I'm lucky or not...
  15. It does say you can go outside for solitary exercise to maintain physical and mental wellness. Fishing could technically qualify for that, just have to go solo.
  16. https://www.wktv.com/content/news/All-NY-workers-in-non-essential-businesses-ordered-to-stay-home-568964201.html Sounds to me like fishing anything but solo is off limits. What is your interpretation?
  17. Came across this last night on fb and there was a lot more stuff available than there is now. There were still some good e-chip flasher colors available last night which have since sold out, but there's a good amount of Spin Doctors and Stinger/DW spoons left. https://www.southbayboatandtackle.com/
  18. Signs all up and down the thruway saying "Stop the spread, STAY HOME" but then Cuomo goes and waives all state parks fees? Seems like mixed signals to me... STAY HOME! but if you don't want to you can go a state park for free!
  19. Those guys all make really nice boats, the problem with those boats are the fact they are west coast boats. Very few dealers for those brands locally, some dealers can get their boats but are they an authorized dealer to do repair/warranty work? Closest Hewescraft dealer listed on their site is in Ohio. Closest Weldcraft dealer is in Michigan. I would do some research into that especially if you're going to be buying new. Other options are Ranger, Starweld, Alumacraft… All of which have multiple dealers in NY. Are they as good or better than Lund, that's up to you to decide, I had an Alumacraft boat for the last 7 years and it's going on 20yrs old and still catches fish.
  20. Crestliner makes a similar style boat to the sport angler, they call theirs the Authority. Not sure if it's any easier to get Yamahas on a crestliner but just fyi. Sport Angler was on my short list if I stayed with aluminum.
  21. I use the DW box, works fine for me. I just need to find something to store my 12" Fish N Chips flashers in...
  22. I've never checked it with a scale so I can't give you an exact number. I do it by feel and adjust depending on if I'm targeting trout or salmon.
  23. I'm trapped in storage until April 1, unless I get lucky and the guy with the RV that's blocking me in decides to leave early which I doubt will happen.
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