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Everything posted by Fishnut

  1. Great job. How were the flees? Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  2. I like the looks of this one moon, check it out next week when your up there.
  3. I have 1lb. balls for sale.. they are 3.00 each and shipping is 7.00 and I can ship 15 balls for that. PM me if your interested.
  4. Fishnut

    for sale : usa 1995 Bayliner 2452 Hardtop

    what is the cruising speed of this boat ?
  5. Where are ya located? Captains cove has big hoop extending handle nets for less than 100 bucks. I picked one up last week. They have the rubber coating on the net also. Cheapest I’ve seen. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app Ps. There on oak Orchard River.
  6. every body is entitled to their opinion. I don't think we should be bashing one another over who we support and who we don't. I think he had a great day ( and a great banner )
  7. Great job. You guys make it look easy. Lol. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  8. Fishnut

    dipsy spread

    580's advice is good. on calm days I have ran 3 per side. 1 setting magnum dipsy, 2 setting standard dipsy and a 3 setting standard dipsy. watch your turns or you can have a real mess.
  9. Nice fish. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  10. What size threads does it have? I can build a few. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  11. I bought a crimper. I use aluminum cable crimps. I use them on my steel rods and my rigger cable. I've never had a problem.
  12. We’ll be going out of the oak Saturday morning. Any suggestions on a starting point would be greatly appreciate?? Haven’t been up since early spring brown fishing. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  13. where are you located? id like to come look at the auto pilot??
  14. I for one am glad to see you reaching out to mend fences, it shows that you are man enough to accept responsibilities for your actions and take steps to rectify the problem. I may have misjudged you. good job manning up..
  15. Bateballing86. ??? I think you may have just 86,ed yourself. Most of the gentleman you just insulted could have shaved years off the learning curve for you. This site is by far the greatest fishing site in the United States. People here take pride in helping others. That’s what this site is all about. I’m t a loss as to what advice to give you? So I’ll just say this. Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubts!!! Good luck and tight lines. You’ll need it. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  16. anything green or blue any time or depth. they are the last colors to disappear in deep water. after 60 to 90 feet depending on water clarity most colors look different shades of black. anything that glows when your down over 30 feet wont hurt you either.
  17. I have one of these on my lake boat. great product, you can steer from anywhere in the boat. I think I paid 650.00 for mine 2 years ago. so your not going to beat the price.
  18. I have a star craft that I thought was leaking. It was my bulge pump. I had a hose on it extending into the water, when I turned it on it would pump all the water out of the boat but it would also prime the system so when i turned it off it would syphon water out of the lake through the pump. It was slow but it would be about 5 gallons in an hour or so. Took me 3 trips to figure out where it was coming from. I cut the bulge exit line off above the water line and haven’t had any issues since. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  19. I’m sure you can rig something up. Mine is also a python works great. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  20. Get a remote control steering. I steer mine with a wireless remote from anywhere in the boat. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  21. Is that a modified sewing machine??? Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  22. Excellent report. Great job guys. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  23. I have a mold for 1 pounders if your interested? ill sell them for 3 dollars each + shipping.
  24. I heard it’s not supposed to crest until the middle of June. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
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