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Deep Six depth chart info? Anybody know?

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I bought 8 deep six's and I know they have a stated depth rating on each one (40, 60, 90, 135), but I can't seem to find a dive chart anywhere.

I am assuming 100 feet back gets you to the rated depth, or is it more of a 2:1 ratio? I don't know. A ratio makes more sense. My 60 would be 120 feet back, my 90 would be 180 feet back etc. etc.

Running 40-pound braid for these rods.

I have contacted Rapala customer service, twice! with no response. That is irritating, they are NO help.

thanks Cat

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Those books are worth their weight in gold!! I have them all. One of the earlier one with the lure depth chart got wet and some pages glued themselves together but still useable!!

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