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NY Musky Inc

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I guess I thought we were talking about stocked fisheries all along. Yes- agreed that natural populations of skis are a precious thing and the regs that are in place exist for the protection of these populations. As for the stocked waters, it just makes sense to have extended seasons (catch and release) if there is no natural breeding to be interrupted and it helps keep angler dollars in-state during these periods.

I would also like to see the minimum size limit raised.. Getting ahead of myself I know but it would be another thing to discuss. I have seen several muskies taken out of a certain lake this past season and while those anglers were within their rights, it would be nice to make this more difficult for people :D

So the NMA meets at a bar? Hmmm... Could kill two birds with one stone.. At least until membership grows :beer:

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Who knows maybe we can start a pen project on Conesus Lake and raise Tiger Muskie Fingerlings by feeding them up to Ice in before release for a much better survival rate there.We would definately want to make sure we do not loose any pure bred muskie waters and see if we can get a couple more lakes stocked as well.Some lakes like Bear Lake need improved boat launch access and Lime Lake needs a public ramp at the present NY DEC Car Top Launch.The Prendergast Hatchery is the source of all of our Inland Pure-Bred Muskie Stocking,so we need to help them in any way we can.But above all is we need to step up and be heard,they need to know that Inland lake muskie fishermen make up a sizable number of fishermen in NY state and are willing not only to help keep the fisheries we have,but also improve them.

Capt. Larry

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Zach,To find your answer to the NY DEC's long term vision for Conesus Lake and if pure-bred muskies can replace the tiger muskies being stocked there we would need to set up a meeting with the NY DEC once we get the Muskies Inc. Chapter up and running.If they would be willing to switch from tiger muskies to pure-bred muskies at Conesus we do not know until we have them at the table for discusion.I do like your idea of stocking the Genesee River,but because it flows into Lake Ontario they would most likely not want to stock Chautauqua strain muskies,they would want Great Lakes strain muskies and there presently is not a hatchery to supply them in NY state,only Wisconcin.You never know what the NY DEC Warm Water Fisheries guys will be willing to do as far as stocking additional Pure-bred Muskies in other NY state lakes until you ask.Just look out of no where they changed stocking at Findley Lake from Tiger Muskies to Pure-Bred Muskies,we need to find out why it was ok there and why not Conesus.

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Ok, back to the most imminent issue: getting chapter 69 off the ground. On the issue of officers: I see we have some volunteers and some nominees but do we have those positions all buttoned up? From what I've seen, I suspect we may need more folks willing to pitch in. I'm happy to volunteer for whatever position you all choose, in the event you need more support, just don't put me in charge of the $$ :lol:

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Chad & Zach, Let me know when a meeting is setup,I'll be there! I would be willing to hold what ever board positon that needs to be filled,I would like to hold Conservation Director or maybe that position and another board position if need be!

We need to get the Muskies Inc. Chapter 69 started before the muskie season opens in NY state.We can setup to get membership at the Chautauqua Tourney June 23rd as well!

Capt. Larry

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Ok Guy's, I announced on my message board & muskie guy's message board that we are in the process of setting up a meeting to start a New NY Muskies Inc. Chapter. So now get the meeting date set so I can post that as well.I believe we can establish a strong membership for the New M.I. Chapter here in NY.In the future I can see Muskies Inc. International helping us with the Bait Fish Fund once it is established as part of the M.I. Chapters Conservation Fund.Time to also start thinking about a M.I. Chapter name,maybe WNY M.I. Chapter 69?

Capt. Larry

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Let me know when and where guys, any research articles we need to help focus our ideas into scientifically backed arguments just let me know ive got a great resource at ESF with a bunch of guys who focus entirely on pike/muskie and they are all really good guys too.

I will be attempting to do some research of my own this summer on lamoka and gather some info that could possibly be useful somewhere in this organization!

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Larry I wonder if the pike in conesus would even affect the muskie during the spawn season? Predation of stocked fingerlings would be a big issue but most of the fish stocked from pendergast have <5% natural reproduction in the lakes (including chautauqua) they are stocked into.

As for why they switched to pures, from what I have heard it was more than likely a money issue. The tigers come from the Ostelic hatchery all the way South East of Syracuse to findley...big gas $$$. Whereas the pendergast hatchery is right there so it makes more sense travel wise.

+1 on increasing the size limit on both pures and tigers...hell maybe even a slot limit on pike too. Smaller bodies of water that get hammered I know that many fisherman will take 37-45" fish for dinner. A 48" limit for pures, 40-45" for tigers would be a good start.

In terms of where else to stock pures, has anyone considered oneida? Its a massive body of water, more productive than seneca, great food sources, the only thing is that it connects to oswego/seneca via the oneida river so theres a chance they can make there way into ontario and the last thing wed want is that strain mixing with great lakes strain.

If there are other positions we need filled I may be interested as well. Let me know what we need!

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Ronix- Good ideas but I bet there isn't a chance in heck about Onieda. I swear they stock that lake just to feed Syracuse. So many walleye guys that would just kill the muskies. Anyways- I just went by Gander and spoke with this lady Monica again. Same girl who I talked to like 2-3 weeks ago and back then everything was cool. Stop in today and she says that they are tearing down the "lodge" and turning it into more retail space. I 'm like WTF? She says that it just came in from corporate last week that they are tearing it down. She sees me pi$$ed as he// and says- Go by Dicks "they have a conference center". I pack my butt up and go over to Dicks. Talk with Mark Castaldo and he is cool as heck. Saying anything we can do for you guys and good stuff like that. I travel upstairs to check this room out. Its a room that can maybe hold 20 people, it does have a dry erase board and tv but seems small to me. He gave me his card and told me to call him and let him know when we want to hold a meeting. He said that week days would be best and that we could stay until 9pm if needed. I am down to have it there but I am just worried about the size of the place. If we want it, its ours- anyone got a better place to hold a meeting or are we doing our first one at Dicks? I dont care either way I was just surprised by what Gander told me after just talking to them a couple of weeks ago. Guys- let me hear your thoughts and if we do roll with Dicks for now- lets decided on a time that works. I am trying here guys, I promise that.

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I'm jealous zach (but only 'bout that last part :lol: ). Thanks for birddogging this thing. I suspect dicks would be ok while we're gettin this thing off the ground and buy us time to look for a more permanent home as the #s grow. On that note, assuming roch being the central point between syr and buff, henrietta is logical as its the middle exit and close to the thruway, right off the expy aka convenient.

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How does like May 9th sound? That would give me over a week to get all the membership papers and call Jay Zahn back. Muskies Inc gave me "starting up a club" folder but not membership forms. This is like 2 weeks away and I need some time to get more stuff mailed to me. Your guys' thoughts????? If not Dick's- how about the Klassy Kat? Its within walking (stumbling) distance of my house and it would be way more entertaining!

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I would love to help out in any way that I could, however I live about 15 minutes away from the Otselic Hatchery. The closest place with pures is over two hours away so I have only fished for tigers out in my area.

I would love to have a lake in the central ny area stocked with them eventually but it seems it may be better to get the western areas more established first. That being said, and being ~3 hours from Rochester, I would like to join and support through email or other technological means if possible. I have a few more people in my area that would like to also as well as the Albany area.


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Awesome Tiger Hunter- good to see you Albany boys are with us. So I guess its May 9th, is 6pm or 7pm better with you guys? Also would like to add that we have full support from our neighbors to the south. Chapter 16 (3 Rivers) is all about backing us. Neat.

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I don't think I will be able to make it during the week, especially after being gone the whole week before fishing, I have a comfy couch but I don't want to be in the dog house for too long. If there is something I can do without making it to the meeting let me know.

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Tigerhunter,Being that you are close to Otselic Hatchery,NY states tiger muskie hatchery for the entire state,you could be our Tiger Muskie Liason Board Member.Keep us informed of issues & needs at Otselic Hatchery,via email reports for our New M.I. Chapters News Letter after we form the New Chapter.Maybe in the future we may end up helping the Tiger Muskie Program as we will do with the PureBred Muskie Program thru the Bait Fish Fund!

Capt. Larry

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