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Everything posted by spoonfed-1

  1. Don't know if I can pass up a deal like that. Have a good winter Ray. I'll keep the driveway shoveled so I can get to WORK while you bask in the sun and fish. Glen
  2. For you guys that are running the magnum divers. Whats the max. depth you guys are getting with 30 lb wire on these divers? What brand are you running? Thanks Glen
  3. Sorry to hear the news. Thoughts and prayers to you and your family. Glen & Kelly
  4. OK thanks Tag. I'll be up wnterizeing the boat and camper also next weekend. Have a good winter. Glen
  5. Thanks Nick but I got to work Columbus day. They took it away from us and gave us two days off for the 4th of July. I'll give you a call during the weekend. Glen
  6. Andy thanks for the offer. Might take you up on that once the bigger LL start up. Jeff same to you on the winter and Holidays and we'll see you out west. SS glad I could save you some fuel And Keith I read your report. 300 ft of cable wouldn't have helped much this fall. Just not many fish. Glen
  7. Got out Sat for one last troll of 2010. Didn't want to leave the dock before it was light enough to see with all the stuff the rivers were pumping out. Hit the lake and headed north against the waves at a comfortable speed and watched the FF in depths from 40 fow to 120 fow. Very bleak picture except for bait in the 120 range. Bait no fish. Got up to Lake View and set lines. Worked from that 120 into 10 really well without a fish of any kind on the screen or the rods. Trolled from there down past the entrance of Sandy pond in 10 to 20 fow without a touch. Pulled lines and ran down to Salmon river and things were pretty much as I expected. Chocolate milk from the mouth to about a mile out with all kinds of debris in the mix. Pretty much unfishable so we headed in for lunch. Back on the lake about 3:30 and went northwest out to 225 and set lines. Trolled in to the bouys infront of the plant with a blank screen and no fish. Quite a bit of suspended bait out in the deep water and figured we should have run into a two year old or for that matter quite a few but nope. Barren. Hit the bouy line and trolled it right into the Bay and into the shallows figureing we'd find some Browns but that wasn't to be either. Admitted defeat and pulled rods about 7:00 pm and headed in. An appropiate finish to the worst fall I've ever seen in the Bay. Time to beat up on some local trout until the ponds ice over. See ya next spring. Glen
  8. Thanks for the update Zeke. Glen
  9. I guess it was taken on a pink worm. Not by me though. It was caught by a friend on the Swift river. I just posted it (with his permission) because it's one of the nicest shots I've ever seen. Glad you enjoy it. Glen
  10. Tough to beat this guy taken on an unamed river in Mass. Glen
  11. I always put one or two good size split shot about 6 feet ahead of the lure when flatlining flatfish and never run any faster than about 2.1. Glen
  12. The 1st Amendment protects your right to be an idiot. Glen
  13. Please keep in mind that in late Oct into Nov. The winds and weather can get brutal. To top it off there is very little to no help out there. Your pretty much on your own. Make sure the boat is mechanically sound and keep a close eye on the weather. In my experience the fishing can get hot into Nov. Stay safe. Glen
  14. Get well quick Elliot. Lots of fish to be caught. Glen
  15. Thoughts and prayers to go out to you Elliot, Andy and family. Glen and Kelly
  16. If you read the reports it appears the Oak is crankin pretty good. Glen
  17. How about I take my lowly spinning rod with one of those unsightly pieces of painted metal on it and clear out that pool for you so you don't get your artfully and masterfully hand tied, perfectly presented flys, roughed up by those pesky trout. Shouldn't take me long and I'll be out of your way. Don't sweat the report thing you'll get the hang of it. After some practice you will be able to present that report as skillfully as your fly so even us unsportsmen like unskilled spoon draggers can interpret it. Thanks for your service and welcome to the site. Glen
  18. Painfully slow. Went north to the Big River. Fished in front for awhile with nothing to show. Fished from 10 to 150 fow. Blank screen and still rods. Picked up and ran north. Fished from the North Dunes to Lakeview. Marked one Salmon in front of the Dunes in 60 fow. Really wanted him bad but no go. LOL. Heard a report that one boat did 2, 2 year olds in front of the plant for 6 or 7 hours of fishing. Was planning on heading out there this morning but had to fix a leak in the camper. No leak and no fish. Glen
  19. Friggin maggots. If you find um let us know who. Good luck. Glen
  20. That was fall of '07, so those were the 2008 year class of stockers and this years 2 year olds/teenagers. Those will be next years matures. Tim And the Salmon river was supposed to have gotten it's full allotment of fish with the shortages spread out through the west so the impact on the numbers should be minimal in the east next fall. Glen
  21. River water was cooler than the lake water. Alot of silver fish were taken out of the river. Alot of those fish in the estuary will move back out for awhile if the lake conditions improve. Also the longer the warm water keeps the incoming fish out, the less time they spend in front in the lake. Whether or not next weekend is better is dependant on the conditions in the lake. If that warm water is still there from top to bottom it will remain tough. Glen
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