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Everything posted by TROUTMAN 87

  1. The FLTA Tourney scheduled for this Sunday is postponed.The Tournament committe is in agreement that due to the conditions of the lake, we should't have the tourney. We will discuss what to do with this tourney at our next meeting.
  2. The DEC has cancelled the lamprecide treatment on Catherine Creek because of the water conditions. Plan is to try this fall.
  3. I make 12 pound balls,short fin with a release loop-$25.00. I am in Watkins Glen. 607 535 2390
  4. The weigh-in in Watkins has a brown at 12.99 that has not yet been put on the board. You can go to www. national lake trout derby.com. They have the board updated at 4:00 pm today.
  5. I make 12 pound ball weights. $25.00 I could make you a couple and ship them. I am in Watkins Glen-you probably wouldn't want to drive down and pick them up. Get back to me thanks Troutman 87
  6. If you want to go with torpedos pm me Troutman 87. I make both 12 and 16 pounders. I am in Watkins Glen
  7. MIKE Are you intrested in a trade for a Craftman generator used for a couple weeks building a camp.
  8. A buddy of mine went to Lodi creek and fished last Friday.He had permission from the people that have the cottage on the north side of the creek. When he came back,a sheriff and the owner of the trailer park was waiting for him. He did not trespass on the trailer park land. The north side of the creek is not posted or any warning signs of any kind. No tickets were given but they told him NO FISHING in Lodi creek.How can someone tell you you can't go fishing on land that they do not own and you have permission to go? PS The creek is full of fish.
  9. Are you intrested in trading? Have a 350 Yamahah 4 wheeler,2 wheel drive in excellant shape and a Honda portable generator.thanks
  10. B-B Right now I don't have any torps made. I do have a lot of lead and I will get making them as soon as the weather permits as I have to make them outdoors. The price is still the same-$30.00 each plus $14.00 shipping. I will get back to you as soon as I get some done. Thanks for the inquiry Troutman 87 Harvey
  11. BOG Did you find enough Cleos? If not I have about 12-15 Cleos,Crocodiles,Old Wobl -o -rites,cleo type spoons etc. Let me know-Troutman 87 PS CHEAP!
  12. The launch at Watkins Village Marina near the new hotel is wide open. There were two trucks with trailers there yesterday. I could see a boat anchored in front of the breakwall,probably perch fishing.
  13. 4 new Chamberlain releases 2 regular and 2 stacker-$40.00 shipped. 5 new Roemer releases $30.00 shipped. shipping US only. Chamberlains sold.
  14. SEAN How far up from the south end did you have to go to get out of that muddy water? It looked real bad from the canal bridge about 4:00 pm.today.
  15. Troutmans phone number is 607 535 2390
  16. Brewers sporting goods in Ovid NY has 9 spools of 30 pound test Cortland Flea Flicker left. $12.50 for 300 yards.
  17. We are coming to Cayuga tomorrow to fish the FLTA Tourney. Launching at Deans Cove-5:00 am. Any info. greatly appreciated,especially fleas and weeds. Fishing for silvers and lakers. Have all the right stuff-4 riggers,lead core, copper,dipseys,etc.Thanks Troutman 87
  18. C-H I am Harvey aka Troutman 87. I make both 10 and 14 pound fish shaped weights. The 10s are $20.00,the 14s are $30.00.I can put two in a USPS flat rate box and the shipping is $14.00. I have them now.
  19. They tell me that tadpoles/pollywogs are no longer legal bait until bass season open. I have heard that from a lot of fishermen. Fact or rumor? Troutman 87
  20. TONY I'll bet your mother just loves that trout on her kitchen table! Harvey
  21. ICE I got home too late to return your call. Try again tonight-Harvey
  22. Sean was right-the canal is full of landlocks. The guys spinning from shore were slamming them Fri. and Sat. One guy had a 10 pound brown. Most of the Salmon were 5 pounds and up. Little Cleos. Troutman 87
  23. One good thing about the Fast Trac in Ovid is that they are open 24\7
  24. I just bought a bunch of new Michigan Stingers that don't have split rings on the nose. Should I put rings on them or run them the way they are? Your opinions are greatfully appreicated.
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