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Everything posted by rolmops

  1. Wrong. Obama care could have been a lot better. When it was first brought to the house , it was not really perfect, but quite good for most of the people. It was on its way to a vote in the senate when senator Ted Kennedy died and with him the 60 senators mayority needed to make it filibuster proof. At that point Obama care got hacked up and neutered by the senators who are beholden to the big healthcare lobby. The end result was less than perfect, but I have not yet found anybody does not like being able to keep their kids on the insurance until they are 26 years old and the fact that no insurance company can refuse any clients with pre-existing health issues. Obama care became the way it is now as a result of two different lobbies fighting each other and having to compromise every step of the way.
  2. Hb2, Presidents do make laws in 2 ways. They can give executive orders and although they are not laws as such, they might as well be, and they have to sign off on every law that passes congress which they may or may not do. As for who makes laws. Usually a special interest group -lobby- convinces a member of congress that a certain law should be proposed and after that has been done, the lobbyists write that law being very careful to write 2000 or more pages to make sure that nobody will read the small print in which any and all special desires of the special interest group are satisfied. When that is all done some member of congress claims to have proposed and written the law and the lobby will reward him with bigger donations while the special interest group represented by this lobbyist will get a lot richer.
  3. It is really sad to hear all the talk about crime, mostly because according to the feds, crime has gone down. The GOP brought crime to the election only after they realized the enormous influence that the abortion issue brought to the polls. As for the bail issue. At no point in time were violent crime suspects let go without having to put up bail. Release without paying bail is there for those innocent until proven guilty, so those who cannot afford bail don’t have to spend several months in jail until their case comes to court. This enables them to work and provide for their dependents. Until now their only alternative to waiting in jail, was pleading guilty and get out without doing time, but now with a criminal record that haunts them for the rest of their lives even if they were innocent to begin with. Nothing is simple if you are poor,because the system is rigged against you.
  4. You see the 49 counties are mostly populated with bears, coyotes and raccoons. If you give them voting rights you would win elections, but you have to stop hunting or you will lose the elections again. Also in most democracies the idea of voting is roughly based on the idea of "one man (person) one vote". Not "one acre one vote."
  5. The Evinrude 28 ,30 and 35 2 strokes all have the same weight and engine block. If you want stay traditional you should go up to the 1958 engine because this engine already has a fuel pump which solves the problem of a pressurized fuel tank. ( these engine are available as are the spare parts) In those days, the horse power was measured at the drive shaft, not the propeller.that only changed in 1986. So if it says 30 horse you should read 28 horse for a newer engine. Modern 4 strokes weigh a lot more than the old two strokes and they have a lot more torque. If you choose to go that way you should not go over 20 horse.
  6. Torpedo down rigger weights are made in the finger lakes
  7. Sounds wild. I'll get my cat with nine tails out of the brine bucket.
  8. It s a good thing that you voted no matter whom you voted for. By the way it is the big oil companies deliberately keeping oil production down so they can charge higher prices and work less. Maybe you should inform your buddy Lonsberry of that pesky little fact. Is this Bob lonsberry of yours the same same Bob who got fired from Wham radio station for calling ex mayor Johnson of Rochester an Orang Utan and a monkey? It sounds like he may be a bit prejudiced.
  9. I did do early voting. It is just so much more pleasant. So far the only thing that ticked me off about this election is being texted all the time by someone calling me Thomas (unbeliever?) telling me to go vote republican to save the Christian nation. Just remember that whoever wins will have to represent all of us. anyway, unlike some politicians would like us to believe, the soup is never eaten as hot as it is served. Peace.
  10. You mean that you were raped by two teachers as a minor? you poor innocent little bastard, If only I would have been that lucky.
  11. You know, for all you know your very own high school teacher was one in his/hers private time
  12. I worked all my life and now I get social security. I will vote for the party that protects those rights and against those who attack democracy and spread lies.
  13. Those rigs came with 4.3 liter 190 horse Chevy blocks, cobras or mercruisers. They have 50 gallon tanks and power steering. Word has it that at WOT they go over 40 miles an hour.
  14. Such a shame. It is such a beautiful marina and so close to great fishing water. Will it be dredged? Or is it a case of no matter how well you dredge it will slib in again in no time. I don't want to play Russian roulette with my lower unit so I will drive on to Sandy where the parking lot is famous for car break ins. The only rig I would feel good about going in and out of there would be a Penn Yan tunnel drive.
  15. What Gambler is talking about is very interesting and it shows that some researchers tried to think like lamprey in order to most effectively kill them. It uses what to Lamprey are "sweet fun loving smells" coming out of creeks and these creeks will attract lamprey that will go in there to breed , but once a bit of a way inside they get caught in weir nets, and removed from the water to get killed and turned into fertilizer. They never get a chancre to breed. The "dead" smell is used in other creeks and lamprey that would normally go into these creeks to breed will not enter because of the "dead" hormonal smell. The best parts of this treatment are A: that it is cheap compared to current treatment and B: that it can be used under most weather conditions. It is beyond me why the DEC does not use this system although I suspect that it is not profitable for the lampricide producer(s) so those folks are probably pulling their political weight to protect their financial interests.
  16. It has been warm, so they are a bit late this year. I would suggest you anchor when you catch one. They usually come in schools
  17. You can do better than that, selling the parts on eBay.
  18. You sidestepped my statement by trying to insult me. On top of that, you claim to know what “the” other people want. Do you really believe that “the other anglers” want you to represent them?
  19. My big problem here is the fact that the people working to increase the stocking numbers are charter boat captains. They have a financial interest. A lot of commercial and charter people on the Atlantic coast fought for more fish and in their short sighted financial greed they destroyed the cod stocks . To all you charter boat captains. You should be wise guardians not short term profit seekers.
  20. At the channel markers where you see the boats the water is around 12 to 16 foot deep. A few yards farther south, the water drops fast to about 80 feet. the perch love it.
  21. I just checked the price of coosa boards. It’s up there, but it is a one time fix, you can get it 1.5 inch thick and you can get it cut to the size you want. You don’t have to buy the epoxy glue or 2 component epoxy paint which brings down the overall price and a lot less work
  22. The big difference between salmon and stripers is the fact that striper season doesn’t stop in October. They just keep growing bigger and bigger. I very fondly remember the 42 pound steam train striper I caught in Cape Cod Bay.
  23. It looks like the DEC policy that was initiated after the hard winters of a few years back allowed the bait fish population to recuperate. If this winter is benevolent it will be a great spring fishing season with all the bait and the salmon feeding well all winter instead of starving and dying. If we have another crazy cold winter most of that bait will die and the salmon along with it. It is true that the DEC has a different policy than what you would like, but they are doing a pretty good job in my book.
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