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lost a lure

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Everything posted by lost a lure

  1. YEP! https://sharktrollingproducts.com/shark-superstore/
  2. How do you tie a palomar knot on both sides of the swivel?
  3. I will take it, If it's the one i want and the price is right.
  4. http://www.scottsbt.com/catalog/store/images/pennparts/manuals/om800_825.pdf Green and white wires for remote connection.
  5. https://www.facebook.com/randrtackle/
  6. Everybody respond to the post and ask if they are the original owner
  7. You were probably "rocking out" last night at half time too
  8. Give me your numbers, lures used and fish caught at the time you lost the ball. I can probably not find it for FREE!
  9. Try this https://www.bluesea.com/products/category/11/89/Manual_Battery_Switches/Add-A-Battery_Kits
  10. I don"t believe so. They will let you buy a license even if your a felon but wont let you enter to use it.
  11. "chart must be printed for accurate sizing"
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