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Everything posted by Sk8man

  1. Here's the reasoning- The 7 strand wire costs about $45 (plus time to re-rig) or so A dipsey and flasher costs about $25 or so.I tie my own flies so they aren't real expensive. I always keep abut a dozen dipsey/flasher or spinney combos already rigged and ready to go in the boat in zip lock bags) There is substantial "give" in the fact that the wire is out a long way and because of "slight bowing", and the fact that most of the force from the fish is directed at the fly and flasher component and that is where I want the strength and a little "shock absorption" from the 50 lb mono so I don't lose the fish....I'm not protecting the fly...I don't care about that....just make another for a couple bucks. I make sure my drag is set right when I deploy and I make adjustments while fighting the fish (e.g. kings) despite other folks opinions to the contrary and during the many years I've been doing this I haven't lost hardly any fish. In the old days prior to fleas I used to use 12 lb test mono and 20 for the rest. There is a large degree of overkill by many relating in my opinion to improper setting of the drag, poor knots, or inferior lines and leaders being used. There have been IGFA records set on fish over hundreds of pounds using 10 lb test line. Yes large kings can be "savages" but they are not sharks either.
  2. First of all at that depth the width of the cone of the signal will be quite wide probably encompassing both sides of the boat when near bottom. My hunch is that it may relate more to the particular way you are trolling and the speed differential between the two sides of the boat moving through the water and turns in particular. The leeward side is usually running slower than the outside and it is quite pronounced even on slight turns and you may also be unconsciously "favoring" a side of the boat while steering without realizing it (e.g turning to the left ever so slightly). Just a thought.... P.S. If you were in really shallow water say 20 ft I would be wondering about it as a remote possibility though.
  3. Nice going FLX . I know what you mean about the rock piles ...there are usually fish nearby there but you sure have to be on the lookout....I fish them in the Spring and late Fall for another species I had the wonderbread E chip flasher on as well as the wonderbread Spinney yesterday but I was running up pretty high 180-200 out because I don't usually fish for the lakers but up higher they work on nice bows as well trolled faster than normal. You earned your fish yesterday that is for sure. Good report. Les
  4. I think if the water temps come down the fleas will be down as well Ted. Should be OK by them I would think. Surface temp still 68 in most places today. I'd like to fish the tournament but we are driving out west and on to LA the right then.
  5. I hear ya Craig. I'm always torn between perch and trout at this point in the season myself. The perch fishing is starting to look more attractive with this flea crap now.
  6. I went solo this AM and fished from 70 ft to 230 ft of water with 2 downriggers and sliders and one 250 copper with spoon. Trolled all the way to Bristol Harbor condos without a touch (changed lures several times) trolled back north picked up 2 small rainbows on the copper rig out120 ft past the copper with a 44 Great Lakes with silver diagonal tape and one 18 inch bow on the 46 ft. downrigger (came on slider) on one of my old time handmade spoons taped up. The wind sucked bad out of the south and a major PITA the whole time (white caps and rollers all morning) and the moss green fleas were all over everything including all the way up my downrigger wires and on the copper as well and that is a first usually only the leader or connection but this time intermittent bunches on the wire itself and there were spotty weeds out in the middle within scum lines. The boat was a mess and the downriggers still are. The fleas seemed to get worse as I went north. I didn't mark many fish or much bait throughout on either side of the lake. Even the area near the water plant seemed devoid of fish or bait whereas there was a bunch of both last time out.
  7. Sounds about like the day I had Kevin. Wind was supposed to be light and variable changing in afternoon to WSW. As I launched at the north end of Canandaigua the wind started up out of due south and by the time my lines were set it was 10-15 mph south and large whitecaps then rollers to a couple feet/ Had to troll with big motor against the waves and was solo so it was a constant battle. Trolled for 12 miles and not a touch pulled lines to change out and turn around and go back north wind changed to south east strong. All my lines were covered with fleas of the worst kind and grass as well. The downrigger wires were loaded with fleas and after cleaning all off the lines boat was a total mess. The downrigger wires are still loaded with fleas....I think manual downriggers would have been welcome today in terms of a clean off. The wind blew one of my flies into life jacket and it was totally embedded so I had to bring it through and cut off the barb and things went on and on like that all the way back primarily relating to the wind. Not a real fun day but managed 3 small rainbows biggest 18 inches all released but one of them has only one eye....so he didn't have a great day either but he swam away....
  8. You got it Justin. Angling Addict....most of the time I'm limited to three rods as I am solo so it is an easy spread but they can be run in multiples off my 15 ft. outriggers too if need be with about 40 ft total width to work with. On the in lines usually one copper per side with dipseys on the inside without the boards.
  9. 30 lb Big Game no snubber and never a break off yet. In my view most of the shock is to the leader from the dipsey to flasher or spinney and for that I use 50 lb Big Game Mono. I'd rather chance losing the dipsey and fly and replacing them than have the 30 lb wire break (a more PIA expensive fix) so I try to keep that part consistent and I believe the 30 lb mono (or one of the connections) will break before the wire (e.g. if snagged up).
  10. Justin luckily my approach with the trout/salmon isn't as exacting as yours with the walleye and especially fishing out in the middle of these deeper lakes where I don't have to be as concerned about structural contours. I "guesstimate" along with watching the angle of my line and the speed I'm traveling....not real scientific but it can work I usually use from 4 to 10 ounces of weight (sometimes fixed sometimes sliding). It is kinda like using the Seth Green rig without all the leaders (up and down within the water column "prospecting") and it certainly isn't as easy to repeat in an exact sense as in your methods for walleye either. I usually am within the top 80 ft of so in the water column with all my stuff anyway because I try to avoid the lakers except during derbies I should also qualify this as relating to fishing the Finger Lakes not fishing Ontario (different water and different approach)
  11. Sounds as though everyone had a good time despite the "mayhem" Justin. It is pretty amazing how many a******s you meet up with out there on the water while boating let alone fishing. The jet ski dudes and the "cigar boats" on Canandaigua are my nemesis nearly every time out The problems seem especially prevalent on the smaller lakes where space is at a premium but it is still totally unnecessary to crowd folks no matter where and especially at night when someone is well "lit up".....not only dumb but dangerous. I would venture to say however that whoever the inconsiderate person was in your situation I would assume it probably wasn't one of our folks on here but it sure is worth pointing out these situations for all of us to be aware of and to maintain respect for spacial considerations while out there. The last time out I had two boats racing each other out in the middle of the lake heading right for me and I had to wave my arms and gesture them to avoid my lines. I also think alcohol may play a role in some of these situations. I know it does at night on Honeoye.
  12. My solution to the long copper situation was to use shorter ones (250's) and use weight with them rather than reeling in all that stuff. I know it may not be as "stealthy" as some folks might say but it can work and you can get the fish in faster to release them (as some of us do).
  13. I chose my 18 ft Whaler for the same reasons John mentioned I can stand on the gunwales without the boat tipping even slightly (and I'm 200 pounds ). Specific hull design is an important consideration depending on the use you're going to give the boat. I think the fact that there are a lot of Thompson's still around may say something about their sea worthiness.
  14. You're hanging out in good company Johnny Justin has them dialed in and probably will have them trained to feed out of his hand by the end of the season
  15. Thanks Mike By the way while your boat is out of commission you are always welcome in mine.
  16. Nice going Mike and good report I'm surprised you even ventured forth today as nasty as it is out....of course this is coming from someone who has fished in blinding snowstorms in times past
  17. Good observations John. You know earlier in the season I was thinking maybe the fish I'm marking are not trout (maybe smallies etc.) but this is the second time that in being persistent in "messing" with them (back and forth up and down with the riggers, letting out line, taking it in, and going crossways, rocking the boat etc.) that I have caught a rainbow so I know at least some of the marks are bows but they sure are particular. One of the complicating factors here in assessing what is going on is the two year back to back virus/bacterial infections leading to die offs. There certainly seems to be adequate amounts of bait here but not like I've seen in years past where clouds of it go from over a hundred feet up to the surface.
  18. Had things to do in Am left the north end launch at noon trolled the west side south with 2 riggers with sliders and a 200 copper with spoon, then added 4 oz wt to copper still nothing. A lot of fish and bait pods marked 40-70 ft down from 78 ft of water through 141 ft. wouldn't touch the offerings. Changed out the copper for 6 color leadcore then with weight and trolled right through fish and bait - no takers. Switched out spoons on riggers many times... nothing still marking fish spread out but no takers. Also marked very graphically what I initially thought was the thermocline but once I checked my lines it was clear it was the fleas...they were so thick thy even attached to my downrigger cables and the sea flee line on the downrigger rods (a first on them). The fleas are not the usual type they are very dark green resembling "moss" but they are more stubborn to get off than the usual types. In some places there were "bands" of them on the display and when I brought up my lines the fleas were intermittently distributed on the lines in bands as well. Once I reached Menteth I trolled back north and replaced the leadcore with a wire rig and flasher/fly combo followed by a spin doc combo....still nothing despite going back and forth through fish and "messing" with them trying to get them to bite. finally as I reached the Water Plant while right out iin the middle I was pulling in the wire and the 55 ft downrigger fired and started taking line and then a rainbow jumped once and then headed down. I got him in and he was a decent 4 lb bow...realized I left my camera in the vehicle but he came on the Great Lakes 44 with orange tape again. He was released unharmed after a few minutes reviving him. It turned out that it was good that I left the camera behind in the vehicle because I got a good shot of a blue heron on the way out of the launch.
  19. Should work fine. We've been using frozen sawbellies (alewives) for years successfully.
  20. Hey Jason $4.00 per pound is really incredible....out on the Cape the cheapest I've ever seen it even off season is $6.99 per pound. i do knowthat some locals there get theirs right at the Wellfleet pier from lobster men and fishermen and clammers and it is less expensive that way but I'm not sure how much cheaper.
  21. Right where the old Walmart was on 5 and 20 east of the movie theater huge inside 85,000 sq ft.
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