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Capt Vince Pierleoni

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Everything posted by Capt Vince Pierleoni

  1. Matt I have a set of rail mount manual ones available next Sunday. See me on the dock tmw.
  2. Kudos to Nick, and all of the volunteers and boat owners helping make this worthy cause such a big event. Here's to great fishing for all that day.
  3. Thank you for the kind words. Sodus is a great place for the grand finale of the Pro Am series format. The sense of community and camaraderie is everywhere.
  4. Great job Matt, to you and the committee. Thank you to the sponsors of this ultra competitive event. A special shout out to Tim and his dad-and the entire staff at Krenzers. They were extremely accommodating and seemed to be everywhere! Looking forward to next years event.
  5. We can "decide" what Jerry? You and I both know the decision has been made. Yeah, and the "conference call", convenient how its strategically scheduled during the prime time of the final day of the RNC. This all politics and all about the current admins in power.
  6. I talked with the Canadian trawl captain while attending the Lake Huron scare session in Port Credit. They still cannot trawl under 200 fow due to tearing up gear and snagging the rough bottom. Its irrelevant anyway, its clear to me what's going on.
  7. But yet they are moving "full speed ahead" to replace the top apex predator-the Chinook Salmon-with the federally funded, federally approved Lake Trout NOW. The new, improved, technology is COMING--but the decision to reduce Chinook stocking will be made quickly and quietly(sound familiar?) BEFORE the new technology comes. The reason there is so much adult bait is because--THE NUMBER OF TOP END PELAGIC PREDATORS HAS BEEN WOEFULLY INADEQUATE to control the alewives in recent years--even with the last 2 hard winters. This has resulted in the large "top heavy" population of older alewives. These older alewives(much like a whitetail deer population) will suppress the "up and coming" year classes of alewives. They know this and that is why they are cramming long lived Lake trout down our throats because they are hoping they can control, if not eradicate the alewife. I'm shocked, Jerry. It was easy for them to take you into the fold.
  8. Always enjoy hearing about the other GREAT lakes, especially its greatest species, the Chinook Salmon. Keep them coming. Long live the King!
  9. I'm not 100 percent certain about that unit, but if airmar makes it "IMARINE" will have it. They are on the west coast if you call, and are extremely knowledgeable and helpful. Just remember to change the transducer settings on your unit to fit the frequencies of your new transducer. Good luck!
  10. The top end predator--the Chinook Salmon is currently in the midst of a heavy feeding period. Their metabolism is cranked. At least until the next big blow you have lots of them off your port. Although early AM is best, mid day and Sundown are great early-mid Summer times to experience a good bite. Good luck.
  11. Chas, due to the "movement", this will prioritize projects that could help with natural reproduction of NATIVE species. I would think a shoal or stream rehab would be projects that could qualify. Another very worthy proposal that wont happen on the south shore is the removal of a dam so salmonoids can access spawning water. Not only would this be met with opposition, but far too expensive for the amount of the grants. Ruff rider, although a good thought about a reef or a shoal for alewife spawning, they will not support that as they are considered an invasive and very adaptive as to where they spawn-- they can shift their annual spawning areas based on water temps and available food.
  12. We want to thank Rick , Bob, and Paul for the extra work they put in(and also Mike Waterhouse). I can see this unique formatted event getting bigger and bigger.I have a couple of suggestions for the weigh ins that I will pass on and look forward to next year. Keep up the good work.
  13. Do not install a thru hull in a Fishmaster. Just too much flex. No matter how careful the installation is it will eventually leak. The advice given here is correct, get an airmar transom mount for your unit and mount it to a transom block so you can move it around(until you get satisfactory performance) without making swiss cheese out of your transom. You can mount a poly transom block with quality caulk without even putting a hole in the transom.
  14. I 2nd God blessing Howard Tanner. I'm hoping this situation will change when the current admin changes. NY was going to address the cormorant epidemic--finally using lethal measures. That ended before it started when the Feds said they would sue if that happened. Yes, use OUR money to sue NY for wanting to control an epidemic. WE THE PEOPLE.
  15. I agree Gill-T. I am completely confident that we are headed to problematic excess alewives, especially with another normal to mild winter. It deeply concerns me that once again we are seeing a "rush to judgement" and the Kings are the "big bad wolf", and not the savior that they truly are. The reluctance to admit or discuss the predation by Lake Trout all across the Great Lakes is the telling part. We are now not only seeing the giant old alewife in the fish, but also last years hatch as well.
  16. I did a double take running by you Pro-Am week. You are amazingly talented!
  17. Complete everything but wires. 8 cylinder. Brand new coil and cap. $150 firm--SOLD
  18. I don't think everyone knows where each other's point of reference is coming from. There are anglers contributing from both Lake Ontario and Lake Michigan on this thread.
  19. It will be great to have you back down west, Rod. By the looks of the excellent specimens we tangled with in Canada this weekend, the WHI and Niagara Pro-Am should be great!
  20. None of the regular anglers on lake Michigan that I have spoke to are buying it. One of the great tourney teams from Michigan was at the KOTL event this weekend and they feel the same way. Reports of this lakes demise have been greatly exaggerated. The bait is coming, and its coming hard. The Kings being caught are fat and large for their age. The emeralds are back in the harbors-critical for young trout and salmon to feed on and an important buffer from predators. For Lake Ontario the biggest deciding factor determining Salmon fishing quality is survival of the fingerlings.
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