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Everything posted by Frogger

  1. Laker Taker, great pic and great dad to get your boy out on the lake. My opinion is location right now. North end is tough right now, as suggested as water warms it should pick up. Things have changed this year. The hole isn't holding them like past years. Shallower seems to show more signs of fish. The speed as also mentioned is fast for lakers, a touch high for salmon. I didn't do well either Sunday. But I couldn't get myself to leave an area that we were in. Lots of guys on here with great info!
  2. Fisher dude, nice talking to you today at the ramp.
  3. Congrats Kevin! Glad someone is starting to get Seneca fired up
  4. Wow is right Mike. Lol. Well Les, it hasn't happened yet......lol
  5. Thanks to the LOTSA group for having this open forum/seminar. Some great topics were discussed. Hats off and best of luck Rich to your upcoming season. Thanks again for your time and the pizza!
  6. Seneca sunset Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United
  7. Very nice Nick, love the work! Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United
  8. We just got a pup last month. Not a hunter, until I saw how she points out back!
  9. . Agreed . Easier and probably safer in the end to just lift off with two guys. There's also a neat trick ( if you have a wheel jack on your tounge) by putting a piece of wood under the lower unit, unbolt the motor having someone making sure it's staying on the transom, raise the tounge of the trailer, when the motor lifts off the transom the motor is standing on the wood, lower it on a dolly cart like you use working under a car, wheel it to a corner in the garage out of the way. When you go to hook it back up, same process. Did my 115 that way. Easy Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United
  10. Thanks Les. I'm going nuts! All these hot lures on here too! We need some weather soon.
  11. Boy awful quiet in here, I can hear those spring peepers! Thanks for reaching out ric to a more credible line of information. And just to add to the mess of the invasive species, don't throw out the VHS impact as well. There's been some talk about a die off that could play a role as well. I think I'm ready for spring!
  12. Motor sold. Thanks for the interest everyone.
  13. Swedish, got a guy coming to look tommorow. I'll pm you if there's a chance.
  14. Got my flys Mike! They look freakin hot! Oh yea. How's "Senecas Godzilla"
  15. For whatever it's worth, it's not illegal to have expired flares on board as long as you have the unexpired flares on board as well. Nothing wrong with back ups if in the event you needed them. That was from the coast guard. I would make sure you have them labeled. Or use them for fire starters lol
  16. Great idea! Wondered if they fit inside each other to have one when storing? That would be cool.
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