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Everything posted by Frogger

  1. Thanks Rod. I'll send you a for info. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  2. Anyone out there have any leads on good deals for a new bunk style trailer for a 19ft Deep V. Galvanized or Painted. I know there was a lead on venture trailers at Krenzers but wondered if there were any other. Seems to be the odd item when shopping around. Any tips would be much appreciative.
  3. Im not sure about the cooling aspect, but unless technology has dramatically changed you shouldn't be using a synthetic in a breakin period for a new motor or using it in a newer (low hr) motor. Something about not getting the rings to sit like their supposed to. There may be an engine techee that can chime in. Just my humble knowledge.
  4. Your right Les, the soldered hook I think gave it away too. I should of seen that with no rivet. Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United
  5. Yep, those are hard to come by, for the life of me that design with the heart shape at the bottom reminds me of a old Miller spoon, but you may be right Les with the Leather Stocking, if I can dig out some of my oldies Ill see if I can find anything.
  6. Damn........ Nice one Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United
  7. I bowed out last year on installing one with cable steer. I installed baystar hydraulics but didn't like the 5 turns lock to lock so I ripped it out. Come to find out I could of went with a different helm that is 3.5 turns lock to lock. There sending it to me for free so Im back in the game. Ray marine EV 100 is now 1200.00 with a 100.00 rebate and haven't heard of much negativity with it. There's a bunch of guys on here that went with it last year that I'm sure will chime in. Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United
  8. Gill - that was good...... And needed. Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United
  9. I was under the impression you didn't need the rudder with the ev 100 or is just to improve the performance but will still work? Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United
  10. Awesome. Thanks for the pics! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  11. Your correct but like you said it's not worth it. I wouldnt want to create discord with the landowners. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  12. It's a problem down there. The one thing to me that was a major turn off was the neighbor interference when hunting down there. You can have all the permission in the world but will still have every sheriff / encon waiting at your vehicle because of people calling in saying "they shouldn't be in there". With that grief I gave up. Probably the same people writing a check for their deductible after there deer hit. It seems to me it's a double edge sword. All the residents, I know I shouldn't say all, but many don't want the hunting or deer shot. But complain about the other stuff. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  13. Use to use that access at Dresden all the time especially in winters like now. Miss that fishing. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  14. Gray, you wouldn't have a pic of that would you? Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  15. Ill go out on a limb to say if the polls were taken from LOU there would of been a different outcome, were not that fortunate though.
  16. Submitted. Thanks for the info. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  17. Erskin, if you on your next post tell us that you have these single hook style spoons that are blueish and white and have a Pflugar something or nother on them and your not sure if these are any good or not???? Im gonna throw the drool flag on ya........
  18. Guess he didn't like my stamp I was going to use. lol Les, I do remember last year a woman that was almost out of luck with her payment she made online, something about it not recording the payment, that was a sight to see with her and Collin. They might of moved away from doing that now, not sure.
  19. Rollie, if you want I can send you one, seems like I got a bunch of them laying around somewhere. I never use them, I always sign up in person the day before, family tradition and all......Pm addy I'll throw it in the mail for ya. Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United
  20. Fillet that bad boy! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  21. Agreed Les. Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United
  22. I'm a little concerned of not hearing too much on the investigation of this mess. When I first heard about this driving home on the radio, it was mentioned the two shooters were that of the ontario county law enforcement system (not sure what), and that the Livingston sheriffs system is keeping it low key because of it. Mmmmm. If someone has an update not that I or anyone needs names and such but it would be good to know that justice is handed out and not a case of the fox watching the hen house..... Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United
  23. Slow A, I'd take a guess he filed for or has already a nuisance permit as well for those three guys...... Ugggg Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  24. You know what would be interesting, not that it would remove argument or change opinion, but if someone could run a poll on here that would identify -#of deer you harvested, fun loving of each, size of rack(points) harvested, size of rack passed by, statically you could get a high level of sense of how many bucks would of made it to next season based on a 1 buck rule vs AR just with a smaller pool of us. For instance you passed on a 6pnter and shot two 8's one with bow one with gun, AR allowed the 6 Pntr to walk but two out of the three were harvested. 1 buck rule would of allowed 1 out of 3 to be harvested. Just an example though. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
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