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Canandaigua Sunday 8/28 "Feeling Irene Mon!"

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We got to south end marina at 6:05 am and the boats were all really rocking. My trusty mate canuck33 joined me and my brother in law and his son. As we were rigging the boat, a small boat was motoring back to the launch. I figured they had gone out in the dark but as day was breaking they saw what they were up against and bagged it. I really wanted to get out figuring the hardest part would be docking. So we got out to the drop off, setting up into the wind. We ran 3 riggers with spoons initially changing colors as we went, 2 diver rods with pro troll 8" white, chrome/ crushglow and ATOMIK Mirage fly and Church Revelator green chrome/ disco with ATOMIK hammer fly. The 300 copper was down the chute pulling that new favorite Spin Dr glow double/ crushglow with ATOMIK Mirage fly. Once the copper fired with a small keeper laker for my bro inlaw, I switched a couple riggers to similar paddles. We had a double on with copper and a diver but Kurt dropped one, and my bro in law dropped one on rigger fish hitting the Spin Dr green dot with Hammer fly. Funny thing with that spin dr drop is the spinnie had made a triangle out the fly leader, and the fish popped off behind the boat a ways. Same thing happened to Kurt last year in heavy following seas on copper rod. I now have figured the fish must be swimming toward the boat using the current and then turns or if it's a laker it rolls and causes the spinnie to swim around the leader.

Considering the weather I was in a tshirt most of the time, the waves were pretty intense at times, we took at least a half a dozen waves over the bow with water going over the windshield and the canvas top. The wind certainly was gusty pushing at least steady 2'-4' rollers with the occasional 6'-8' wave. We picked fish trolling into the waves and with them. We worked both east and west sides from White Rock to Whiskey Point and Cook Point to Coy Point. We fished from 6:30 to 11:00 going 5 for 7 getting 3 lakers 19" and one laker 28 1/2 " that went 7 1/2 lbs. and a nice rainbow 24" and 6 lbs. The bow had alot of very small baitfish in stomach contents if you are looking for spoon sizes but I think the attractor fly combos work better for me. With the waves 2.0-2.75 downspeed at idle, into the waves down speed was 1.5 mph to 3 mph depending on down currents which were noticeable to me for the first time this year. At times down temp was 72 * 50' down. I think fish were out of temp due to all the warm water stacking up against the drop off. Riggers at 52, 61, 75 all took fish, wires were out 145' and 165'. Big laker came on copper rod and the big bow came on diver rod at 145' with the Revelator.





Click the youtube link to watch video of the waves:

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Excellent job gentlemen - my neighbor was a Sally and bagged on me at 11:30 Saturday night and I didnt dare to try it alone with the wind. The fish gods were smiling on the only people crazy enough to hit the lake with 40 mph winds. I imagine the north end was worse. The lake didnt look so bad compared to the 4' - 6' rollers on the big lake Sunday morning that I observed from work.

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hey huntin trout, the wind started NE blowing 4' waves into the marina, at whiskey wind was N to NW building the waves into the south, the north end was calm by south end standards, would have been good windsurfing, high winds and minimal waves to at least Tichenor Point probably

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Great report Mike you must have a great memory, your reports are always so detailed, when ever I fish with you I read your report a day or so later and think to myself...oh yeah thats what that rainbow came on :lol: btw...how was the docking?


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Hey Tom, I usually catch the majority of my fish the on the usual suspects that I mentioned, I recalled something after I wrote the report however. We couldn't get a good screen going with all the turbulence at the stern into the waves even tuning sonar, so I actually used Moor Sub Troll to locate temps and then set other riggers. As mentioned though temp was high even down 50'. Didn't get bit on shark/probe rigger that day. The shark definitely brings them into the spread though.

I prepped the crew for the docking procedure, luckily I don't have neighbor in my dock, so we ended up bumping the west dock and then pushing her and pulling her dock lines to settle her in snugly. Kurt, 33canuck, AKA FLXswimmer, hopped off the boat onto the dock as the stern slipped in but then took a dip when he couldn't hold the boat anymore with hook.

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Hmmm pulling lead core with the Kayak jumping over board to grab a dipsy rod....Hey Mike do you have a a pair of water ski's and a Seth Green rig, I have an idea when Kurt, you and I get to fish together sometime :D:clap:


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