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Everything posted by GAMBLER

  1. Thanks Bob. My buddy is going to email me some better pics and video of the acrobatic atlantic and the big laker.
  2. Fishing Report Your Name / Boat Name: ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s):5/30 Time on Water: 6:30AM Weather/Temp: HOT Wind Speed/Direction: WEST LESS THAN 5 MPH Waves: LESS THAN 1' Surface Temp: 64 DEGREES Location: LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits: 17 Total Boated:15 Species Breakdown:1 KING, 1 STEELHEAD, 1 ATLANTIC AND 12 LAKERS Hot Lure: NK (DON'T KNOW THE NAME) Trolling Speed: 1.2 - 2.8 Boat Depth: 70 - 220' Lure Depth: SURFACE TO 95' DOWN ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS ==================== Started the morning in front of the creek in 70 fow. Did a small king 60 down over 86 fow on an NBK. Trolled north and picked up a 8-9lb Atlantic off the boards with 2 oz. of lead on a NK spoon. Made it out to 220 and the same board rod fires with a 5 lb. laker. Trolled back in to 150 and double off the boards with a 6-7lb. steelie and a 7 lb. laker. After not moving a rod for an hour, we decided to spend the last hour and a half trolling lakers. Dropped rigs and caught 10. My buddies 10 year old daughter reeled in a 22lb. 36 1/2" laker. Stopped the boat and CPR'ed it. Here is the picture below. Sorry it's a crappy cellphone pic in the sun. When I get better pics, I will change it out. I'm suprised at the size of the lakers so far this season. 2 trips and 2 lakers over 20lbs!
  3. Thanks Rod Hog. I will let him know.
  4. Anyone know where my buddy can find a Fish Hawk X4 locally? He does not want to order it on line or wait for shipping. He will travel from Sodus to the Oak. Any help would be appreciated.
  5. Not at normal yet. Got about 12" to go.
  6. Those would kill the action on a spoon!
  7. How cares what stupid tree it comes from. Either way it is still a pain in the a$$. Clogs my pool filter, clings to fishing lines and bothers people allergies. Every one of the stupid things should be cut down and burned.
  8. RichL, try contacting Michigan Stinger. They use them. They might be able to send you in the right direction. Here is there site. http://www.mistinger.com/
  9. Put the 4ft boom rigger on acorner and swivel it out to the side of the boat.
  10. Depends on the water temp. Usually start seeing them around 60 - 65 degrees.
  11. I say it would be good dead bait for pike this winter. Too bad VHS law changed that.
  12. If you don't have the releases set up, you can half hitch 2 - 1/16 rubberbeands around the wire and then put the rubberbands around the reel body(not the handle or some rookie will make you very mad when he reels the wire around the reel handle).
  13. I have an idea, seal off the canal and put in a ship transfer station on either side. Ships from Lake Michigan can dump loads on the lake side and barges can dump from the river side. Stuff can by transfered from the Mississippi to the Great Lakes without the carp getting through. This will create jobs and cost less money in the long run (goverment wants to spend millions to control the carp, why not stop them and spend a couple million once not every year.
  14. Sounds like Corporate BS (like in most work places now a days) to me.
  15. I keep the drag so it clicks every once and a while. I have releases made up that keep the wire from clicking out. Once the fish hits, the release falls off. I connect mine to the rod holder so it does not get in the way when you are reeling.
  16. 70 ft - 90 ft from Wautoma to the Nose. They are scattered all the way down the lake. Fish flashers and flies 10 - 20 feet off the bottom or slow the boat down to 1.0 - 1.8 and troll cowbells and peanuts or cowbells and spin-n-glows on the bottom.
  17. There is no need to use a snubber on mono, wire or braid. If you keep your drag right, have quality floro or mono leaders in the correct poundage, there is no need. IMO snubbers = lost fish.
  18. Here it is. Kind of looks like a female atlantic from the photo. One hell of a fish either way.
  19. Dave, Email it from your phone to me at [email protected] and I will post it for you.
  20. I saw the picture on Spoonpullers.com. It is in the South shore reports section if you guys are members there. SLOB.
  21. If you are driving that far, I would go just a little further to Olcott or Wilson. The fishing there has been way more consistant for kings, coho and steelies over any other ports on the lake.
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