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Everything posted by Sk8man

  1. You know after reading these posts it reaffirms my very positive feelings about the value of the LOU website (in addition to the great fishing info). People trying to help people out, kicking around ideas that we might not otherwise think about or know about, and perhaps saving us time and money in the process. It is a great testament to the website itself and the people using it. Rather than just thinking this to myself I figured I'd say it
  2. Whats it going to be like when you're my age Mike?
  3. Cool report Justin! Good luck now that you're back on your "home territory" Les
  4. Congratulations Kevin and family!
  5. Most of the perch caught trolling are usually "by accident" while fishing for other species and usually they are big perch. As in most perch fishing locating the schools is going to be key to anything you do. It is still a little early for the big schools of them and given recent water conditions on Seneca the increased turbidity and suspended algae concentrations may keep them deeper than usual. There should be some over near the pipes in the "muck flats" on the west side and east between where you launch and Sampson on the shelves in 20-30 or so (outside the weed beds). I think worm harnessses set up with live nightcrawlers trolled slowly like for walleyes (same family) might work despite the fact that they are probably in a transition from crabs to minnows shortly. Smaller j-7's or9's in orange or perch (the bass will hammer the blue ones) small honey bee spoons or Renegade sticks in black/silver. I'd run everything out long behind the boat and/or on boards at a speed that will make jointed Rapalas wiggle back and forth slowly. If you can skirt the very edge of the weed beds with your inside line (s) you should find action. As with other methods for them you should work them back and forth near where you either connect with one or think you see them on the screen (may be suspended bass in same water) rather than trolling on as we often do in trout trolling....They aren't nearly as solitary as trout can be and they spook easily in shallow water but will stay in the same general area usually. Light leader 6 to 8 lb fluoro I know you probably know all this Ed but I'm also thinking of the new folks that might want to give it a try and serve as a start anyway. I'd use an electric trolling motor instead of a gas trolling motor if you have one- slower and quieter. Les
  6. I still have a basic question regarding the use of chart data: Were the dipseys run just by themselves? In a "real life" situation there will be a lure attached by a leader of various lengths (Stickbait or spoon) or various attractors (Spin Doc, Flasher, Dodger etc.) and depending on what was attached and the way it is attached could drastically affect the chart results not to mention currents from various directions. Some of these things may pull downward or upward depending on what it is ,amount/direction of current, speed of boat interacting with those factors. I honestly think that rather than relying on the chart data that it pays to spend some time testing out your own boat with your usual setups , record the data from either going from deeper to shallower depths until you see it bump bottom or perhaps use a Fish Hawk TD for each and hope that it is more accurate than the chart. The question will still remain about the current effects though. I'm still trying to figure this out....in order to have a little more confidence in the actual running depths. Any other thoughts on this?
  7. WTG Nick. You earned them fishing in that stuff Tuesday
  8. Good going John.....I'll bet those guys from Kansas thought they were in "Oz" when they saw that big laker Les Have to get your timing down for the derby though
  9. Yeah I get a lot of"gawkers" sometimes on the Canandaigua Lady too....especially if I'm running jug rigs or outriggers. Nice going on the fishing! I've wishing I had autopilot more than once too
  10. What I was talking about Lund is that when fishing for kings with Spin Docs and flashers most folks don't usually go as fast as they do with just spoons when they are fishing specifically for rainbows or steelies. I guess I could have worded it more carefully. I wasn't referring to the speed capabilities of Chinooks but to boat trolling speed. I'm well of aware how fast they are. I was just offering my two cents based on my own experience to folks who may be new to this stuff. You can take it or leave it.
  11. Nice going! Rick probably had already filled his box and went back in for another cooler My daughter just went back too....where the heck did the summer go anyway?
  12. I thought about it but figured you'd probably bust my B???? even more Ed if we didn't connect with something
  13. I'm with Tim on that one....sometimes steelies are caught while fishing for kings or "anything" trolling but a lot of the time it is at the high end of the kings speed range or while speeding up on turns and mainly spoons or sticks rather than "combos" and although they are both found out in deep water the steelies seem to prefer areas higher in the water column than the kings and it is usually the"high" setup out there that gets them.
  14. True Jeff. More important enjoying yourselves out there spending quality time with good people anyway.
  15. It doesn't look real bad but at high end speed you may pick up vibration because of the curvature in it. If you are depending on that motor it may be worth taking it to a prop dude to assess it rather than depend on us "armchair quarterbacks"
  16. Nice video Nick! Sure beats trying to describe things in written words...
  17. There are too many theories to even list here. Basically all based on superstition.
  18. Nice going Ed. That smallie looked like somebody hooked an air pump to his butt ...nice fish! They are often a pleasant surprise and although they aren't "kings" for their size they fight like h usually I've had 6-7 pounders on copper while after lakers in close in the Spring and they brought the cooper and spoon right out of the water....not much doubt what it is when they head for the surface
  19. I know this pic is not great (out of focus) but it gives you an idea of what one of the lampreys looked like just as it was disconnecting
  20. Yes Mike me too my son Mark has been bugging me to go already Good luck on lake O by the way. Les
  21. Same here Sean. Maybe we can do again in the Fall when things tend to settle down in terms of water quality. I guess this is why historically I have fished for perch in August..
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