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sherman brown

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Everything posted by sherman brown

  1. it really depends on just how deep you want to fish. clip on weights are used on erie to get down to the fish on the western basin. you can use any leads you want from 6' in front of the spoon to 60' then clip on the weight usually 1 or 2 oz weights are used. then let the weight out to get to the desired depth. the inline weight can also be used to get the spoon down. the inline weight is used a lot on the central basin on erie. a 3 oz weight is usually used then to get to deeper depths. you can find inline weights at rednekoutfitters.com which also has a depth chart for there weights. the depth will depend a lot on speed, the slower you go the deeper your lure goes, the faster you go the shallower your lure will be.
  2. the traxstech are costly but they are the bomb. 200 ft per minute with a 20 lb weight. faster with lighter weights. also has the soft stop with a great auto stop.
  3. if they had been lite bites I would have bought them for sure.
  4. I think its 4800 to 5000 but I wouldnt want to run that rpm all day. I usually only run about 3500 when cruising.
  5. you might find a strap with a fitting that will go around your big motor like it does on the little motor. I just checked on ebay and they have the brackets. they even have one made for the etec motor.
  6. do you have your gps set on mph or knots? I think a knot is something like 1.3 mph so 22 x 1.3 is a little over 28 mph. check your gps and see which one your using.
  7. the speed and the rpm's don't seem to match. I don't run my 5.7 over 5000 rpm's in my 21' glass boat and run well over 30 mph. maybe your prop hub is slipping. are you plaining off ok? what type speedometer are you going by? if your going by a dash speedometer that is run off water pressure the pitot tube could be blocked.
  8. I have drilled holes through the cavitation plate and mounted a trolling plate to it. I see no reason that it would hurt anything.
  9. hopefully you'll never have to change another one.
  10. great price on a nice fishing boat.
  11. how about wall-eye doctor. its catchy and its not about drugs.
  12. the traxstech holders fits my cannon tracks just fine. I don't know why the cannon wouldnt fit traxstech tracks.
  13. if you are going to be running riggers its probably best to use some type of backing plate or maybe fender washers. I just have my tracks mounted with ss screws screwed into the fiber glass. works great for running 3 dipsy's on each side. however I did run 2 big jon 48" boom with 12# weights last yr on one trip. didnt have any problems at all. but it was a one time thing. if I decide to run them all the time i'll switch to machine screws and put fender washers and nuts on my tracks.
  14. thats the way I mounted my two 24" tracks but I only left about a 5" gap. its easy to remove the rod holders this way. and I believe its better to have to much track than to not have enough.
  15. I like a longer track so I can space my holders out. I started with a 24" but didnt have enough spacing for 3 rods running dipsy's. so I added another 24". now I have room for 3 rods and one for the net. you cant go wrong with the longer track. I have the cannon single axis ratcheting holders and they are the best holder you can get in my opinion. I tried the double axis but the left to right adjustment was from one pin hole to another. the single axis is as much or as little as you want.
  16. i've decided to stick with the cannon as it takes one hand to lower the holder. the 17 adjustments on the traxstech is better than the cannon. but with the rod in one hand its nice to be able to lower the holder just by squeezing the holder and adjusting it. the traxstech takes both hands.
  17. I have used seaguar inviz x for my downriggers on erie's central basin. but I split a spool on 2 reels. never used it on a spinning reel.
  18. don't have any need for the 25" shaft. would love to have one with a 20".
  19. go to tracks and get cannon ratcheting single axis holders from amazon.com.
  20. knew the boat would sell at that price, it was priced to sell. I would love to have had 3500.00 to spare. I would have bought the boat for a spare in case my boat died. congrats on the sale.
  21. you can get a new easy troller off ebay for 125.90. just make sure to get the standard and not the short one. at least check them out before you buy.
  22. if you have a choice the easy troll is the best of them all.
  23. yeah it sounds like you might be over correcting. I trolled for yrs with an I/0 before getting auto pilot. you do have to stay alert and not let the bow get to far over before making a small correction then wait to see if it was enough. try to always troll with the wind or at a angle with the wind. trolling against the wind is just asking for steering problems. I once fished by myself in pretty rough water. I angled the boat with the wind, tied a 6v flashlight to the bottom of the steering wheel. and it did most of the steering for me. I only had to adjust once in a while.
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