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Big Dave

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Everything posted by Big Dave

  1. I know that Glen cares alot about our fishery on Lake Ontario that is Proven all the time. Do salmon float? I say yes. We stop and check floating salmon for " road kill " flashers and flies. in the fall. Net them take the hook out and they swim down , not sink down. As long as the gulls don't get to their eyes they will catch their breath and take off. Usually after you make the turn to check on them . We all have caught fish with " hook damage" . The fish are tougher than they are given credit for!! We only keep the ones that won't make it , or ones that we have invited to supper
  2. Make it bigger and higher than you need. They are like a black hole sucking in all the stuff your wife wants out of her way!!!
  3. Are they adopting??? I am a 62 year old orphan that could use new riggers
  4. I don't think the flea flicker twist any more than the round line. Its just that you can see it. They used to make a revolving spool line in clear 12# test, that worked well with the fleas too. I think its the vibration of the flat line that shakes them off.
  5. If its that small shouldn't it be the Billy V 2.5???
  6. He says about 10" . He is a student out there and does catch and release, so he throws everything back.
  7. Thanks I knew it wasn't one of the local guys I thought maybe someone dumped their fishtank!
  8. My son caught this near UB in Buffalo . What the heck is it???
  9. fishdoctorcharters.com site has a how to tie the wire knot vidio.
  10. Flourescent Orange paint they use to mark where they are going to dig works too! Walmart has it. Remember its made to spray down while your are walking , so the can has to be upside down.
  11. Drill and tap new holes. Some on the cannon swivel bases had holes for other riggers , so there were lots of extra holes. These are on E-Bay 2 CANNON DOWNRIGGER HIGH PROFILE SWIVEL BASES ALSO FOR BIG JON
  12. The dipsie leader can't be to much longer than the rod , or you won't be able to net the fish . You don't want to handline in a king with to long a leader. I don't fish with the keel weights, buy I would think the same would happen with those.
  13. It might show fish,, but what kind of fish? Each type of fish has a temp.. zone they stay in. I know off of 9mi the currents will mix up the temp. You will be marking fish down deep , only to find out there bass . The temp of the thermocline has been pushed deep with the west winds and currents. The speed and temp. is just one tool to make your life easier finding the trout and salmon.
  14. braided 50# test Dacron line. isn't the same as 50# spiderwire of one of those other superlines. You would be hard pressed to cast a small plug with it.
  15. Now is the time to build in extra storage and things that you wished you had before. Check where the upper windows go in, thats where my thompson leaked. Have fun with it and make it a custom cabin.
  16. The old station wagon power tailgate window does a good job too!!!! A little heat from a candle should loosen it up, don't leave it in the flame too long though.
  17. You only get them in the late summer. Sometimes you can move away from an area that has them. The fingerlakes have them too. They arn't strong swimmers thats why they hitch aride on the lines. The current in the river would stop them from schooling up like they do in the lake (guessing)
  18. 30# Stranded wire line for dipsies. Cuts through the fleas. As your line goes through the water on a troll the fleas hook onto the line and build up. They have a hooked "tail" that locks on to the line . Looks like a bunch of wet dryer lint with little eyes. If your lines are out for a long time it can be 1" or more in dia. and 20' or more long. It will plug up the tip of the rod and you can't reel in any line. Not a good thing with a fish on. People switch over to thicker 30# mono or fleaflicker flatline to try and keep them off. I just check my lines alot. Avoid alot of trial and error ,don't reinvent the wheel, and use the wire!
  19. Diawa 47 fills up nicely with a 1000' of wire. Tie it to the spool and put a wrap of tape like the others have said across the wire to the spool. Put it on tight. Someone had a rig he made to tension the wire spool to put the wire tight on the reel. It was Buckboard Jr's. post on loading wire in this section of the board. I don't use any backing on the wire reels. Good Luck
  20. Thats Great Ray!!!! You should consoul your self by going fishing , after graduation. Her computer dosen't use your spell checker? Sure puts a big lump in your heart. Hope she finds happyness in her new adventures!!!
  21. t2al Great job!! I have a 22' version of the same boat except with a 4 cyd. What did you use for the trans. board ? Your pictures make it look like metal
  22. Thats quite a smallmouth!!!! Looks like a fun day.
  23. The plastic pump housing cover on my out drive warped. It acted the same way . heated up on troll and cooled off when the rpms were kicked up. Replaced the housing cover and impeller and it was good.
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