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Everything posted by Hookedup

  1. Clients are down with you guys handicapping me with 9 rods:). Should be fun! Hope to see you all at clute park. Will be anyone's game tomorrow. My clients will probably take fish if anyone wants to dump some I'll find out.
  2. Is it one man limit? Or is it modified so you can't have five Lakers. Im good either way just need to know my game plan. Also how about 2pm weigh in its dark as hell at 6:30. Sean
  3. I'll ask the clients either way my money will be in your pot. I wasn't planning on running to Sampson but you might make me now that you got Lakers in the limit. 60 more miles on the boat. And I'm rusty its been awhile I forgot how to fish Seneca.
  4. If I pay more money can I run more rods? I got a trip Saturday on Seneca I run nine off a side your killing me!
  5. Great fish! What size dipsys are you running on your long dipsys? Thanks Sean
  6. Guys up north dump lots of bears with the 870 but I would use 00 buck, your not hunting you just need to roll one over in a hurry.
  7. Made the trip back to Northern Ontario, to hunt with my good friend and outfitter Mike Mcnay of Cantraps Northern adventures. It was my daughters second time on the trip she went two years ago when she was eight and now back again at the age of ten. We had five hunters in our group all family and good friend of mine and within five days we had five bears loaded up for the ride home. When we arrived early Friday morning Mike let us know that his wife had to be taken to the ER early that morning, she would spend the next 5 days in the hospital on a morphine drip waiting for another hospital with a cat scan to find her a spot (don’t get hurt in northern Canada). In the end they got her in and found the problem she had surgery and is now home, but it took the five days to get her in. Sierra and I tagged out the first three hours of the trip so we could spend the rest of the time helping Mike run bait, skinning bears, and running the guys to the stands since Mike had to look after his wife. All the bears were great bears and had beautiful pelts. If any of you are looking for a great bear hunt, that is an awesome trip to take with the wife and kids just let me know I will get you his contact information. My daughter is all ready to go back next year for both bear and moose. My three girls will probably all go next year. In the last two years I think I have only spent a handful of days in the woods where one of them wasn’t in the stand with me. Northern Woods Cousins Husband Scott Brother Inlaw Sierra On the Scales now the work starts! One we let go Trail Cam Shot Little Bear Bait running Bait:)
  8. Thanks guys! I hear ya Mike, I'm done down this way going to fish on the big lake for myself for awhile.
  9. Did an afternoon trip today on Seneca out of Lodi State Park with some return clients from the area. We left the dock at 2pm and ran north towards Sampson. When we got just North of Willard the weeds cleared up so we set up over 130 fow. Today was like catching fish in a bucket, it was catching not fishing. We put over forty in the boat and lost more than I can mention by 6:00 pm. It was all I could do to keep four riggers and four dipsy’s in the water. I would let the deep dipsy’s out to 230 or 260 set the drag and bam another fish. Same with the Riggers everything was coming from 80 to 140ft down, so we parked all the dipsy’s and riggers deep and crushed them. We even took two good browns down 130 off the bottom. Bows and Salmon were nonstop from 80 to 120 down and the big Lakers were on fire in the 130fow range. We ended up having to keep 10 fish the rest we could let go at the back of the boat, if you keep them out of the net they take right off. Bows and Salmon were crushing glow frog spoons in the 80 to 120 range, Lakers pounded the reel hooked up and Seneca ghost flies down 100 to 140. Speed at the ball had to be 2.2 . Core and copper took a couple but the fish were deep so I pulled them and just stayed on the active fish with the riggers and dipsy’s
  10. Nice Marty! I had a feeling I was being watched:). Girls helping me wash boat always turns into them dancing all over and me scrubbing my butt off. I'm glad I had it out of the slip before the flood hit.
  11. Back on Seneca today for some excellent fishing with two great fishermen from the area. We got set up just South of Sampson and it was fish on. We had riggers set at 130, 120 , 60, and 56 the deep rigger ran a flasher/ Seneca ghost fly that pounded the lakers, the three other riggers ran spoons that took lakers, salmon, and some great bows. We also ran 4 dipsy’s out 250, 230, 170, and 160, and some copper and core off the boards. Everything took fish today and it sure didn’t take long to put twenty fish in the boat. We had doubles and even a couple triples. Some big Lakers and Bows including a 30 inch bow that hit the 56 ft rigger and went nuts. The guys did a great job getting the fish in the boat today and we had a heck of day on the water. The bait was down 40 to 60 out over 110 fow to 300+ and the fish were stacked up from 50 to 130 ft down. Top speed was around 2.3 to 2.5 and best down speed was 2.2. Thermal cline was down 56 to 60 on the north end.
  12. Should be called sea flee 30lb. Amazon gets screwy with names some times. Sean
  13. If you have a radio on your boat call me on channel 9 when you see me I will send ya a spool on a float.
  14. Sweet report! Was the same way yesterday. Every once in awhile Seneca gives it up:)
  15. Today we had a great group up from Southern Pa for some Seneca Lake Trout action. It was a big group so it was a two boat trip. I teamed up with Capt Nick and Mike (Iron Duke) from Hook Jaw Charters who I fish with a lot and we stacked the fish up. Fished out of Sampson and the bite was crazy for the entire morning. Between the two boats over 60 legal fish hit the deck ranging from 10lb Lakers to Salmon and some great Bows. The guys did a great job on the rods and we only lost a few out of the 33 they put in my boat. Which was impressive with the strong wind and wicked current we had to fight all morning. The deep dipsy’s out 180, 230, and 260 with flasher/flies took several fish as well as the 200, 250, and 300 ft Blood Run copper rigs with spoons. Riggers were at 130, 120 , 52 and 60, and shallow dipsys were at 150 and 170, the 12 and 10 color core smacked some also. Once again a big thanks to Nick from Hook Jaw charters, and Mike from the Iron Duke they teamed up to help make this two boat trip happen today. And they got it done on the water with the same results and professionalism that make these guys great fishermen. I also spoke with Capt Nick from Reel Stories he was on the South end and from the sound of it he was laying the smack down on them also.
  16. Group I had today couldn't start til 9am holy crap did we bake. The fleas were the worst I think I have ever seen. Dipsy rods would be in 15 minutes and the angles on them would change, looked like a one inch dock rope as we brought them in. I ran 4 riggers 3 with flee line and one with flea flicker. They all had some fleas but you could shake them off the rigger rods with out messing around. Two outside riggers were parked at 57ft and took two Bows one was big 30 incher that got into a wire dipsy. We still got him in and measured and released him. Also did eight big Lakers that were all released not bad for the two and a half hours they stuck it out. Big Lakers were 100 to 130 down. Fished by Sampson so I don't know how the fleas are on the rest of the lake. The surface temp was 81.7 when we quit at noon. One of those days when even the spoons had fleas on them.
  17. Yup lots of big kings last week with no problem. One thing we do on both boats is all rigger rods run flouro leaders. If I'm fishing 40 ft off the ball I will have 40 ft of flouro hooked to the mono/ flea line with an Albright knot. I'll have rigger rods for all lengths. Comes in handy with blacks release that way rubber band is always above the knot. And the light flouro leader running horizontal in the water picks up no fleas no matter what size line you use. And you get more fish with the light line.
  18. I know they switched over to a new site old one might still be up? I'll see what I can find. I see you can get it on Amazon also
  19. I figured we missed the am bite. The North wind picked up and it slowed down. Those pods of weeds brought things to a stop real quick. The new sea flee line is 30lb but the diameter is not like the bulky 20lb flea flicker.
  20. Hi Folks, Back on Seneca after a trip to Ontario this last Tuesday. It was great up North no weeds lots of hungry fish and lots of room. Seneca was one weedy mess today and the fleas were awful. We still managed to limit out on Lakers and a Bow but it was tough going, only could run 4 rods two divers and two riggers with the weeds. Today was the final test for the new flea line from Blood Run Tackle. Gregg from Blood Run set me up with some back in March to test for the season. I filled all 6 of my rigger rods with blood run flea line and Jason and I have been running it since March. Today my wire dipsy rods were loaded with fleas, but the blood run flea line never picked up a flea. The stuff is super smooth and doesn't look like crap in the water like flea flicker, and won't twist. It's nice to have a line you can run all year and don't need to swap out. Since we dropped the flea flicker, and the heavy Andy our catch rates have increased with the Blood Run. It took me awhile to post on it but we wanted to make sure we got to test the line with the Finger Lakes fleas, which seem to be much worse than the Lake O fleas. I know I'm sold on it so far. Sean
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