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Everything posted by Hookedup

  1. Hi Zack, I would take some 20 lb Floro use an albright knot and just add a 100 ft or so over your ten. That way if the flasher and flies don't work for you just go back to your last set up. You want a heavier line with flashers off riggers. As for colors don't go nuts to start. For spin dr white crush, mt.dew, water melon, white with gr dots, all crush fish. Flies we use Big Weenie brand, start with something green like the Reel Hooked up fly, then white also like the Seneca Ghost, the Iron Duke fly off the water melon flasher is a great rig also. I would also find a way to get a wire line rig you wont be disappointed. And you can get all the stuff at HVS in elmira.
  2. Launch at Severne is always good checked it out yesterday. Now all we need is for the north wind to let up.
  3. Hi Mike, The shows are probably the same size and you will find old and new stuff. If you want to take your wife to a nice hotel the Harbor Hotel is beautiful and is on the water. Fishing is great on Seneca also that time of year and my boat will be on the water in Watkins:)
  4. Best you can get! Great service, great price, and great people to deal with. I have been switching over my rod holders to great lakes planners I also have a rocket launcher from him. Sean
  5. Hookedup

    Seneca seneca

    Clute is iced in, but the launch by the new hotel is open. Just turn North at light at 4th and Decatur. Or go to Severne 18 miles north of Watkins on 14.
  6. Hookedup

    Seneca seneca

    He sure can fish but can't count! We ran the Herganator from Fuller it worked great.
  7. Hookedup

    Seneca seneca

    Great job guys! I think the big salmon are gone, with the mild winter last year they got hammered so the class of fish we have now is what we are going to have for the year. Good news is they grow quick so should have some good ones next winter.
  8. Hookedup

    Seneca seneca

    Thanks Dan I will clean it out
  9. Hookedup

    Seneca seneca

    Jason and I fish Seneca today from 10 to 12 did 20 fish in two hours. Same program you ran last time will work. Only had one short fish, we were trying out new tackle today. The salmon seem to be running in the 16 to 20 inch range. If some of them make it to summer they will be nice fish. We let them all go today so they can grow up. Shallow coppers and core, and deep flashers/flies all took fish.
  10. Was in the shop today and got some spoons. Great selection and great price!
  11. Both great ideas this way you get all the observers that are in the tournament. And any future observers can watch the video and know what they are getting into.
  12. We run three dipsys per side, mag on 1.5 then either a mag on 3 or a number 1 on 2.5 then outside number one on 3.5. We let the dipsys out at same time but on a slow creep. With resetting the inlines just let your outside board run straight out the back. When you have enough line out to clear your other boards lock her down and it will go out and over your other board lines. [ Post made via Android ]
  13. You would probably be ok using it as a DR set up, but I would spend some $$ and get a good wire diver set up. You will catch a lot of fish on a wire diver rig on the Finger Lakes. You can run three rods solo so a rigger rod with a slider a good dipsy rod or two, and a copper rig of an inline you would be busy. Just let us know if you need help rigging something up, lots of good folks on here to point you in the right direction. We have ran it all on my boat some rods and reels have not held up. My stuff takes a beating, heck I fish with Jason
  14. What are you going to put on them the 20's are not that big, would work for a rigger reel. I know its hard at times to drop money on a good reel, but they pay for themselves in long run. I got a big box of broken magda pros in my basement. We run the higher end okumas now. [ Post made via Android ]
  15. Like Jason said put a few feet of 30 to 40 lb mono between the braid and copper where the boards hooks on line, or you will lose your gear with the big in lines. You can run otter boards or big boards on inside and run other in lines back and around outside of big boards. We usually run all inlines tx 44 inside with long copper and 5 shorter rigs outside, lots of days with 12 boards out. [ Post made via Android ]
  16. We never dip net in water to wash it! By the fall you can smell it even if your up wind:) [ Post made via Android ]
  17. Where is this deer hunting? [ Post made via Android ]
  18. Keep it coming Ray! Jason and I were just talking this morning about how we need to be down where your at. Have a good winter in the sand. [ Post made via Android ]
  19. Had a good day on Seneca with the guys and my three year old nephew. We didn't get started till after 9 and only made one pass up the Lake, but we caught several Salmon, Browns, and Lakers. Big Weenie flies did most of the damage from 40 down to 120. Boat ran great and it was nice to be back out on the water.
  20. Glen when you coming up, get with Jason or I and we might be going out. [ Post made via Android ]
  21. Clute park launch is iced up the village marina launch south end behind new hotel is open. Severne is wide open checked them all today [ Post made via Android ]
  22. Launch at south end Marina is open, Clute park launch will have ice on it. If you want I will check it out Thursday when I'm working. [ Post made via Android ]
  23. I use the Sony Vegas movie studio HD platinum 11.0 it will do more than you ever need. Also you can edit video right from the chip you don't need to whait for any downloads. You can add pics or music to video what ever you want. Then you can upload straight to YouTube or burn a disk. [ Post made via Android ]
  24. Got to love all the bushmaster comments:) No Clue, FBI crime stats for 2011 12664 total murders knives 1694, shotguns 356, and last on list for firearms rifles 323 total for US. Wish I knew of the 323 how many were AR type I bet not many. [ Post made via Android ]
  25. Great job! I did see a few boats out of Severne the same day but I bet they were all perch fishing. [ Post made via Android ]
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