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Everything posted by Hookedup

  1. Blood run tackle has a new flea line I have been running it since March but needed the fleas to show up for final test. So far its great super smooth I'll use it all year long. The final test will be next week three days on Cayuga and Seneca. I can deal with the fleas with a good line but the weeds on the Finger Lakes seem worse every year. After an all day charter of cleaning rigs non stop you wana jump off the boat. I have learned to drive an area first then come back and set up. I feel your pain nothing worse than setting up a bunch of rigs and then hitting a 5 ton weed pod.
  2. Sorry wrong date 07/05/13 wish I was out today Made the trip up to Sodus today to hunt for some kings, with a great group of guys and a young man from Denmark. A big thanks to Ruff Rider, thanks to his reports we had a starting point. We set up over 120 fow and trolled north screen was blank out to 240 then we hit a good bunch of fish. We had kings and steelhead on all morning with several doubles. Once the bite slowed down we moved out to 350 and found some good bait lots of marks and better temps. Got hit with a good storm, during which we had two more kings on. After the storm blew over the steelhead were on fire we caught and released a few more then packed it up. The guys had an exchange student from Denmark who had never been out for trout or salmon. He got to put a 27lb king in the boat off the rigger. He did a great job fighting the fish on a light line spoon rig. Only did one fish all day on a flasher/fly everything was on spoons. Blood Run copper in 100, 200, 250, and 300, all took fish as well as 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 color core. Nothing on deep coppers today but the riggers at 40, 65, 85, and 115 all took fish. My deep dipsys with flashers/flies never took a shot; shallow dipsys out 150 and 180 with spoons took fish. It was great to not have to fight the weeds like we do on Seneca and just be able to fish a day. Ended up with 21 fish over the back of the boat Kings, Steelhead, and one Laker that hit 10ft down over 400J. Had one good fish break off the 12lb leader on the 8 color but that was the only one who got away, the level wind on the new clarion reel ceased up on his first run.
  3. Got one on the Parker works great! I hit a treated two by ten and it just dented it. If you have ever had to do any glass work on your keel you will put one on after. .
  4. Ran into then same thing yesterday Ed. No morning bite finally got them limited out from 10am to 12 but they were all under five pounds. Thermal Cline setting up at 45 to 50 and some fleas down deep. Sean
  5. Great Job! Just one of those days, I would have bet that some one would have had a forty pound box. I would of liked to fish that one.
  6. Great Job Mike! Can't whait to read that live report while I'm working all weekend:)
  7. Yup we pounded them in the summer spots yesterday. The bait is working its way out deep. Going to give it a try this afternoon.
  8. Had a great morning on Seneca today, we had a great group from PA out one of which was Josh Hull a linebacker for the St Louis Rams. We left the dock at 5:30 and ran up mid lake to fish my favorite summer rainbow hole. We had a short window to fish the area we wanted as all of the weeds were on the move towards the North West. Started off with our shallow program boards and riggers we put several good Bows in the boat one male that went 30 inches and some nice Browns. Then the weeds moved in we decided to pull and run north to Sampson. We got into the Lakers, Browns and a load of Salmon up north. The salmon were in areas I haven’t been getting them in and they were shallow out over deep water. We would let out a shallow copper or core on a board and as it was creeping out it would take off with another Salmon. All of the Bows and Browns went back to fight again, a few salmon and small Lakers hit the box. The deep 130 rigger with a Seneca ghost green dot flasher pounded the Lakers. Our dipsy bite was slow with around 5 Lakers on the wire but everything else more than made up for it. The lake is setting up and the bait is also moving out off shore and is suspended 40 to 70 ft. down, surface temp was 65 up north, and our speed was 2.2 to 2.3 at the ball. Should be game on now if you can find an area where the weeds don’t kill you.
  9. All depends on the boat like stated above. We bust our a$$ on my boat on the Finger Lakes and treat people the way they want to be treated. I have walked away from several trips with a tip bigger than what the trip cost, some folks are big tippers. Just give what you feel is right and have a great time. Like Yankee said watch out for the guy who puts out a few riggs and dosnt look back till the end of the trip had that happen to me out of Sodus once. Most of the guys do a great job if they didn't love it they wouldn't do it long. Sean
  10. The moon affects fish a lot, we can be out after a full moon and nail a few first thing early then nothing. Then you can look at your watch and know at about 9:30 they will start back up. I keep good records its funny the patterns you figure out. Sean
  11. Andy you got a good shallow water program going wouldn't shorten your shallow rigger leads to much. Tighten your release a little, sharpen hooks, and get that rod loaded up tip down to the water. Sean
  12. I run all size dipsys off out riggers if I'm running three or more per side. We use wire rigs with roller releases. Sean
  13. Nice job and great fish!
  14. My boat is in marina on South end and bass have been spawning in marina around dock post. Some have moved back out to lake. My daughter caught two off my charter boat at the dock that were in the 5lb range last week with a worm and bobber. LOL
  15. Had a great weekend on Seneca, Started out Saturday with my friend Dan his son, and parents. My daughter Sierra went along also and she was a great help setting rods and driving the boat. Sunday I had a great group from Ithaca out for their second time. Both days we left Watkins and ended up North of Sampson by the end of the day. Like other reports from today we found the Browns and Salmon in shallow first thing then as the day went on we pounded the Lakers out deep. The biggest Laker of the weekend was 34 inches and hit a white spinny/seneca ghost fly down 130. Everything took fish blood run copper in 100 ft to 300, core 3 to 12 colors, wire divers out 150 to 270 and riggers down 30, 50, 120, and 130. It was a spoon bite Saturday and Flasher Fly bite for most of today. Both days when our fish down South turned off after the am bite we ran north to Laker land and caught them one after another.
  16. Great job Mike and thanks again for the spoons ! It was a great day to be on the water. Sean
  17. Yup cold front! Going to be tough fishing looks like some wind for Sunday also
  18. Sounds like I'll have to pull the boat from Seneca and run to Cayuga
  19. Nice fish, and welcome to the forum! Sean
  20. If you want to run 1.8 and want flasher flies on the rigger run an E-chip with 20 inch leader on fly. Dipsy with a Spin Dr at 1.8 or less is usualy not the best program just above 1.8 you should be ok. Sean
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