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Everything posted by rolmops

  1. Sorry guys, I left something out. It is only the 19 strand torpedo wire that has the above mentioned sinking capability , the 7 strand has a rougher surface and will not sink at that rate.
  2. No you don't Every hundred feet of weighted steel wire gets you 20 feet down, If you have a good line counter you can for instance go 50 feet out and be only 10 feet down. Normally the weighted wire is sold in 200 and 300 feet lengths. It is true that the sinking rate of regular torpedo wire THAT IS LET OUT BEHIND WEIGHTED STEEL, has the same sinking rate as the weighted line. So if you want to fish 80 feet down you can let 200 weighted and 200 regular torpedo wire out and be at 80 feet down. I much prefer the weighted steel wire because it does not create the nasty birds nests that copper does. It also catches more fish, because not having to mess around with the famous nasty copper birds nests allows you to have your line in the water instead of the back of the boat.
  3. I think that the guy who sells it in North America is from Canada. I think he lives towards London. https://torpedodivers.com is the company that sells it.
  4. You're firefox user too? I love that browser.
  5. Just a little bit of info . As I logged into the lou website, I picked up 8 tracking attempts
  6. I used to catch tons of them in the ponds around Princeton and Holden in Massachusetts ,but then the Ma wildlife people decided that they were over populated and released tiger muskies in those ponds. that finished the white perch off.
  7. It is probably the best place to catch carp in NYS in spring along the Montezuma shore.
  8. I find that they work very well in spring, but as the season goes into summer and the natural bait grows larger they get to be less effective. I always have bad luck with stinger spoons in general. it seems that they loose their paint job a lot faster than other brands.
  9. Don’t loose any little bolts or screws
  10. When I had my 18 footer Sylvan I stored them on the boat only when fishing in rod holders set up vertical in the bow section. The setup had 10 rods storage capacity,along the seats between the front window and the bow. That way they stayed out of the way. I still do not know why I had to have 8 rods on that boat , but that is a different story.
  11. May his name and memory be blessed and not forgotten
  12. I would do a compression test and if the compression is good, I would clean out the carb, check the lower unit and if everything checks out ok just keep on using it. A new one is about $2000 . with that in mind you can check out what a rebuild costs and take it from there
  13. I had twin 1957 Johnson 35 hp sea horse engines on my 1957 Herter's 16 footers. (I know, I predate Dinosaurs and I knew young Ole Evinrude when he was a child). I had the splash problem and the tiger tail as well. So I went to Bill Mayer of Mayers Marina in Webster and asked how to solve the problems. He told me that because of water resistance to multiple lower units you can only expect a 35 % increase in power when using twin engines. The splashing and tiger tail problem are solved by trimming the engine a bit farther down which raises the stern a bit and the tiger tail will also become less that way. In addition he told me to have the engines face sideways just a bit so instead of one straight backward water stream you get two more separate streams. He warned me to be very careful with the down trimming because it pushes the bow down a bit and to never make sharp turns because of the engine angles as one of the engines may come out of the water a bit too much. Old Bill used to race boats in the fifties.
  14. Let's hope you did not pick up the virus and that you stay healthy. But if you do get sick it's not because of the fricking NY tyrants.
  15. The older Evinrude longshaft motors were 23 inch , not 20
  16. The extra weight of the second engine probably changed the weight balance enough for the boat to go up on plane and that makes a world of difference. There is a good chance that with only one 9.9 engine with the weight properly balanced (less up front more in back)and the motor properly trimmed you would make it up to 15 mph. The rooster tail happens because of too high trimming and /or too much water being pushed out and the air having less resistance than the water. The idea of using only 9.9 or less has a lot to do with keeping the lake clear of exhaust and noise pollution. You may or may not have found a legal loophole in the rule of this law, but the spirit of that law is breached.
  17. Sorry, Cloven is a nickname. I meant Quabbin reservoir
  18. This was only one question, but there are more, like, do you want to have tiller steering and speed control or would you prefer to cable remote control? Maybe it is wireless speed and steering remote control. If you fish alone,I would definitely go for the wireless remote system,it is so much more convenient and does not tie you to one place. As for 9.9 engine, do not under estimate the power of the smaller engines (9.8 or 6). If you think about new, my choice would be a 9.8 or 9.9 Tohatsu tiller with wireless remote speed and steering. But if a good second hand one (tiller or kicker) presents itself you may want to consider that too.. Do you fish Cloven? Sorry, I went off subject. 4 stroke engines are supposedly more powerful than 2 stroke ones . So for 4 stroke engines the brackets are heavier. The light weight 4 stroke Panther brackets are probably what you are looking for.( I think that this idea is based on the thought that 4 strokes are heavier than 2 strokes. But the 9.8 tohatsu tiller outboard has the same weight as most 2 strokes)
  19. 2 stroke or 4 stroke? how much hp?
  20. I think that the next flea market is in Buffalo in the same building and at the same time as the sports fishing expo. With covid over our heads there may not be as many visitors as other years.
  21. I think Fauci is falsely accused of negative action. Let's go back a few years. During the Bush and Obama administrations there were pandemic red flags like Zika, Sars and some other types of bird flue that crossed over to humans. Thank God , those were isolated and vanquished. During the Bush and ,later , the Obama administrations there was a healthy budget that was set up to study and prevent,or at least control catastrophic viral outbreaks. In the beginning of the Trump administration that budget and the manpower working on prevention were slashed,which left us in a poor position to quickly react. After pooh poohing the covid in the beginning, the Trump administration went all out to find a cure and with enormous effort and government support the vaccines were created and mass produced. In all of this, Fauci had to restart a very emaciated CDC in order to get it to the strength it needed to be, which he did. Although lacking the complete set of information needed he tried to set up rules for an effective response to corral and control the new virus. Which he did very well considering the constantly changing character of the virus and the lack of information available. It would have been better if he would have stayed out of the lime light. As for natural immunity, (Sweden tried until there was so much death that they changed their policy) yes there is such a thing. At the price of many more dead people and more mutations that can be more deadly or less so. Small pox was eradicated because of vaccines and so was polio to name just a few. Those diseases would still be causing havoc if the anti-vaccers would have gained the upper hand. As long as there are un-vaccinated people there is the virus as well, probably mutating in one way or another. Every unvaccinated person should ask him or herself if they would have survived polio or small pox and if they want to be the vessel in which the next mutation will happen, with possibly disastrous effects for those they love. Happy new year.
  22. Happy New year to all. Thank you Gator, for adding some common sense and calling a pseudo scientist's bluff.
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