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yank my line

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Everything posted by yank my line

  1. October 8 Webster Park
  2. That's a beautiful Atlantic!
  3. I saw the DEC trucks getting off the thruway at the Batavia exit yesterday. They delivered 138000 salmon and 10000 steelhead to Oak Orchard.
  4. New ones available.
  5. I have watched the workers at the hatchery take the big salmon and throw them without stripping or milking. They like to handle 15 to 20 pounders.
  6. Pretty poor looking leaderboard. Haven't filled the top twenty.
  7. Is that an Evil Eye laying on the steelhead?
  8. I think the IJC has different ideas!
  9. Today the smoke is worse than yesterday. The sun is a red ball
  10. More than 110000cfs coming into the lake than the amount going out.
  11. Any reports on what the trout and salmon are eating l
  12. They usually stop here every year to fuel up. It's one of the few places that truck can deliver diesel to the pier.
  13. Hatchery workers don't like handling large fish.
  14. The launch is open now.
  15. National Bouy Data Center Station 45135
  16. Where are the village launches located?
  17. They have pulled the booms!
  18. Last year they drew down the lake level into March and the level started a foot lower in Jan. This year they haven't started to draw down yet. The snow levels are higher this year so it looks like we're in for high water this year.
  19. It takes years for the water from those lakes to affect the water levels here. Lake Erie has the most impact. The IJC say's they can't control the lake level but their decisions don't seem to show that is true.
  20. There wasn't a single salmon or steelhead on the leaderboard from Monroe or Wayne county. I'm sure it wasn't a lack of fishermen. But it can't be good for businesses in the future.
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