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Everything posted by Crestliner1850

  1. I've been fishing lakers with Gambler rigs for over 5 years. It's been a complet game changer for me since. Also with Gambler's help and infos the learning curve was alot easier.
  2. Good stuff, I have traxstech on my boat too
  3. Well Mr Kevin you realy know your game, the fish just can't hide from you.
  4. Like new, was installed on my boat for 3 years and worked perfectly. Last season I used my i-pilot with my 9.9 combine with the i-troll and I prefer that. Now I'm ready to sale my Garmin TR1. If interested pm me and we will agree on a price.
  5. For info on BOQ go to http://forum2.quintefishing.com it's the best forum I found for good report on the subject.
  6. Hi Brian, just curius about your average speed when you fish for Brown?
  7. Hi Keith, when I set up my wire rods I use a small scotty rigger clip just in front of the reel so the wire stays tight on the spool. Then like said above, with the clicker on, loose the drag enough so the divers gets out slowly to it's depth and you will be fine.
  8. Awesome post. I've been a member of LOU for a couple years only and this season seems to be very good for big browns.
  9. Well Yankee Troller you really know how to find and hook those big browns
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