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Everything posted by FishingFool34

  1. Here’s what I got... I couldn’t seem to get 1ft contours. Idk if its the card or a setting I couldn’t find but I had 3ft contour lines everywhere on Ontario including chaumont bay.
  2. With the fluctuating water levels in the lake my maps were always off a few feet. There is an offset function that I could use, the problem was is was a universal offset. So if I offset Lake O to be correct (lets say it took a +4 offset). Then when I would fish Oneida lake, the maps would then be off +4 there. To me it was more valuable to have correct contour lines on Oneida than Lake O and I didn't feel like switching the offset all the time. Now keep in mind I fish out of Mexico and it's pretty much featureless out there, so any map really doesn't help me much.
  3. Sounds like maybe the antifreeze didn't make it through the entire system to me. I have a V8 and I know that it took more than 2 gallons (I wanna say it was between 3-4 gallons) when I ran antifreeze through it. I did mine winterization a little differently than you, I drained all the water out first. Then I ran antifreeze through the whole empty system until it started coming out the exhaust. I didn't want to run the risk of having a mix of anti-freeze and water in the system. Impeller is a routine maintenance item so it honestly can't hurt to replace it, but my guess is you just didn't use enough anti-freeze to circulate the whole system.
  4. I have a lakemaster card (I believe its the Northeast) as I also have ipilot link on my small boat. I use the same helix headunit for ice fishing as well so its currently all setup in my garage and will be easy to check. I've fished Chaumont before and I'm pretty sure that card had maps on it for the bay. I know for sure my card has maps for Ontario though. I will check it out and report back when I get home tonight.
  5. This is the one I bought to replace mine last year... works fine so far. All my stuff was old so I replaced everything, you can likely find just that pump if it's all you need. https://www.ebay.com/itm/ALL-NEW-SEAFLO-55-Series-Washdown-Pump-Kit-12V-DC-5-2-GPM-70-PSI-Marine-RV/153525104229?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649
  6. Carbon Fiber drag washer upgrade. You can purchase the kit and install yourself, you can find parts diagrams and videos online that will help you DIY. Or you can send them out to any reel repair shop (Tuna Tom, Rochester Reel Repair, etc) and they can do it for you. Night and day difference imo. If you take your time and layout everything (take lots of pictures as you're disassembling) you can install the kits yourself in 15-20 mins per reel. https://stores.tunasreeltroubles.com/1-1a-carbon-fiber-drag-washer-set-for-okuma-magda-magda-pro-series-reels-by-dragmasters/
  7. Magdas with a $10 carbon fiber drag washer upgrade, I ran these reels for the first 2 years I started salmon fishing. You're not going to find a better performing reel for under $50. That being said now I run Coldwaters for salmon and convectors for browns/walleye.
  8. Only time I've seen center mounted kickers were all on a shaft drive boats. I wouldn't even consider it with a I/O setup like that picture above. Not to mention you would have to run some type of kicker AP or electro steer setup as you likely wouldn't be able to connect to the main for steering. The offset from transom would be another concern as others mentioned above, I don't see the benefits.
  9. I've been using KastKing braid for the last 2 years, has worked well for everything I've used it for. Less than 1/2 the price of Power Pro braid.
  10. This has been discussed here before, on the show they were scrubbing the lures with a brush and non-ultra lemon joy. Keep in mind the show was sponsored by Pro-Cure, so they would make a show out of washing the lures and then covering them with Pro-Cure scent. Did they actually believe in what they were doing or just trying to keep the paychecks coming... who knows.
  11. Two years ago I bought my 8hp Tohatsu kicker from onlineoutboards… No complaints with them. Delivered right to my front door. I had that 8hp on a 175 Alumacraft T-Pro and it was plenty for that boat. Just an FYI Tohatsu makes all Mercury motors 15hp and below.
  12. This song isn't for everyone... also it's NSFW, more of a gag/funny song. Definitely fits the water theme requirement of the OP though... Lonely Island - I'm on a Boat
  13. Haha! Those are the exact ones I have and was referring to!
  14. As long as they are decently sharp pretty much any non-safety scissors would fine I'd guess. I use the pair I have for cutting braided line, no issues.
  15. He likely has dedicated setups, which is why he has 10 setups. Clip boards on to the backing and no wear and tear on the leadcore itself. I would never clip boards directly to the leadcore just fyi.
  16. Suffix Performance Leadcore 27lb and Fishusa Stealthcore 27lb. For me a 7 color and 10 color both go on 45 size reels so there was no benefit in micro lead for me. My leadcore is pretty much strictly salmon/trout so I'd rather have the extra strength and 27lb test. If I was targeting only walleye I would likely use the 18lb stuff.
  17. Best price you will find new is at Northwoods outlet just fyi. Finding them used is tough, there is nothing better to upgrade to. Goodluck on your search https://northwoodsoutlet.com/product/fish-hawk-x4d-bluetooth-lcd/
  18. I also use a Beckman, never had anything but goodluck with Beckman nets. I use the 26"x34" hoop on a 6-9ft handle.
  19. This is a known issue with the coldwater line. If you follow Rochester Reel Repair on facebook he put up a lengthy post on this just the other day. If you read his post and purchase a carbon fiber drag washer kit ($10) you can fix the issue. There is a plastic washer in the reel which is replaced with a CF one from the kit, there is also a stack of 3 curved metal washers that need to be re-orientated. $10 and 15 mins of your time (there are multiple YouTube videos cover the disassembly process) and you can fix that issue.
  20. Will listen to offers and possibly trades as well. Looking for some 6" Bert's track, an adjustable rod holder, Okuma Reels, Flashers, Rods.
  21. (2) big jon swivel mounts (2) big jon mounting plates $175 shipped
  22. Thankfully you are in the minority on this forum. If you're obviously so secretive about your fishing techniques why even make videos then? Seems like a much safer way to protect your "hot rig" is to just leave the cameras at home? Imagine what would happen if you missed an edit and someone saw your "hot rig", they would almost certainly catch fish that would have been yours otherwise...
  23. There are different types of fishing videos on Youtube imo… there are fishing SHOWS and fishing VIDEOS. Fishing shows are sponsor heavy and I think they tend to use and do things in a way to promote sponsored items that may or may not be how they would normally fish. Now nothing against them, it's their job and they want to keep sponsors happy as that is where the majority of their money comes from. Then there are fishing videos, these are people who are more focused on content as they make their money from ad revenue and more views equals more money. These are guys who go in depth into techniques and equipment because they usually don't have large sponsorships they tend use equipment they prefer and techniques they actually believe work. These sometimes tend to be the more "clickbait" type video titles but they are usually pretty good content-wise. Then there is a smaller section of people that do it all for fun. They want to capture something they enjoy and even teach/help others with things they have found. These people's videos don't tend to be the first ones that come up in a search as they have lower subscription counts and their videos aren't as polished. But these tend to can be some of the best videos imo. There are a lot of good fishing videos on YT, you just have to pick the right ones. Some of the best great lakes fishing videos I have watched on YT are made by members here, Fishin' Physician assistant, Russell's fishing tech, Dan the fisher, among others.
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