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Typically west as in off of the plant or west of the plant (ie radio tower).  Seems to be what Im hearing (currently) although its always variable and in summer (generally) scattered when out of mexico....sometimes good sometimes not.   Sometimes more north off of the south/north pond can be good....but when its not its a wasteland when not good (for salmon).  Regardless out of mexico can be a crap shoot in june/july just depending on unknowns and winds.  Sorry to be vauge, I'm a long time Mexico guy and it just is what it is.   Generally guys out of oswego do better in this time fishing a little east of there or having ability to go a bit west. 

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5 hours ago, Fat Trout said:

Typically west as in off of the plant or west of the plant (ie radio tower).  Seems to be what Im hearing (currently) although its always variable and in summer (generally) scattered when out of mexico....sometimes good sometimes not.   Sometimes more north off of the south/north pond can be good....but when its not its a wasteland when not good (for salmon).  Regardless out of mexico can be a crap shoot in june/july just depending on unknowns and winds.  Sorry to be vauge, I'm a long time Mexico guy and it just is what it is.   Generally guys out of oswego do better in this time fishing a little east of there or having ability to go a bit west. 

Fat Trout hit the nail on the head  The Eastern basin of LO can be on fire one day and devoid of fish the next  Salmon are a pelagic fish and can move great distances overnight. They also move up and down in the water column following preferred temps and bait fish   Fishing in the Eastern basin is more like hunting than fishing. You have to find them to catch them. Later when the mature Kings start migrating east to their spawning grounds , they are more concentrated and not as apt to wander. 

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Did short morning hunts the last 2 weekends out of Mexico. Last Saturday came up dry and did 4 for 4 on Sunday. Yesterday had one knock off, that’s it and today did 1 for 3. I just try to search inside the temp and find bait. Play it day to day for me being a weekend warrior.

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7 hours ago, Logger Gen II said:

Thanks a lot for the info guy’s really appreciate it 👍 I guess best thing to do is just fish 😂 go figure 

True, but anything you hear helps.  That and if you know nothing start at lets say 125 in your guessed area (north or west) and troll out to 200+ looking for marks of interest and circle that a time or 2 and keep going.  If you have a spoon line down on a rigger drop a free slider with 6 ft of lead.  I get steelhead and salmon on that free slider a lot.    One day I got a nice steelhead on a meat rig deep and a really nice salmon on the free slider with a spoon with color intended for a steelhead so you never know.   If winds seem to bring in / up temperature don't be afraid to stop at 100.  I've stopped short, observed high cold temp and picked up kings this way the last few years in early july.

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52 minutes ago, Fat Trout said:

True, but anything you hear helps.  That and if you know nothing start at lets say 125 in your guessed area (north or west) and troll out to 200+ looking for marks of interest and circle that a time or 2 and keep going.  If you have a spoon line down on a rigger drop a free slider with 6 ft of lead.  I get steelhead and salmon on that free slider a lot.    One day I got a nice steelhead on a meat rig deep and a really nice salmon on the free slider with a spoon with color intended for a steelhead so you never know.   If winds seem to bring in / up temperature don't be afraid to stop at 100.  I've stopped short, observed high cold temp and picked up kings this way the last few years in early july.

Thanks I’ve never done that actual same thing but sounds like a good plan to try……once again thanks for the info….very much appreciated 

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I'll be going out tomorrow morning, weathers looking spotty, not sure how long I'll be out.

I've been having decent luck staying west of the power plant, 10 miles or so offshore. 

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Ran into a couple schools of younger Kings. 2 year olds. 150-200 FOW west of Sandy Pond. Water was rough, couldnt make it as far west as I wanted to. 

Not a terrible day. Still waiting on the older fish to roll in. 

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13 minutes ago, Logger Gen II said:

Heading out tomorrow morning out of Mexico I’ll let everyone know what I come up with 👍


See ya out there!

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Shaping up to be a banner year! Brother in law with a nice one from today. 26#, 40" long, 12" tail. Crew he was fishing with boated 9 total today including 1 coho. All others boated were 2 year olds. I'm up to my butt in home projects or else I would be going back out with them tomorrow. Good luck everyone. 


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