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Shout out for Jekyll

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I was fishing Oswego this Saturday and someone cut me off causing me to slow waaay down. Rigger balls dropped and hung. Lost the whole lot on the speed temp rigger but had a line hang in the cable. After what seemed like a eternity I was able to position the boat over the rigger that still had cable and retrieve the wieght and all the cable (it was a new torpedo weight so thank you lady luck). Next I only had a line that I knew was hung in the cable of the speed temp rigger. Pumped the rod up and manuvered the boat and was able to grab the cable. Manuvered some more and was able to get right over it and free it saving the gage and weight. I was now cableless and the antenna from the probe fell off into the water when the meley went down. Jekyll called for a report mid morning and I relayed my misfortune and that I was trying to chase down a cable and antenna. Jekyll then told me he had both on board and would front me them to get me back on the water. I met him at his dock and he handed the cable and antenna over. I was able to get back up and running by 3:30 and fished the evening (went 0-0 but at least I was fishing).

A huge thank you to Jekyll and his kindness for saving the day. Here is a guy I met at the docks two weeks ago while waiting for a strom to pass. I found out he posts to this board and we talked a few minutes about the board and that was it. I pm'd him a few times and offered to share what I knew when he came up for the weekend. He was willing to save the day for a stranger he had met briefly and and in reality doesn't know very well.

Cudo's to you Jekyll the world needs more people like you in it.

I'd also like to thank Chris at St. Thomas (I think) Outfitters. He had a cannon wheel in stock that got a rigger repaired for me on Friday. Very quick turn around on a message I left him when I called from on the water. The service out in the Oswego area, from my standpoint, was outstanding.

Great trip and I will be back.

I'll report in the report section.


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My pleasure Spike, glad to have helped. There was a great movie a few years ago titled "Pay It Forward". I'm just doing my part.

This forum is a great asset to the anglers of Lake O. I've met some nice people as a result of this site. I have posted open seats for riders and to a man, each rider has been a great guy and each is welcome back on the Dapper Dan.

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