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Everything posted by GAMBLER

  1. They stop abruptly but frays and kinks in the cable are on the user. I agree that snubbers should be included on these riggers but Hummingbird couldn't even give me a screen protector for the fish finder I purchased this spring. I had to buy it.
  2. Anyone looking to sign up for the Shootout today will have to contact Rob or Tim. I am unavailable due to my fathers services today. I will be available all day tomorrow. I will be in Hilton and Hamlin depending on the time of day.
  3. Sandy has been very consistent all season. Lots of kings around close to shore.
  4. $20.00. I will ship to the lower 48 at buyers expense or pick up in Hilton NY.
  5. 21 pitch Bravo II prop is great condition. $200.00 and local pick up in Hilton NY.
  6. Go with the Amish outfitter rigger snubbers. Before I had digitrolls, I used them for years. They worked great.
  7. When I went up a couple years ago, I fished Carlton island and did fish. The West end, North side and East end. The Southwest section is very shallow. The SE side of the island was awesome for perch too. Just be careful of the electrical line laying on the bottom. We caught it with our anchor. That was not fun.
  8. The digitrolls you can adjust the speeds. The STX models need snubbers. They stop very abruptly.
  9. I have no idea what you guys are doing to lose probes..... I have been running cannon downriggers for 20+ years and never lost a probe. I am anal about checking for kinks, and frays. If you have a kink or fray in the cable and you continue to run your probe on that rigger you can't blame Cannon or their equipment.
  10. It all depends. Most of the time, 120 is consistent East of the Creek. This year, I haven't laker fished since the Spring derby. I did see a significant amount of lakers East of the creek in 125-135 last trip. Shallow usually produces smaller lakers. I find bigger ones are deeper and in smaller pods with fish of the similar size.
  11. From what I heard, it was slow for everyone compared to what its been lately.
  12. I have had luck fishing the edge of the shipping channel. Shallow early morning and late evening and deep mid day. I run Thunderstick deep divers and deep diving reef runners. Leadcore or drop weights will help reach the deeper fish.
  13. I posted a pic of the contact info for the guy on my post.
  14. Fished East of the creek in 60-70 looking for a LOC brown. Started the morning with 3 high teen kings in a row. Settled into a nice fast paced morning taking browns, kings, steelhead and 2 small lakers. 60, 64 and 67 riggers, divers at 180 and 190 and 3 ten color cores pulling stinger stingrays in Black UV Tuxedo, Froggy glow and A.S.S. dill pickle were the stars for the day. Lots of 6-8 lb browns, kings from 8-18lbs and three 7-8lb steelhead. The highlight of the day was an 11.13 brown that hit a 10 color with a Black UV Tuxedo Stingray in 70. We will be back out next week looking for a LOC king and Laker to put one on the board in every division!
  15. Lampricide treatments. We missed 2 seasons due to covid. This year seems better than last year but numbers are still high.
  16. If you fish the lake in October and November, you will see that a large number of browns do not even enter the tribs to spawn. We used to troll browns all fall into winter and would catch tons of browns in the lake spitting eggs or milt.
  17. I wouldn't blame stream or lake guys for bad brown years. A big issue with the brown population is cormorants and lamprey. My last two trips targeting browns, there have been lamprey scars or live lamprey on 90% of the browns we have boated and only one over 10lbs (which is not even close to the norm for this time of year and with the conditions right now). IMO browns do not do well with lamprey predation compared to other species. We are also seeing a lack of browns over 10lbs right now. Why? What happened a couple years ago with stocking? Trib and Lake guys need to come together to put more pressure on the DEC and Feds to get these two damaging creatures under control!
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