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Everything posted by jimski2

  1. Chautauqua Lake has an abundance of perch. Last year with ten kids we landed 500 perch keepers in six hours through the ice. They were all cleaned and eaten. The problem with too many perch is they consume too much of the forage and the successful recruitment of good class years of walleye, bass and muskys fails to happen. Do not fear taking too many of these perch as their numbers go down, the surviving perch will get larger and the biomass will remain the same or better. Releasing the smaller fish only hurts the diversity of the fishery.
  2. The 10 HP Honda has a 10 amp charging circuit to keep your batterys charged when you use your riggers, graph and plotters.
  3. Honda sells a 10 hp O/B with remote controls, power trim and tilt and it can be steered from the I/O unit and your regular steering. It has high thrust, makes less noise than your main engine, burns less fuel, has an electronic throttle control from Cabela's and is a safe way to get you in if your main engine fails. It runs on regular gas from your main tanks. With the main engine lower unit in the down position, it steers well although it is offset on your transom. I love mine and remember this little engine gets more hours trolling than your main engine.
  4. Success in perch fishing is rigging up your lines for sensitivity of your line and pole. Use 10/4# Kevlar line like fireline crystal. It is like a "guitar string" sending up the crunches of a perch as it sucks in your minnow and scales and crushes it before swallowing it. Use a light action tip on pole so even though you feel nothing, the weight of the perch will bend the tip telling you to set the hook. Use no swivels or snaps, direct tie your snelled hooks to the line for more sensitivity. Always tie your sinker close to the bottom hook. This will keep your bottom hook in the mud where the perch normally feed. The bottom hook outfishes your other hooks 3 to 1. On Lake Erie we fish for perch in 80 feet of water today in the heat of the summer so prepare your boat with at least three times the depth of anchor line, like 250 feet. A small 10# anchor helps since you have to move a lot to find "the Glory Hole" where the perch do not stop hitting. Use your graph to find the schools on the bottom 5' of your screen. Most importantly is to immediately keep your fish in a cooler of ice. You can take a couple days to clean your catch if you ice them down immediately after catching them.
  5. Democrats and Republicans and others are all the same, labels that divide us to keep the same people in power.
  6. Bass Pro & Cabela"s outlet stores use the same old Sears Roebuck trick- a lot of guy stuff, but most of all it is a chick store loaded with clothes and dust collectors. The guys bring their wives who outspend them. Warning, do not bring your lady with you when you go into one of these outfits.
  7. search out outboard motor power head rebuilders a lot of places here http://www.1outboard.com
  8. http://www.marineparts.com Check out powerheads, Sea Drive
  9. Next year the goofs will come up with the "what is a lifetime?" and determine it is the lifetime of a mosquito and you will need to buy another license again. There was a TV store that had lifetime guarantees on the repairs, but then the store died. I wonder when Albany will die?
  10. What happens next year when the goofs in Albany spend the money this year while they are in office. This absolute fiscal insanity that will harm the DEC since Albany will not make up the shortfall in revenues. Remember when they gave the $5 license to 65 year old seniors. The next year DEC license sales went into the tank and they cried for increases in license costs. If the lifetime license money was put into a trust with future distributions, this could work but the money will be spent immediately.
  11. Two men were hospitalized in Buffalo yesterday when their boat caught fire at the fuel dock. One cup of gasoline has the explosive power of a stick of dynamite. An electric spark from the starter motor brushes, solenoid or other source has a temperature of 30,000 degrees F. More than enough to ignite gasoline fumes. Run your ventilation fans and do not spill any fuel. Check your fuel hoses, especialy the fill and vent hoses for tight connections. When they age over the years the rubber hardens and shrinks leading to gasoline leaks.
  12. As the boating season goes on, I have seen three boats with built in gasoline tanks, get towed in because of water in their gasoline. Add your fuel treatment now if you have not because you could be next.
  13. When the smelt numbers fell off, the emerald shiners, the lakes natural forage rebounded. Unfortunately the smelt, a predator of all fry such as walleye and perch, are coming back. The Atlantic Salmon thrived on emerald shiners.
  14. http://www.themarinedoctor.com A lot of good stuff here, perko battery switches and their operation is in there if you can find it.
  15. History repeats itself! This time the Catt and the Silver/Walnut Creeks outdid the one from a couple years ago. Now we have to deal with the tires, railroad ties, trees, logs, homes, bridges and other junk floating in the lake. The Thruway Bridge luckily survived. THE WATER WAS ABOUT A FOOT FROM THE GIRDERS AND A TREE COULD HAVE PLUGGED IT UP TO RAISE THE WATER OVER IT. Be aware that this could happen at any marina and when the weather threatens, you should do something to protect your boat and homes. Gowanda and Silver Creek took some bad hits. My golf course lost three bridges, so half the course is closed till a long time. Say a prayer for those who are suffering from the rain storms.
  16. A roller trailer works best in shallow waters or sandy and mud launch ramps. You just get the first set of rollers in the water and winch the boat straight on up. If you try to float your boat on a roller trailer you will likely get it on off center. But your likelyhood of getting stuck in the sand or mud are less with roller trailer that is used in the winch on method. Bunk traikers work well at concrete ramps or with a 4 wheel drive tow vehicle.
  17. A very important factor in the purchase of a new boat is the future cost and availability of fuel. Not just the fuel costs for the boat but your tow vehicle enters the equation. If you buy a heavy barge that can not be towed, you are stuck in the port where you dock it and lose the ability to travel around the lake or lakes wherever. An 18 foot aluminum hull with a trailer weighing less than 3500 pounds gives you a lot of freedom to travel and store the boat at home. If the water conditions are too rough for an 18 footer, they are too rough for all boats unless you are a charter boat needing to make a living and your customers are paying the fuel bill. Look at the professional walleye and bass anglers who tow boats up to 22 foot with diesel pickup trucks and find out what their fuel costs are. If you do not cash a check, it is back on the job soon.
  18. It looks like the manufacturers and sellers of PFD's bought out the Albany crew. They probably added to their phony budget another 10 million dollars in anticipated revenues from the fines collected from enforcement of this law. When the Albany checks start bouncing, these guys will not be in office anyway.
  19. I used my Garmin handheld on the Great Lakes, my motorhome to Florida, my car, my brothers floatplane in Alaska and in the woods. Where it does not work is the compass only is functional when you are moving. If you stop and turn around , it does not indicate anything, so always have a pocket or boat compass to compare your readings.
  20. I think the condensation seen is from the refrigerant effect of the volatiles evaporating from the gasoline.
  21. My Bass fishing buddy loves the side imaging. Out in the deeper mudflats it finds humps of rocks above the surface of the mud that hold a lot of bass. With his dropshot rigs he targets these fish successfully.
  22. East and North winds are usually accompanied low humidity conditions. The sun's ultra violet rays drive the fish deep to protect themselves. The deep waters have lower dissolved oxygen in them and the metabolic rate of the fish shut down. They quit eating simply, so your hooks are out of the fish catching equation. A "good fisherman" knows when to go fishing and when to stay home and get things ready for good fishing conditions. If the East wind conditions happen on your day off, take your medicine and make other plans. If you have chartered a trip, enjoy the day and ride, be happy you are away from all the honey do's and co workers.
  23. http://www.Craigslist.com This is a popular site locally for used boats and parts.
  24. http://www.Trailerpartsdepot.com Patrs and information here
  25. I used to go 2 or 3 aluminum props a year. Then I bought a power tim and tilt engine, very few prop problems, and I take my boat into the beach daily.
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