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Everything posted by spoonfed-1

  1. I got a set of the small ones and am pretty happy with them so far. Had to tune one of them up just a little bit to get it to stop diving but know it's perfect. I run mine per instructions. Hell I ran them last Sunday in 16 to 18 mph winds with a nasty little chop just to see if they would handle it and they did to my suprise. I'm going to pick up another set. Let us know how the big ones run after you try them. Glen
  2. Nice Randy. Thats the direction I wanted to go on Sunday but the wind said west. Glad to hear things are picking up and you did well. Any big ones on the Browns? Glen
  3. I Like to keep it simple and it seems to work OK for me. White on white. Green on green and secret variations of flies on Chrome. LOL Good starting place for ya. Glen
  4. Thanks guys. Rodney, See you in a couple. Nick I got the check. Thanks. PJ I'll be looking for your boat. Fish were really healthy but had to work for um. No easy ones or big numbers.... YET. Good fishing everybody. Glen
  5. The levels were extremely low but have been slowly coming up the last 2 weeks. Probably only a foot below normal as of this past weekend. Stay way from the far north launch like Todd mentioned and you'll be fine. Glen
  6. Finally got the wife up to the Lake this weekend. Saturday the Bay was crankin and I couldn't fish with just the wife in the boat so we took the day off and relaxed around the camper. Well at least one of us relaxed and the other one split and stacked firewood, worked on the boat for 3 hours and cleaned up the campsight for the rest of the season.....Shes a good women. LOL. Sunday morning finally got out on the lake and fished for about 4 hours. Fished the only area the WNW wind would allow with just the wife and I on the boat. Her first fish of 2010 was a nice spunky rainbow about 7 lbs. In the next few hours we did a Coho, three Browns and dropped 2 more Browns ending the morning 5/7. All fish were healthy and starting to battle a little bit with the water temps climbing into the upper 40's. Sticks off the boards took all but 2 shots today spoons off the riggers took the other two. Fished 8 to 18 fow. From what little I saw the numbers of Browns are just not here yet but there are enough to keep busy with. It will only get better. Glen
  7. 9" from the front to the knot 14 " from the back to the knot according to Big John. You drill your holes 3/4 of an inch from center to center lower on the board (towards the bottom) straight down from the originals. Sean this is for the tow line holes They will pull like hell. Glen
  8. Can't help you with those launches but Mexico is open about 4 miles away incase their not. Glen
  9. Stick with your Cannon terminators. They don't cause any spots that create week spots in the cable to fail. Can't get a much stronger connection as I've been running them for probably 10 years and never had one fail. On my probe rigger I use thimble and crimps to insure a good contact but check it often for signs of ware. Seems like I always end up trimming and reconnecting because of frayed coating before I ever have problems around the crimps. I don't know what kind of releases you plan on using but I use Scotty pinch pads off Atomic Torpedo weights and this system works good for me. Might be completey different if your going to use inline releases. Glen
  10. You will need backing on a Convector 30 to fill the spool to that 1/8 mark. I like to fill my reels to that mark so I use backing. Problem being it's been so long since I put wire on an Okuma I don't remeber how much you'll need. Come to think about it I don't even remeber if it was 30 lb or 20 lb wire I put on there. You can always put your wire on one reel, then the backing to fill her up, then transfere the whole thing from one reel to another. Keep track of how much backing goes onto the 2nd reel before you hit the wire and you'll be good to go for any future reels you do. Glen
  11. In my opinion the end of April beggining of May you will be better off at the Bar. The Oak is an outstanding port also but usually the Niagara area is better that early in the season. Glen
  12. How much water were you over when you hit the Atlantic? Thanks Glen
  13. KOA in Youngstown. Have cabins or trailer rentals. Not cheap but not to bad either. Boat launch is about 10 minutes away at the state park. Glen
  14. Nick you either got BIG hands or SMALL fish. LOL I can see I don't have to teach you guys on how to make the fish look nice in the pictures. Actually, despite the lack of fish you guys did well out there with 100% hook to land ratio on those Browns. Pleasure to have you guys onboard and I think we will be all set by tournament time. Got to apologize to bottom feeder. Didn't mean to highjack your post. Nice job in tough conditions Todd. It will get better soon. Glen
  15. Very nice. Hopeing to put a dent in them this weekend. Glen
  16. Yes we had a discussion on the rubber band thing Hank.... They work good if your on the highway and you got to piss. Other than that I just don't see a use for them on my boat. Clarke the surface temps were 38 to 42. That NW wind had a bit of a bite to it but beautiful weather for this time of year. Not sure but I might of had a couple tender foots onboard. Crystal clear water everywhere we fished with bottom visable to 20 fow. Glen
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