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Everything posted by spoonfed-1

  1. LOL. Good call Tom. 170,000 + on my 01 Tacoma. Had to replace a sensor this past summer. Only thing thats broke on it so far other than regular maintanence stuff and shes done alot of towing. As far as the Scotty belts go you are correct. Every season I check the tension on the belts and use the tension adjuster if needed. Takes about 2 minutes. Glen
  2. Scottys are tough to beat. The belts hold up just fine. I've only had to replace one in 14 or 15 seasons and that was caused by an operater error. Pulled a plastic bag up into the front roller. Why pay more when the Scottys are very good riggers? Don't make sense. IMO. Every year I see more and more boats switching over to Scottys. Must be something to it. I can vouch that they last. Glen
  3. Very glad to hear you made it back safe. Thank god for those other fishermen. Glen
  4. If you want to buy the best, go with the Shimano Tekotas. 500 lc's would be fine for the Finger Lakes and Brown trout on LO. Maybe a little overkill but you asked what the best reels were. 600 lc's are what I use for riggers and wire on LO and 700 and 800's for copper and let me tell you they are sweet. If you can afford it get the best. No more upgrades after that. Glen
  5. I have the AP12 H and it's been flawless for 4 or 5 seasons now. I couldn't be happier with mine and it gets a lot of use. Nasty seas included. Obviously theres a problem with your unit. I would take them up on their offer and send the whole unit back to them. If they get it straightened out you will end up with one nice AP. I know it's a pain in the a_ _ but once in a while you end up with a bum unit. It happens but it sounds like they are standing behind their product. If it makes it any easier I know quit a few guys that are also extremely happy with their Simrads and no issues. I"m pretty sure yours is the first problem I've heard of. Good luck and don't give up yet. Glen
  6. Got a Garmin and have no complaints. Like the color unit. Easy to use and decent maps of Lake Ontario. Can't go wrong with a Garmin. Glen
  7. Iceman, Why would you want to stay and share your infinate wisdom on such an unfair and biased message board as this one? Surley there are other places and people you could help that would appreciate you. Glen
  8. Nice Scott. I'm going to try to make it out for some winter Landlocks with the little boat a couple times this year. Will be in touch. Hope your dad is doing well. tell him I said hello. Glen
  9. We run Jplugs on our boat Stan. Never ran the others. No reason to. We do just fine on the J's. Glen
  10. If your getting bit your fine. If your over fish and nothings happening you need to experiment a little with your speed. Glen
  11. Tim hit the nail on the head with his speed advice. It's the single most important consideration. Glen
  12. Food Saver Game Saver Turbo. Pretty sure I got it through Cabelas Bill. Glen
  13. Our thoughts ands prayers are with you. Very sorry to hear of your loss. Glen and Kelly
  14. There were alot of fish in front of the Salmon river last weekend. 30 - 50 fow was best. Alot can change in a week but thats probably your best bet. Good luck getting the boy a fish or two. I'll be out this weekend in front of the river so give me a shout on 78 if your around. "Spoonfed" The Salmon river is loaded with fish from what I am hearing. Glen
  15. Thanks Chris. Might take you up on that. You ever fish Skaneatles in the fall? I'll be fishing this weekend if your interested. Got one guy but theres always room for ya. Glen
  16. Man I miss those Fall days and those fall bows on the fingers. Nice fish. Glen
  17. LOL. Looking at past results Jan I would have to give that one a big ole NO. Sell it to Scott. I'm pretty sure my bad day was caused by the inconsistant speed. I had to run north and south with the rest of the fleet and we were taking them broadside. The rods on the down wind side of the boat were going to fast and the rods on the up wind side of the boat were just kinda hanging there going to slow. The Charter boats are alot heavier than mine so they didn't have as much of a problem. All three of the captains I talked to that did real well said their speed was critical that day. The only fish I did connect with was when I went past the fleet, trolled out and back in with the chop. I was able to maintain a somewhat consistant speed. Probably should have stuck with that troll but there wasn't no where near as many fish there so I went back in to the pack. But thanks for the advice. LOL Glen
  18. Jeff. Jeff that coho rig will still work good. Got to upsize the flys and then give them a try. Only Bananas on the boat was me going there watching those fish steak away from my spread. There was enough fish in there, and not Cohos, I should of been able to take a half dozen by accident. Glen
  19. Well there are plenty of Salmon in the Bay now. No shortage of boats either. Saturday morning I went way up north looking for fish because of the number of boats that were in the Bay. Vistied a couple of my productive spots from past years and was pretty dissapointed with the results. Very few fish in them and we only ended up with 3 Kings and a Rainbow. Coming back to port I stopped short and set some rods. We were marking alot of fish but didn't have time to work them because my buddy had some plans I had to get him back in for. Went to bed seeing slamming rods and screaming drags for early Sunday morning. Even called my friend Kremer01 who was fishing with me today and asked him if he could show up earlier than planned because it was going to be a blood bath and we would be done early. Oh boy, did I end up eating those words. We started out were I had planned and the friggin screen was blank. That particular area was stacked with fish Sat. afternoon. Fished for awhile and pulled rods and started heading further North. Within a couple miles we found them and set back up. Went over fish after fish after fish with no takers. Plenty of interest but no comittment. Swapped lures, changed colors, changed speeds and did nothing. Man was I getting pissed out there. I just plain sucked today. Boats all around us were taking fish and I couldn't get connected. Well after about 5 hours with only one nice King to the back of the boat I even knocked that one off with the net. Just wasn't meant to be I guess. LOL. Anyway there are alot of fish in the Bay and I even left you my share today. It was good to have you back onboard Rod. Feel bad about the results though. Happy fishing Glen
  20. Nice job Dave. Good to see the Little Salmon River guys getting it done. See you out there. Congratulations. Glen
  21. Chowder. Thanks for the Arrrgh. Jeff. See you in the spring. Duane. I would go for a 9:00 pm dead line if it could be done without losing weigh stations. If I remember correctly this was the issue in the past. Ray. I caught them big strippers and I prefere the battle of a big ole King. Also hate the maintanence involved with the whole saltwater thing. Rodney you got a pm. Heres a picture of a happy brother-in-law with the fish just out of the water.
  22. Chowder, Just might be the best weekend of the season so far. From what I saw last week the fish are running late this year. Go for it. There were fish but no where near what there should have been. Glen
  23. No problem Jeff. I saw what happened to you and had Kelly turn away to port when I saw you had a fish on. Nice job on your LOC fish too. Why didn't you zip in to the salmon river and weigh at the light house? It sucks about not weighing in but those are the rules. Everybodys on the same clock. I got to get it done earlier next year. LOL. See you up there. Glen
  24. Yes. The rules state the fish must be weighed the day it was caught. Glen
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