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Everything posted by bandrus1

  1. this is about where I am at except the coho being bigger
  2. best replica mount I have seen https://www.facebook.com/SalmonEggStudios?fref=ts https://www.facebook.com/pages/Salmon-Egg-Studios/107344319297900
  3. i say we all pitch in a few bucks and get somebody with a physics degree to make a model
  4. mine was cracked about half way up and I used epoxy and it works fine
  5. i was out yesterday and the temp was very warm all the way down to 140 feet most people were fishing 400- 600 fow
  6. the general rule of thumb is a 3:1 ratio on the 2.5 setting
  7. I would run the ethonol free 91 my etec says to run the 87 but why when you can run better stuff corn free
  8. couple for sale here http://www.ebay.com/itm/34-Lightly-Used-NORTHERN-KING-Trout-Salmon-Trolling-SPOONS-Lures-NK-28-NK-22-/380696066441?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item58a340f989
  9. http://www.lakeontariounited.com/fishing-hunting/topic/38776-some-early-river-kings/
  10. That probably wasnt a sunday evening when nowhere was open and you are broke down at a private business that says the boat needs to be move cant really sit and wait for a claim to be approved when that is the case
  11. I think a probe system is as important than a fish finder
  12. nahh just pull a 400 copper and head for the pack and hold on tight
  13. Take Ray up on his offer...... Good teacher who is patient with newbies.... have gone out with him myself to learn new things
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